Table of Contents
1. Consensus and Conflict in Modern Welsh History
2. Welsh Democracy, Revolution to Devolution
3. Kentucky’s ‘Cottage-bred Man’: Abraham Lincoln and Wales
4. The Relevance of Henry Richard
5. Lloyd George as a Parliamentarian
6. Liberalism’s Flintshire Loyalist: The Political Achievement of John Herbert Lewis
7. Wales and the First World War
8. Alfred Zimmern’s Brave New World: Liberalism and the League in 1919 and after
9. England, Wales, Britain and the Audit of War
10. Power and Glory: Labour in War and Reconstruction, 1939-1951
11. Welsh Devolution: The Past and the Future
12. Wales and Europe: From Revolutionary Convention to Welsh Assembly, 1789-2014
Postscript: A Tale of Two Unions
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