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Ideas Have Consequences

Expanded Edition


With a new Foreword by Roger Kimball and Afterword by Ted J. Smith, III
Originally published in 1948, at the height of post–World War II optimism and confidence in collective security, Ideas Have Consequences uses “words hard as cannonballs” to present an unsparing diagnosis of the ills of the modern age. Widely read and debated at the time of its first publication,the book is now seen asone of the foundational texts of the modern conservative movement.

In its pages, Richard M. Weaver argues that the decline of Western civilization resulted from the rising acceptance of relativism over absolute reality. In spite of increased knowledge, this retreat from the realist intellectual tradition has weakened the Western capacity to reason, with catastrophic consequences for social order and individual rights. But Weaver also offers a realistic remedy. These difficulties are the product not of necessity, but of intelligent choice. And, today, as decades ago, the remedy lies in the renewed acceptance of absolute reality and the recognition that ideas—like actions—have consequences.

This expanded edition of the classic work contains a foreword by New Criterion editor Roger Kimball that offers insight into the rich intellectual and historical contexts of Weaver and his work and an afterword by Ted J. Smith III that relates the remarkable story of the book’s writing and publication.

An audiobook version is available.

224 pages | 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 | © 2013

Philosophy: General Philosophy

Political Science: Political and Social Theory

Rhetoric and Communication


“A profound diagnosis of the sickness of our culture.”

Reinhold Niebuhr

“Brilliantly written, daring, and radical. . . . it will shock, and philosophical shock is the beginning of wisdom.”

Paul Tillich

“Richard M. Weaver’s book is important; his explanation of the breakdown of modern man is the best in years.”

John Crowe Ransom

Table of Contents

Foreword to the Expanded Edition
The Consequences of Richard Weaver / By Roger Kimball
Foreword / By Richard M. Weaver

1 The Unsentimental Sentiment
2 Distinction and Hierarchy
3 Fragmentation and Obsession
4 Egotism in Work and Art
5 The Great Stereopticon
6 The Spoiled-Child Psychology
7 The Last Metaphysical Right
8 The Power of the Word
9 Piety and Justice


How Ideas Have Consequences Came to Be Written / By Ted J. Smith III

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