One of the central figures from a remarkable generation of French-language poets, Pierre Chappuis has thus far only been represented in English translation in fragments: a few poems here and there in magazines, online reviews, and anthologies. Like Bits of Wind rights that wrong, offering a generous selection of Chappuis’s poetry and prose from the past forty years, drawn from several of his books. In these pages, Chappuis delves into long-standing questions of the essence of life, our relationship to landscape, the role of the perceiving self, and much more. His skeletal, haiku-like verse starkly contrasts with his more overtly poetic prose, which revels in sinuous lines and interpolated parentheticals. Together, the different forms are invigorating and exciting, the perfect introduction for English-language readers.

Table of Contents
Introduction: Translating Pierre Chappuis
Full Margins
Blind Distance
Abstracted from Time
The Black of Summer
Within the Voice’s Reach
from The Proof is in the Void
Full Margins
Blind Distance
Abstracted from Time
The Black of Summer
Within the Voice’s Reach
from The Proof is in the Void
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