UCD Press publishes contemporary scholarly writing in a broad range of subjects including history, literary studies, music, science and more recently migration studies, gender studies and architecture. Our Press has a special focus on Irish Studies. Our books are produced to the highest standards of design, editing, and printing while being distributed, marketed and publicised nationally and internationally.
Free State or Republic?: Pen Pictures of the Historic Treaty Session of "Dail Eireann"
Famine, Land and Culture in Ireland
Famine, Land and Culture in Ireland
Explaining Irish Democracy
On the Process of Civilisation
Moral Monopoly: Rise and Fall of the Catholic Church in Modern Ireland
The Letters of Peter le Page Renouf (1822-97): v. 2: Besancon (1846-1854)
The Letters of Peter le Page Renouf (1822-97): v.3: Dublin 1854-1864
Hopkins in Ireland
Art of Brian Coffey
Republicanism in Modern Ireland
Instead of a Shrine
No Authority
What is Sociology?
Writing Beyond the Revival
The Symbol Theory
Supplements and Index to the Collected Works
Shadows from the Trenches
Something to Chew on
The Maamtrasna Murders
The Land for the People
In Spanish Trenches
Queer Whispers
Making Belfield
A Labour History of Ireland 1824-2000
Ireland’s Rivers
Maud Gonne
Hanna Sheehy Skeffington: Suffragette and Sinn Féiner
The Loneliness of the Dying and Humana Conditio
An Essay on Time
Women Writing War
The Society of Individuals
Studies on the Germans
Involvement and Detachment
The Established and the Outsiders
Quest for Excitement
An Underground Theatre
More Than Concrete Blocks
Walls of Containment
Essays I: On the Sociology of Knowledge and the Sciences
Essays II: On Civilising Processes, State Formation and National Identity
Mozart and Other Essays on Courtly Art
Interviews and Autobiographical Reflections
Michael Davitt
Fearless Woman
Managing Your Own Learning at University
Civil War in Ulster: its Objects and Probable Consequences
Victory and Woe: The West Limerick Brigade in the War of Independence
Frank Ryan
Dorothy Macardle
The Irish Boundary Commission and Its Origins 1886-1925
The Irish Labour Party 1922-73
The Irish Lord Lieutenancy c. 1541-1922
Irish Women’s Speeches
Rosamond Jacob
The Genesis of the Naval Profession
Margaret Skinnider
Michael Davitt After the Land League, 1882-1906
Military Aviation in Ireland, 1921-45
Producing Knowledge, Reproducing Gender
Living with Cancer
The Depiction of Eviction in Ireland 1845-1910
Diverse Republic
The Bag Apron
A Chronicle of Jails
The Correspondence of Edward Hincks
The Correspondence of Edward Hincks: v. 2: 1850-1856
Connecting a Nation
Creative Impulses, Cultural Accents
Cead Isteach / Entry Permitted
Essays III: On Sociology and the Humanities
Gaelic Games, Nationalism and the Irish Diaspora in the United States
Gathered Beneath the Storm: Wallace Stevens Nature and Community
The Galtee Boy
The Green Republic
Hopkins in Ireland
Health Policy and Practice in Ireland
Harold Wilson’s EEC Application
The History of Dr Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin 1720-1920
How to Write
Hold Open the Door
Ireland’s Czar
Ireland’s Polemical Past
The Irish Sweep
The Irish Boundary Commission and Its Origins 1886-1925
Imaginary Bonnets with Real Bees in Them
Ireland and its Elsewheres
Irish homes and Irish hearts
Ireland: The Union and its Aftermath
Idea of a Nation
The Irish Labour Party 1922-73
The Ivy Leaf
Ireland’s Great Famine
Ireland, England and the Continent in the Middle Ages and Beyond
The Information Revolution and Ireland
An Irish Century
Irish Social Policy in Context
In Belfast by the Sea
Irish Recollections
Ireland Standing Firm: My Wartime Mission in Washington and Eamon De Valera - aMemoir
Gaelic Prose in the Irish Free State 1922-1939
Aspects of Irish Aristocratic Life
Atlantic Currents
After the Good Friday Agreement: Analysing Political Change in Northern Ireland
Advances in Behaviour Analysis
Aftermath of Revolution: Sligo, 1921-23
Ageing and Social Policy in Ireland
Anglican Women in Dublin
American Errancy
Art of Brian Coffey
An A Provisional Dictator
The Last Cavalier
Land, Popular Politics and Agrarian Violence in Ireland
Lessons in Irish Sexuality
Landlords, Tenants, Famine
The Land for the People
The Letters of Peter Le Page Renouf (1822-97): v. 1: Pembroke College, Oxford (1840-42); St Mary’s College, Oscott (1842-46)
The Lady Next Door
Literature, Readers and Dialogue
The Lemass Era
The Letters of Peter le Page Renouf (1822-97) Vol. 4 London (1864-97)
Joyce’s Disciples Disciplined
Justin McCarthy
James Clarence Mangan
John Berryman’s Public Vision
John Mitchel
Jottings in Solitary
A Journey in Ireland 1921
James Joyce’s Negations
James Joyce Remembered, Edition 2022
Ireland and the American Emigration, 1850-1900
Invisible Among the Ruins: Field Notes of a Canadian in Ireland
Luxury and Austerity
Last Conquest of Ireland
Ireland’s Allies
The Collected Works of Norbert Elias
Cathal Brugha
The Depiction of Eviction in Ireland 1845-1910
The Diviner: The Art of Brian Friel
Disability and Social Policy in Ireland
Dissecting Irish Politics
Douglas Hyde
The Court Society
Civil War in Ulster
A Chronicle of Jails
Centenary Classics
Changing Shades of Orange and Green: Redefining the Union and Nation inContemporary Ireland
Creators of Mathematics: The Irish Connection
Cantigas de Loor
Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition in Social Context:Crosslinguistic Perspectives
Church in Medieval Ireland
Contemporary Irish Social Policy
Charles Stewart Parnell
Contemporary Ireland
Culture, Place and Identity
Care and Social Change in the Irish Welfare Economy
The City in French Writing/Ecrire La Ville Au Dix-huitieme Siecle
The Correspondence of Edward Hincks: v. 1: 1818-1849
Fighting Fans: Football Hooliganism as a World Phenomenon
The Encyclopaedia of Music in Ireland
The Eyes of Another Race
The Diaries of Kathleen Lynn
Facilitating the Future?
The Faith of a Felon and Other Writings
For the Liberty of Ireland, at Home and Abroad
The First Russian Political Emigre
From Author to Audience: John Capgrave and Medieval Publication
Frank Aiken’s War
The Female Principle in Plutarch’s Moralia
Free State or Republic?
Fatal Influence
Fatal Influence
From Political Violence to Negotiated Settlement
Ever Seen a Fat Fox?
Evangelical Journeys
The European Culture Wars in Ireland
Endangered Masculinities in Irish Poetry 1540-1780
The Eyes of Another Race: Roger Casement’s Congo Report and 1903 Diary
Explaining Irish Democracy
An Essay on Irish Bulls
Early Writings
Explaining Change in Cultural History
Europe’s Old States and the New World Order: The Politics of Transition in Britain,France and Spain
European Encounters: Essays in Memory of Albert Lovett
Belfast Politics
The Big House in the North of Ireland
The Birth of the Fenian Movement
Bearing Witness: Essays on Anglo-Irish Literature
Big Jim Larkin
Broken Line: Denis Devlin and Irish Poetic Modernism
Becoming Conspicuous
Unappeasable Host: Studies in Irish Identities
Victory of Sinn Fein: How it Won it and How it Used it
Vision and Vacancy
Voices on Joyce
Words of the Dead Chief
William Martin Murphy
Words Alone: The Teaching and Usage of English in Contemporary Ireland
We Irish’ in Europe
War of Words
Wetlands of Ireland: Distribution, Ecology, Uses and Economic Value
What Irish Proverbs Tell Us About Ourselves
The Victory of Sinn Fein
Maria Edgeworth
Mingling of Swans
Memoirs of Senator James G.Douglas (1887-1954): Concerned Citizen
Media Audiences in Ireland: Power and Cultural Identity
Michael Davitt
Mental Health and Social Policy in Ireland
Maintaining a Place
Military Aviation in Ireland, 1921-45
Mapping Irish Media
Medicine and Charity in Ireland 1718-1851
My Struggle for Life
Medicine and Charity in Ireland 1718-1851
New Beginnings
Nursing Research: Design and Practice
Norbert Elias
Nineteenth-century Ireland
Northern Lights: Following Folklore in North-Western Europe - Essays in Honour of BoAlmqvist
The National University of Ireland, 1908-2008
Young Catholics at the New Millennium
Your Fondest Annie
The Year That Never Was
Years of Turbulence
The World Unmade
White Elephants
World of Fine Difference: The Social Architecture of a Modern Irish Village
Shakespeare and the Irish Writer
Social Thought on Ireland in the Nineteenth Century
Sean Lemass
Sir Walter Ralegh in Ireland
Story of a Toiler’s Life
Some Ethical Questions of Peace and War: With Special Reference to Ireland
Suburban Affiliations
Shane O’Neill
The Sociology of Health and Illness in Ireland
Sport and the Irish
The Sea of Disappointment
Sun and Wind
The Real People of Joyce’s Ulysses
The Resurrection of Hungary: A Parallel for Ireland
Racine: The Power and the Pleasure
Reds and the Green
The Repealer Repulsed
Republicanism in Modern Ireland
Reinventing Modern Dublin: Streetscape, Iconography and the Politics of Identity
Roger Casement in Death: Or Haunting the Free State
Rising Out
Reminiscences of Daniel O’Connell
Reds and the Green
Rising Out
Reinterpreting Emmet
Renovation or Revolution?
Religion and Politics: East-West Contrasts from Contemporary Europe
The Royal Irish Constabulary: A History and Personal Memoir
Short Stories
The Queen of the Hearth
People, Politics and Power
A Passion for Joyce
The Philosophy of Irish Ireland
Parnell Reconsidered
Parnell to Pearse
Parnell and His Island
One Wide Expanse
Outside the Glow
Oracles of God: The Roman Catholic Church and Irish Politics, 1922-37
The Open Secret of Ireland
One Foot in a Spanish Grave
Plant Material of Agricultural Importance in Temperate Climates
Information, Media and Power Through the Ages
Rotten Prod
Irish Interior
Irish Women’s Speeches, Volume II
Enduring Ruin
Dublin and the Great Irish Famine
Henry McCracken
A Lifetime’s Reading
Information, Media and Power Through the Ages
Vying for Victory
Inside Rural Ireland
Young Ireland and the Writing of Irish History
Stones In Water
A Tract for Our Times
Pronouncing French
Queen’s Rebels
Foreign Tongues
Doing Research In Education
Truth, Power and Lies: Irish Society and the Case of the Kerry Babies
Thomas Kinsella: The Peppercanister Poems
Those Mingled Seas: The Poetry of W.B.Yeats, the Beautiful and the Sublime
Thomas Kettle
Tour of the Darkling Plain: The "Finnegans Wake" Letters of Thornton Wilder andAdaline Glasheen.195
The Theorising Irish Social Policy
Terence O’Neill
To the Leaders of Our Working People
A Tour in Ireland in 1775
Trade, Aid and Development
Three European Poets
William Sharman Crawford and Ulster Radicalism
Souvenirs of Irish Footprints Over Europe
Ireland’s Harp
John Redmond and Irish Parliamentary Traditions
Victory and Woe
After the Train
WTF Happened
The Tale of a Great Sham
Wild-Looking But Fine
Mary MacSwiney
Memories of West Wicklow
Denis Guiney
Famine, Land and Culture in Ireland
Famine, Land and Culture in Ireland
Explaining Irish Democracy
On the Process of Civilisation
Moral Monopoly: Rise and Fall of the Catholic Church in Modern Ireland
The Letters of Peter le Page Renouf (1822-97): v. 2: Besancon (1846-1854)
The Letters of Peter le Page Renouf (1822-97): v.3: Dublin 1854-1864
Hopkins in Ireland
Art of Brian Coffey
Republicanism in Modern Ireland
Instead of a Shrine
No Authority
What is Sociology?
Writing Beyond the Revival
The Symbol Theory
Supplements and Index to the Collected Works
Shadows from the Trenches
Something to Chew on
The Maamtrasna Murders
The Land for the People
In Spanish Trenches
Queer Whispers
Making Belfield
A Labour History of Ireland 1824-2000
Ireland’s Rivers
Maud Gonne
Hanna Sheehy Skeffington: Suffragette and Sinn Féiner
The Loneliness of the Dying and Humana Conditio
An Essay on Time
Women Writing War
The Society of Individuals
Studies on the Germans
Involvement and Detachment
The Established and the Outsiders
Quest for Excitement
An Underground Theatre
More Than Concrete Blocks
Walls of Containment
Essays I: On the Sociology of Knowledge and the Sciences
Essays II: On Civilising Processes, State Formation and National Identity
Mozart and Other Essays on Courtly Art
Interviews and Autobiographical Reflections
Michael Davitt
Fearless Woman
Managing Your Own Learning at University
Civil War in Ulster: its Objects and Probable Consequences
Victory and Woe: The West Limerick Brigade in the War of Independence
Frank Ryan
Dorothy Macardle
The Irish Boundary Commission and Its Origins 1886-1925
The Irish Labour Party 1922-73
The Irish Lord Lieutenancy c. 1541-1922
Irish Women’s Speeches
Rosamond Jacob
The Genesis of the Naval Profession
Margaret Skinnider
Michael Davitt After the Land League, 1882-1906
Military Aviation in Ireland, 1921-45
Producing Knowledge, Reproducing Gender
Living with Cancer
The Depiction of Eviction in Ireland 1845-1910
Diverse Republic
The Bag Apron
A Chronicle of Jails
The Correspondence of Edward Hincks
The Correspondence of Edward Hincks: v. 2: 1850-1856
Connecting a Nation
Creative Impulses, Cultural Accents
Cead Isteach / Entry Permitted
Essays III: On Sociology and the Humanities
Gaelic Games, Nationalism and the Irish Diaspora in the United States
Gathered Beneath the Storm: Wallace Stevens Nature and Community
The Galtee Boy
The Green Republic
Hopkins in Ireland
Health Policy and Practice in Ireland
Harold Wilson’s EEC Application
The History of Dr Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin 1720-1920
How to Write
Hold Open the Door
Ireland’s Czar
Ireland’s Polemical Past
The Irish Sweep
The Irish Boundary Commission and Its Origins 1886-1925
Imaginary Bonnets with Real Bees in Them
Ireland and its Elsewheres
Irish homes and Irish hearts
Ireland: The Union and its Aftermath
Idea of a Nation
The Irish Labour Party 1922-73
The Ivy Leaf
Ireland’s Great Famine
Ireland, England and the Continent in the Middle Ages and Beyond
The Information Revolution and Ireland
An Irish Century
Irish Social Policy in Context
In Belfast by the Sea
Irish Recollections
Ireland Standing Firm: My Wartime Mission in Washington and Eamon De Valera - aMemoir
Gaelic Prose in the Irish Free State 1922-1939
Aspects of Irish Aristocratic Life
Atlantic Currents
After the Good Friday Agreement: Analysing Political Change in Northern Ireland
Advances in Behaviour Analysis
Aftermath of Revolution: Sligo, 1921-23
Ageing and Social Policy in Ireland
Anglican Women in Dublin
American Errancy
Art of Brian Coffey
An A Provisional Dictator
The Last Cavalier
Land, Popular Politics and Agrarian Violence in Ireland
Lessons in Irish Sexuality
Landlords, Tenants, Famine
The Land for the People
The Letters of Peter Le Page Renouf (1822-97): v. 1: Pembroke College, Oxford (1840-42); St Mary’s College, Oscott (1842-46)
The Lady Next Door
Literature, Readers and Dialogue
The Lemass Era
The Letters of Peter le Page Renouf (1822-97) Vol. 4 London (1864-97)
Joyce’s Disciples Disciplined
Justin McCarthy
James Clarence Mangan
John Berryman’s Public Vision
John Mitchel
Jottings in Solitary
A Journey in Ireland 1921
James Joyce’s Negations
James Joyce Remembered, Edition 2022
Ireland and the American Emigration, 1850-1900
Invisible Among the Ruins: Field Notes of a Canadian in Ireland
Luxury and Austerity
Last Conquest of Ireland
Ireland’s Allies
The Collected Works of Norbert Elias
Cathal Brugha
The Depiction of Eviction in Ireland 1845-1910
The Diviner: The Art of Brian Friel
Disability and Social Policy in Ireland
Dissecting Irish Politics
Douglas Hyde
The Court Society
Civil War in Ulster
A Chronicle of Jails
Centenary Classics
Changing Shades of Orange and Green: Redefining the Union and Nation inContemporary Ireland
Creators of Mathematics: The Irish Connection
Cantigas de Loor
Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition in Social Context:Crosslinguistic Perspectives
Church in Medieval Ireland
Contemporary Irish Social Policy
Charles Stewart Parnell
Contemporary Ireland
Culture, Place and Identity
Care and Social Change in the Irish Welfare Economy
The City in French Writing/Ecrire La Ville Au Dix-huitieme Siecle
The Correspondence of Edward Hincks: v. 1: 1818-1849
Fighting Fans: Football Hooliganism as a World Phenomenon
The Encyclopaedia of Music in Ireland
The Eyes of Another Race
The Diaries of Kathleen Lynn
Facilitating the Future?
The Faith of a Felon and Other Writings
For the Liberty of Ireland, at Home and Abroad
The First Russian Political Emigre
From Author to Audience: John Capgrave and Medieval Publication
Frank Aiken’s War
The Female Principle in Plutarch’s Moralia
Free State or Republic?
Fatal Influence
Fatal Influence
From Political Violence to Negotiated Settlement
Ever Seen a Fat Fox?
Evangelical Journeys
The European Culture Wars in Ireland
Endangered Masculinities in Irish Poetry 1540-1780
The Eyes of Another Race: Roger Casement’s Congo Report and 1903 Diary
Explaining Irish Democracy
An Essay on Irish Bulls
Early Writings
Explaining Change in Cultural History
Europe’s Old States and the New World Order: The Politics of Transition in Britain,France and Spain
European Encounters: Essays in Memory of Albert Lovett
Belfast Politics
The Big House in the North of Ireland
The Birth of the Fenian Movement
Bearing Witness: Essays on Anglo-Irish Literature
Big Jim Larkin
Broken Line: Denis Devlin and Irish Poetic Modernism
Becoming Conspicuous
Unappeasable Host: Studies in Irish Identities
Victory of Sinn Fein: How it Won it and How it Used it
Vision and Vacancy
Voices on Joyce
Words of the Dead Chief
William Martin Murphy
Words Alone: The Teaching and Usage of English in Contemporary Ireland
We Irish’ in Europe
War of Words
Wetlands of Ireland: Distribution, Ecology, Uses and Economic Value
What Irish Proverbs Tell Us About Ourselves
The Victory of Sinn Fein
Maria Edgeworth
Mingling of Swans
Memoirs of Senator James G.Douglas (1887-1954): Concerned Citizen
Media Audiences in Ireland: Power and Cultural Identity
Michael Davitt
Mental Health and Social Policy in Ireland
Maintaining a Place
Military Aviation in Ireland, 1921-45
Mapping Irish Media
Medicine and Charity in Ireland 1718-1851
My Struggle for Life
Medicine and Charity in Ireland 1718-1851
New Beginnings
Nursing Research: Design and Practice
Norbert Elias
Nineteenth-century Ireland
Northern Lights: Following Folklore in North-Western Europe - Essays in Honour of BoAlmqvist
The National University of Ireland, 1908-2008
Young Catholics at the New Millennium
Your Fondest Annie
The Year That Never Was
Years of Turbulence
The World Unmade
White Elephants
World of Fine Difference: The Social Architecture of a Modern Irish Village
Shakespeare and the Irish Writer
Social Thought on Ireland in the Nineteenth Century
Sean Lemass
Sir Walter Ralegh in Ireland
Story of a Toiler’s Life
Some Ethical Questions of Peace and War: With Special Reference to Ireland
Suburban Affiliations
Shane O’Neill
The Sociology of Health and Illness in Ireland
Sport and the Irish
The Sea of Disappointment
Sun and Wind
The Real People of Joyce’s Ulysses
The Resurrection of Hungary: A Parallel for Ireland
Racine: The Power and the Pleasure
Reds and the Green
The Repealer Repulsed
Republicanism in Modern Ireland
Reinventing Modern Dublin: Streetscape, Iconography and the Politics of Identity
Roger Casement in Death: Or Haunting the Free State
Rising Out
Reminiscences of Daniel O’Connell
Reds and the Green
Rising Out
Reinterpreting Emmet
Renovation or Revolution?
Religion and Politics: East-West Contrasts from Contemporary Europe
The Royal Irish Constabulary: A History and Personal Memoir
Short Stories
The Queen of the Hearth
People, Politics and Power
A Passion for Joyce
The Philosophy of Irish Ireland
Parnell Reconsidered
Parnell to Pearse
Parnell and His Island
One Wide Expanse
Outside the Glow
Oracles of God: The Roman Catholic Church and Irish Politics, 1922-37
The Open Secret of Ireland
One Foot in a Spanish Grave
Plant Material of Agricultural Importance in Temperate Climates
Information, Media and Power Through the Ages
Rotten Prod
Irish Interior
Irish Women’s Speeches, Volume II
Enduring Ruin
Dublin and the Great Irish Famine
Henry McCracken
A Lifetime’s Reading
Information, Media and Power Through the Ages
Vying for Victory
Inside Rural Ireland
Young Ireland and the Writing of Irish History
Stones In Water
A Tract for Our Times
Pronouncing French
Queen’s Rebels
Foreign Tongues
Doing Research In Education
Truth, Power and Lies: Irish Society and the Case of the Kerry Babies
Thomas Kinsella: The Peppercanister Poems
Those Mingled Seas: The Poetry of W.B.Yeats, the Beautiful and the Sublime
Thomas Kettle
Tour of the Darkling Plain: The "Finnegans Wake" Letters of Thornton Wilder andAdaline Glasheen.195
The Theorising Irish Social Policy
Terence O’Neill
To the Leaders of Our Working People
A Tour in Ireland in 1775
Trade, Aid and Development
Three European Poets
William Sharman Crawford and Ulster Radicalism
Souvenirs of Irish Footprints Over Europe
Ireland’s Harp
John Redmond and Irish Parliamentary Traditions
Victory and Woe
After the Train
WTF Happened
The Tale of a Great Sham
Wild-Looking But Fine
Mary MacSwiney
Memories of West Wicklow
Denis Guiney
Titles By Publisher
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