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Battle of the Big Bang

The New Tales of Our Cosmic Origins

A thrilling exploration of competing cosmological origin stories, comparing new scientific ideas that upend our very notions of space, time, and reality.
By most popular accounts, the universe started with a bang some 13.8 billion years ago. But what happened before the Big Bang? And how do we know it happened at all? Here prominent cosmologist Niayesh Afshordi and science communicator Phil Halper offer a tour of the peculiar possibilities: bouncing and cyclic universes, time loops, creations from nothing, multiverses, black hole births, string theories, and holograms. Along the way, they offer both a call for new physics and a riveting story of scientific debate.
Incorporating insights from Afshordi’s cutting-edge research and Halper’s original interviews with scientists like Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, and Alan Guth, Battle of the Big Bang compares these models for the origin of our origins, showing each theory’s strengths and weaknesses and explaining new attempts to test these notions. Battle of the Big Bang is a tale of rivalries and intrigue, of clashes of ideas that have raged from Greek antiquity to the present day over whether the universe is eternal or had a beginning, whether it is unique or one of many. But most of all, Afshordi and Halper show that this search is filled with wonder, discovery, and community—all essential for remembering a forgotten cosmic past.

360 pages | 14 color plates, 24 halftones, 1 tables | 6 x 9 | © 2025

Physical Sciences: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics--Popular Books, Theoretical Physics


"Battle of the Big Bang: The New Tales of Our Cosmic Origins by Afshordi and Halper surveys theories of what caused the big bang, including black holes, 'bouncing' universes, and time loops."

Publishers Weekly (Spring 2025 Fiction & Nonfiction Preview: Science)

"Competing cosmological origin stories, new scientific ideas that upend our very notions of space, time and reality."

The Bookseller

"You’ve heard of the big bang, the explosive origin to our universe. But what made the big bang? What’s the origin of the origin of our universe? Halper and Perimeter researcher Afshordi offer explanations based on interviews with scientists like Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, and more. If you have someone wondering about the original 'chicken or the egg?' question of our universe, then this book is for them."

Perimeter Institute (2024 Perimeter science nerd gift guide)

"Engaging, passionate, and very well documented, this account of the intellectual struggle to figure out what actually happened 14 billion years ago, when the universe as we know it was born, is a pleasure to read and an intellectual feast of ideas."

Carlo Rovelli, New York Times best-selling author of "White Holes," "Seven Brief Lessons on Physics," and "The Order of Time"

"The universe started with a big bang. Or did it? In this book, physicist Afshordi and science communicator Halper masterfully weave together how much—or how little—scientists know about the beginning of everything. It is the ultimate origin story and a must-read for everyone curious about where everything comes from."

Sabine Hossenfelder, physicist and author of "Existential Physics: A Scientist's Guide to Life's Biggest Questions"

“Afshordi and Halper’s Battle of the Big Bang is a wonderfully broad and open-minded historical perspective, with much detailed analysis, of the study of the origin of the universe. It provides us with an excellent overview of the various approaches to this deep and important issue.”

Roger Penrose, professor emeritus of mathematics, University of Oxford, and cowinner of the Nobel Prize in Physics

“It’s so good to finally get the truth about what happened at the Big Bang in book form. Not that we actually know, but that’s the point. Maybe the Big Bang was the beginning, maybe it wasn't. There are a lot of exciting possibilities, which cosmologists are actively debating, and Battle of the Big Bang lets you listen in on those heated conversations.”

Sean Carroll, physicist at Johns Hopkins University and New York Times best-selling author of “The Biggest Ideas in the Universe”

Battle of the Big Bang is a look at how science works at the frontiers of knowledge. It’s a high-stakes game played by some of the smartest people around. As one of the players, with a theory on the table, Afshordi is in an ideal position to tell the story. And Halper, one of the best science interviewers in the business, brings a treasure trove of conversations with participants on all sides. This results in a book full of wonderful insights and back stories that will be new to many readers.”

J. Richard Gott, professor emeritus of astrophysical sciences, Princeton University, and coauthor of the New York Times best-selling “Welcome to the Universe”

“A remarkable guide to the perplexing world of modern cosmology, charting the extraordinary journey of the Big Bang theory from its origins to its present status as the cornerstone of not only cosmology but modern science itself. With clarity and wit, Battle of the Big Bang illuminates the perplexing discoveries, the violent debates, and the all-too-human stories shaping our understanding of the universe. More than a scientific history, this is a story of resilience, rivalry, and humanity’s relentless quest to reveal the origins of the cosmos—a must-read for anyone who has ever wondered about our place in the universe but been too intimidated to ask.”

Brian Keating, Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of Physics, University of California San Diego, and author of “Losing the Nobel Prize” and “Into the Impossible”

"I couldn’t put this book down! Beautifully and clearly written, it offers a unique exploration of the Big Bang—not just the science we know, but the mysteries that remain. With vivid storytelling and deep insight, the authors guide readers through the origins of the universe, competing theories, and the very human struggles behind groundbreaking discoveries. This is a must-read for anyone curious about our cosmic beginnings."

Stephon Solomon Alexander, Department of Physics and Brown Theoretical Physics Center, Brown University, author of “The Jazz of Physics” and “Fear of a Black Universe”

“For years I have been watching Halper’s documentary films on the Big Bang in preparation for my debates with theists who invoke the beginning of the universe as evidence for God’s existence. Now Halper and cosmologist Afshordi have compiled into this magisterial volume the latest scientific theories about the Big Bang, the multiverse, string theories, cyclic cosmos, black holes, time, dimensions, and the ultimate question in all science and religion: why is there something rather than nothing? If you want to know what banged and why, read these invaluable answers to life’s grandest questions."

Michael Shermer, publisher of Skeptic magazine, author of “Truth: What It Is, How to Find It, Why It Matters”

“How did the universe begin? Humans have pondered this question for millennia. We still don’t know how it began—it may not even have a beginning. Many of the world’s brightest and most creative physicists are struggling with a wealth of ideas that attempt to address this profound question. Afshordi and Halper delve into their ideas, providing a lucid tour of forefront physics and the personalities that have shaped the ideas.  An exciting read for anyone who wants to ponder the deepest questions in cosmology.”

David Spergel, professor emeritus of astrophysical sciences, Princeton University, and president of the Simons Foundation

“A captivating read. In many books, early-universe cosmology is presented as established. Afshordi and Halper show nothing could be further from the truth!”

Robert Brandenberger, McGill University

Table of Contents

Preface: Before Our First Memory

1. The Beginning: Cosmology from Thales to Hawking
2. The Multiverse and the Ultimate Free Lunch
3. Hawking’s U-Turn and a Universe from Nothing
4. String Theories and Colliding Branes
5. The Big Bounce
6. Déjà Vu and the Cyclic Cosmos
7. Born from a Black Hole
8. Speeds of Light
9. Holograms and Missing Dimensions
10. Can the Universe Create Itself?
11. Science of Religion, Religion of Science
12. The End of the Beginning

Appendix: Big Bang Models Cheat Sheet

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