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Partisan Hostility and American Democracy

Explaining Political Divisions and When They Matter

An unflinching examination of the effects and boundaries of partisan animosity.

For generations, experts argued that American politics needed cohesive parties to function effectively. Now many fear that strong partisan views, particularly hostility to the opposing party, are damaging democracy. Is partisanship as dangerous as we fear it is?

To provide an answer, this book offers a nuanced evaluation of when and how partisan animosity matters in today’s highly charged, dynamic political environment, drawing on panel data from some of the most tumultuous years in recent American history, 2019 through 2021. The authors show that partisanship powerfully shapes political behaviors, but its effects are conditional, not constant. Instead, it is most powerful when politicians send clear signals and when an issue is unlikely to bring direct personal consequences. In the absence of these conditions, other factors often dominate decision-making.

The authors argue that while partisan hostility has degraded US politics—for example, politicizing previously non-political issues and undermining compromise—it is not in itself an existential threat. As their research shows, the future of American democracy depends on how politicians, more than ordinary voters, behave.

Download Appendix 3.3 Full Question Wording for All Survey Waves.

272 pages | 46 line drawings, 15 tables | 6 x 9 | © 2024

Chicago Studies in American Politics

Political Science: American Government and Politics, Political Behavior and Public Opinion


“This interesting and timely book empirically assesses the dangers presented to American democracy by partisan hostility or animosity and ideological polarization.”


Partisan Hostility and American Democracy explores the degree to which hostility affects political beliefs and behaviors, promoting the view that while partisan animosity is unlikely to directly lead to democratic breakdown or collapse, it does have deleterious effects on democracy that could contribute to erosion over time.”

Journal of Economic Literature

“Timely and rich, this is the best book yet written on partisan animosity in the United States. Harnessing impressive data, the authors convincingly show the powerful role of elected officials in magnifying tensions in the citizenry.”

Sean J. Westwood | Dartmouth College

Table of Contents

1. Partisan Hostility in America
2. Animosity in American Politics
3. Analyzing the Impact of Partisan Animosity
4. How Animosity Can Fuel Issue Polarization
5. A Political Virus: How Partisan Animus Polarized Voters’ Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
6. Animus and Evaluations of Political Leaders
7. Partisan Animus and Political Compromise
8. A Democratic Paradox: Opposing the Practices and Norms That Uphold a Popular Democracy, with Jon Kingzette
9. The Challenges of Partisan Hostility for American Democracy


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