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The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict

Making America’s Middle East Policy, from Truman to Reagan

The Other Arab-Israeli Conflict illuminates the controversial course of America’s Middle East relations from the birth of Israel to the Reagan administration. Skillfully separating actual policymaking from the myths that have come to surround it, Spiegel challenges the belief that American policy in the Middle East is primarily a relation to events in that region or is motivated by bureaucratic constraints or the pressures of domestic politics. On the contrary, he finds that the ideas and skills of the president and his advisors are critical to the determination of American policy. This volume received the 1986 National Jewish Book Award.

538 pages | 6 x 9 | © 1985

Political Science: Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, and International Relations

Table of Contents

1. The Process of American Middle East Policy Making
2. Truman: Palestine on the Periphery
3. Eisenhower: The Failed Search for a Coherent Containment Policy
4. Kennedy: The Issue on Ice
5. Johnson: An Unwanted Diversion from Vietnam
6. Nixon: The State Department and the National Security in Conflict
7. Nixon and Ford: The Kissinger Shuttle at Center Stage
8. Carter: Pursuing a Lasting Peace
9. Stars and Ideas: The Key to U.S. Policy Formation
10. Postscript: Reagan—the First Three Years
Abbreviations Used in Notes


Jewish Book Council: National Jewish Book Award

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