New Perspectives on Case Theory
Distributed for Center for the Study of Language and Information
New Perspectives on Case Theory
Case is one of the central concepts in modern generative syntax, doing the work of linking arguments to predicates, moving nominal expressions, and in some languages connecting the referential properties of nominal expressions. Different languages, however, make use of overt case distinctions to very different degrees, leaving the principles of case with many open questions. This volume offers analyses of case phenomena in a broad range of languages and frameworks, including some novel approaches to case that will invite much discussion.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Ellen Brandner and Heike Zinsmeister
2. On Nominative Case Features and Split Agreement
Artemis Alexiadou
3. Case Systems: Beyond Structural Distinctions
Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King
4. Categorial Features as the Source of EPP and Abstract Case Phenomena
Eric Haeberli
5. Not so Quirky: On Subject Case in Icelandic
Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson
6. Against the Feature Bundle Theory of Case
Marcus Kracht
7. Case and Event Structure in Finnish Psych Predicates
Diane Nelson
8. Case: Abstract vs. Morphological
Halldór Ármann Sigurdsson
9. Surface Matters. Case Conflict in Free Relative Constructions and Case Theory
Ralf Vogel
10. Burzio’s Generalization, Markedness, and Locality Constraints on Nominative Objects
Ellen Woolford
11. Optimal Case Patterns: German and Icelandic Compared
Dieter Wunderlich
1. Introduction
Ellen Brandner and Heike Zinsmeister
2. On Nominative Case Features and Split Agreement
Artemis Alexiadou
3. Case Systems: Beyond Structural Distinctions
Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King
4. Categorial Features as the Source of EPP and Abstract Case Phenomena
Eric Haeberli
5. Not so Quirky: On Subject Case in Icelandic
Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson
6. Against the Feature Bundle Theory of Case
Marcus Kracht
7. Case and Event Structure in Finnish Psych Predicates
Diane Nelson
8. Case: Abstract vs. Morphological
Halldór Ármann Sigurdsson
9. Surface Matters. Case Conflict in Free Relative Constructions and Case Theory
Ralf Vogel
10. Burzio’s Generalization, Markedness, and Locality Constraints on Nominative Objects
Ellen Woolford
11. Optimal Case Patterns: German and Icelandic Compared
Dieter Wunderlich
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