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Tales of Ancient India

"This admirably produced and well-translated volume of stories from the Sanskrit takes the Western reader into one of the Golden Ages of India. . . . The world in which the tales are set is one which placed a premium upon slickness and guile as aids to success. . . . Merchants, aristocrats, Brahmins, thieves and courtesans mingle with vampires, demi-gods and the hierarchy of heaven in a series of lively or passionate adventures. The sources of the individual stories are clearly indicated; the whole treatment is scholarly without being arid."—The Times Literary Supplement

"Fourteen tales from India, newly translated with a terse and vibrant effectiveness. These tales will appeal to any reader who enjoys action, suspense, characterization, and suspension of disbelief in the supernatural."—The Personalist

267 pages | 5-1/4 x 8 | © 1959

Anthropology: Cultural and Social Anthropology

Asian Studies: South Asia

Table of Contents

The King and the Corpse
The Faithful Suitors
The Transposed Heads
The Three Fastidious Brahmins
The Three Sensitive Queens
The Man Who Changed Sexes
The King and the Spiteful Seductress
The Son of Three Fathers
The Boy Who Sacrificed Himself
Four Who Made a Lion
The Rejuvenated Hermit
The Insoluble Riddle
The Tale of Two Bawds
The Man Who Impersonated God Visnu
The City of Gold
The Red Lotus of Chastity
Gomukha’s Escapade
Two Tales of Destiny
Destiny Triumphant
Destiny Conquered
The Perfect Bride
The Buddhist King of Taxila
The Brahmin Who Knew a Spell
Mahosadha’s Judgment
The Prince and the Painted Fairy
Two Kingdoms Won
The First Prince’s Story
The Second Prince’s Story
The Travels of Sanudasa the Merchant
A Note on the Sources

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