Political and Social Theory
Chaos of Disciplines
In Protest: 150 Poems for Human Rights
Foucault and the Iranian Revolution
State of Exception
Emlyn Hooson and the Welsh Liberal Party, 1962–1979
The Civil Sphere in Canada
The Idea of Communism
Difference without Domination
Education and Equality
Education, Justice, and Democracy
From Voice to Influence
Justice by Means of Democracy
A Political Economy of Justice
Talking to Strangers
Terrorism, Ticking Time-Bombs, and Torture
Responsibility of Intellectuals
Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy
Disarming Intervention
Voting Behaviour in Canada
Pragmatic Liberalism
Canadian Liberalism and the Politics of Border Control, 1867-1967
Marx at the Margins
Electing a Diverse Canada
Democracy After Pinochet
The Human Condition
Re-Centring the City
Towards a Romanian Silicon Valley?
Subaltern Studies 2.0
The Paradoxes of Peacebuilding Post-9/11
Canada’s Labour Market Training System
Prometheus Wired
Foucault and Political Reason
Sociologists, Economists, and Democracy
Regionalism, Multilateralism, and the Politics of Global Trade
Opening Doors Wider
Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 1: Comparative Analyses: Policies and Trends in 15 European Countries
Defining Harm
Planning Matter
The Normality of Civil War
The Necessity of Politics
Leo Strauss, Max Weber, and the Scientific Study of Politics
Liberalism, Nationalism, Citizenship
The Freedom of Security
What Future for Human Rights in a Non-Western World?
Social Theory Now
The Moral Economies of Ethnic and Nationalist Claims
Digital Technology and Democratic Theory
Torture and Dignity
Unsettled Legitimacy
Brazil: Essays on History and Politics
Reimagining Indian Secularism
Artificial Democracy
The Stability Imperative
Assessing Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government
Parties, Elections, and the Future of Canadian Politics
Debating the East Asian Peace
The Motivation to Vote
Grassroots Politicians
Indigenous Peoples and Autonomy
Opera and the Political Imaginary in Old Regime France
Thomas Hobbes and the Natural Law Tradition
Non-Sovereign Futures
Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life
Paradoxes of Migration in Tajikistan
Philosophy in a Time of Terror
Time and Human Language Now
Another Freedom
Nationalism and the State
Confronting Totalitarian Minds
No. 10
A Poetic for Sociology
Social Science as Civic Discourse
Society as Text
Reinventing Khomeini
From World Order to Global Disorder
Blessings from Beijing
Entangled Histories of Art and Migration
The Prison Manuscripts
Romancing the Revolution
Marxist Inquiries
The Foucault Effect
The Labour of Spirit
Hayek’s Challenge
Cycling into Saigon
Street Protests and Fantasy Parks
End of Equality
Risk Aspects of Investment-Based Social Security Reform
Rebuilding Canadian Party Politics
Creating Political Presence
Shaped by the State
Improvising Theory
Culture Troubles
Sing the Rage
Countering Terrorism
Gendering Government
Locating Global Order
Contesting Nation
Malaysian "Bail Outs"?
Through the Prism of the Senses
Chinese Indonesians in Post-Suharto Indonesia
Land and the Liberal Project
Islam and the West
Civic Jazz
Making Kin not Population
The Big Red Machine
A Perilous Imbalance
Liberalism and the Postcolony
The Birth of Theory
Property, Territory, Globalization
Renegotiating Community
Profaning Paul
The Limits of Rationality
Secular Powers
The Fair Society
Fractured Politics
Fujimori’s Peru
The Political Mapping of Cyberspace
The Noble Savage
An Extraordinary Scandal
In Defense of Politics
Canadian Democratic Audit
Fighting for Votes
Political Parties
Manifesto Now!
Glorify the Empire
Comparative Media Policy, Regulation and Governance in Europe
A Preface to Democratic Theory, Expanded Edition
God’s Economy
Václav Havel’s Meanings
A Documentary History of Communism in Russia
This is My Truth
Black Visions
The Government of Desire
Revisiting the Falklands-Malvinas Question
The New Politics of Science
Reputation Analytics
The Lost Soul of American Politics
Compatriots or Competitors?
Political Activist Ethnography
Activism, Inclusion, and the Challenges of Deliberative Democracy
Unthinkable Thoughts
Tocqueville Between East and West
Contesting Clio’s Craft
Socialism, Capitalism and Alternatives
Studies in the Formation of the Nation-state in Latin America
Prime Ministerial Power in Canada
Constructing the Political Spectacle
From Art to Politics
Beyond Tocqueville
Dafydd Elis-Thomas
Recognition versus Self-Determination
The Birth of Territory
City and Regime in the American Republic
A New Constitutionalism
Reconstructing the Commercial Republic
Democracy for Busy People
The Racial Order
Brussels, the Gentle Monster
The Rights Revolution
Skepticism and Freedom
Two Mediterranean Worlds
Law and Public Choice
Archives of the Insensible
Formations of Violence
Pornography, the Theory
Canada and Ballistic Missile Defence, 1954-2009
Chile and the Inter-American Human Rights System
The Challenges of a Secular Quebec
The New Ecological Order
Political Philosophy 2
Political Philosophy 3
Working People in Alberta
Borges and Europe Revisited
Metatheory in Social Science
Rationality and Power
Health and Safety in Canadian Workplaces
The Power of Journalists
Wrong-Doing, Truth-Telling
The Liberalism of Care
Rousseau, Nietzsche, and the Image of the Human
Provincial Solidarities
Solidarités Provinciales
A Democracy of Distinction
Capitalism and Freedom
Probable Justice
To Live Is to Resist
The Struggle for an Enlightened Republic
Tribal Boundaries in the Nass Watershed
The Common Cause
Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality in Latin America
Civil War and State Formation
Machiavelli to Marx
The Community of Rights
The Great Derangement
The Nutmeg’s Curse
The Price of Prestige
Hegel, Heidegger, and the Ground of History
Nietzsche’s Final Teaching
Nietzsche’s New Seas
The Theological Origins of Modernity
Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law, Second Edition
Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law, Second Edition
Sovereignty and the Responsibility to Protect
The Cynical Society
The Politics of Small Things
Organizing the Transnational
Coming to Mind
Justice by Lottery
Passionate Politics
Gendered News
Collision of Wills
Anarchy—In a Manner of Speaking
On Kings
Lived Fictions
In Search of Goodness
Naming Evil, Judging Evil
The European Identity
Politics and the Order of Love
Proclaiming Revolution: Bolivia in Comparative Perspective
Conventional Realism and Political Inquiry
The Descent of Political Theory
Living Liberalism
Amazonia at the Crossroads
Value, Conflict, and Order
The Lost Promise of Patriotism
Reflections on Aristotle’s Politics
Patriation and Its Consequences
Morality within the Limits of Reason
Objectivity and Diversity
Democratization and Islamic Law
Obama’s Washington
Cultural Dilemmas of Progressive Politics
A Horizon of (Im)possibilities
The Fatal Conceit
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 3
New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and the History of Ideas
Socialism and War
Rights and Goods
The Conquest of Ruins
Globalization and Well-Being
Indigenous Diplomacy and the Rights of Peoples
Could it Happen Here?
Made in Nunavut
Seriality and Social Change
From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities
Wrong Turnings
Landscapes of Fear
Violence in Modern Philosophy
Al Qaeda Declares War
Passions and Constraint
Neomedievalism, Neoconservatism, and the War on Terror
Thinking Like a Political Scientist
State of Exchange
Satan and His Daughter, the Angel Liberty
Heaven Has a Wall
Critique of Freedom
African Luxury
Ethics and Security in Canadian Foreign Policy
Pacification and its Discontents
The Political Power of the Word
Misrecognized Materialists
Revolutionizing Repertoires
Nuclear Gaia
Oil, Islam, and Conflict
Machiavelli on Liberty and Conflict
Defending Rights in Russia
From the Nation-Building Debate to the Bolsa Família Program
Back in the USSR
Nationalism in Architecture of Modern Iran
The Canadian Election Studies
The Rhetoric of Plato’s Republic
Gender and Governance
"Truth Behind Bars"
Multicultural Nationalism
Class Warrior
Bringing the Passions Back In
Brazil Since 1985
Nemesis of Power
The Critique of Pure Modernity
Postmodern Sophistications
Protest and Opportunities
Speculative Communities
Grassroots Liberals
Representation in Action
Data Equals
How We Became Our Data
Kant’s Doctrine of Right in the 21st Century
Freedom Beyond Sovereignty
Votes Without Power
Rooted Cosmopolitanism
Voluntary Sector Organizations and the State
Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao
Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao
Dangerous Counsel
Catastrophe in Indonesia
Defining Rights and Wrongs
Representation and Democratic Theory
Reviving Social Democracy
Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, Volume 3
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Imperfect Democracies
Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth
The Rise of Common-Sense Conservatism
Naïve Readings
The Flight from Ambiguity
The Future of Democracy
Minoritarian Liberalism
Underground Front
Intercultural Deliberation and the Politics of Minority Rights
Poverty, Ethics and Justice
Francisco De Miranda
The Responsibilities of Democracy
Leo Strauss’s Defense of the Philosophic Life
The Financing of Politics
Multiculturalism and its Discontents
Lorenzo the Magnificent: Culture and Politics
Mobilizing the Faithful
Beyond Adversary Democracy
Beyond Self-Interest
Shaping Migration between Europe and Latin America: New Perspectives and Challenges
Permanent Campaigning in Canada
Political Elites in Canada
Democracy in Mexico
Thinking Through Methods
Thinking Through Statistics
Fundamentalisms Observed
Islam in Liberalism
Strategic Nonviolent Power
The Socially Responsive Self
Artificial Africas
Negotiated Reform
Sovereignty, Inc.
Bourgeois Equality
The Philosophy Scare
Dog Whistles, Walk-Backs, and Washington Handshakes
A Socialist Peace?
Treaty Talks in British Columbia, Third Edition
On Knowing--The Social Sciences
Liberalism and Empire
The Lesson of Carl Schmitt
Justice Is an Option
Reconciling Rwanda
The Natural Goodness of Man
The North American Arctic
Civic War and the Corruption of the Citizen
Dilemmas of Political Change in Mexico
Postcolonial Spain
Casuistry and Modern Ethics
Interpretations of Conflict
Not by Reason Alone
Broken Government?
Quebec and the Heritage of Franco-America
The Pluralist Paradigm
The Politics of Corporate Social Responsibility
Rabbinic Political Theory
Realizing Educational Rights
Holding the Line
Envisioning Global LGBT Human Rights: (Neo)colonialism, Neoliberalism, Resistance and Hope
The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness
Republic of Signs
The Punishment of Pirates
Arbitrary Rule
Out of Many, One
Media, Monarchy and Power
The Iconoclastic Imagination
Politics for Everybody
Religion and the Demise of Liberal Rationalism
Paraguay in the 1970s
Montesquieu’s Philosophy of Liberalism
The Theological Basis of Liberal Modernity in Montesquieu’s "Spirit of the Laws"
Game Changer
Addiction Becomes Normal
Living in Problematicity
Global Ordering
Courting the Abyss
Fortune Is a Woman
Politics, Language, and Time
Freedom Is an Endless Meeting
It Was Like a Fever
Deleuze and Guattari
Wars, Parties and Nationalism
Independence and Revolution in Spanish America: Perspectives and Problems
Public Policy
Environmental Challenges in the MENA Region
Cicero’s Republic (BICS Supplement 76)
Securing Borders
Parity Democracy
Engagement Organizing
Pepper in Our Eyes
Reinterpreting Property
Intersectional Inequality
Redesigning Social Inquiry
Protest and Politics
Music, Research, and Activism
Transition Scenarios
Kindly Inquisitors
Power in Modernity
Bridging Liberalism and Multiculturalism in American Education
Philanthropy in Democratic Societies
Ethics and the Orator
The Politics of Resentment
Impermissible Punishments
Cultural Autonomy
The Just
The State of Europe
Max Weber
Freedom as Marronage
Multiculturalism and the Foundations of Meaningful Life
Marx’s Dream
Welcome to Resisterville
African American Political Thought
Politics, Personality, and Social Science in the Twentieth Century
This America We Dream of
Everyone’s Business
The Culture of Islam
Varieties of Muslim Experience
These Oppressions Won’t Cease
Europe’s Old States and the New World Order: The Politics of Transition in Britain,France and Spain
The Fallacy of Campaign Finance Reform
A Systemic Theory of Democracy
Union Jack
A Vindication of Political Virtue
Bengal in Global Concept History
On Revolution
The Social Life of Democracy
Private Virtues, Public Vices
Demos Assembled
Parties, Candidates, and Constituency Campaigns in Canadian Elections
The Second Birth
Political Ethnography
The Chicago Companion to Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes
Political Theology
Shifting Boundaries
Core Europe and Greater Eurasia
The Sexual Politics of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Blue Guitar
The Foundations of Natural Morality
Republic of Drivers
Nuevos Desplazados
Governing Mexico
Capitalism and the Emergence of Civic Equality in Eighteenth-Century France
Logics of History
Nietzsche’s Earth
Spinoza and the Politics of Renaturalization
Rule Breaking and Political Imagination
The Work and the Gift
Political Thought and Political Thinkers
Civil Society, Philanthropy, and the Fate of the Commons
The Rhetorical Turn
The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas
Becoming Political
An Ethics of Interrogation
Moral Responsibility and the Boundaries of Community
Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the Transition to Postmodernity
Punishment and Culture
Political Peoplehood
Reading Leo Strauss
Birth of Hegemony
Winning Marriage
Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada
Encountering the Plague
Limits of Citizenship
Boundaries of the State in US History
Hobbes’s Kingdom of Light
Going Public
The Concept of Political Judgment
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Conventional Choices?
Roasting Chestnuts
International Ecopolitical Theory
Modern Isonomy
The Argument and the Action of Plato’s Laws
Leo Strauss on Hegel
Leo Strauss on Nietzsche’s "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
Leo Strauss on Political Philosophy
Natural Right and History
Persecution and the Art of Writing
Socrates and Aristophanes
Thoughts on Machiavelli
Toward "Natural Right and History"
Empires and Autonomy
Contesting Sacrifice
The Wages of Relief
The Vitality of Democracy
Montesquieu and the Despotic Ideas of Europe
Politics of Religious Freedom
Symbolic Power, Politics, and Intellectuals
The Production of Local Knowledge
How Canadians Communicate IV
Remapping Sovereignty
Aboriginal Peoples and Politics
The Opening of the American Mind
Mothers and Others
The Derrida-Habermas Reader
On the Side of the Angels
Just Elections
Consensus Politics in Spain
Multiculturalism and the Canadian Constitution
Regimes and Repertoires
Democracy in America
The Old Regime and the Revolution, Volume I
The Old Regime and the Revolution, Volume II
The Totalitarian Experience
Valuing Health for Policy
Modern Sovereign
European Socialists Across Borders
Terms of Disorder
The Terrific Engine
Quebec Women and Legislative Representation
Queer Mobilizations
The Twilight of Politics
A Tight Grip
Legacies of Losing in American Politics
Resisting Rights
The Corporate Commonwealth
American Exceptionalism
Can a Liberal be a Chief? Can a Chief be a Liberal?
Explaining the East Asian Peace
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Representative Democracy
Communication and Discourse Theory
Being after Rousseau
Heidegger, Strauss, and the Premises of Philosophy
Teachers of the People
Solar Guerrilla
Smoke-Filled Rooms
The New Science of Politics
Contours of the Illiberal State
Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Limits of Choice
Prosperity without Greed
Gendered Mediation
The Disordered Police State
Unsettled Balance
The Emergence of Dialectical Theory
Ideas Have Consequences
Memory, migration and (de)colonisation in the Caribbean and beyond
Ambiguities of Domination
Authoritarian Apprehensions
History and Theory after the Fall
Public and Private in Thought and Practice
The Socratic Paradox and Its Enemies
Code Politics
Secrets, Sex, and Spectacle
Navigators of the Contemporary
Impact of Migration on Poland
Integrity in Public Life
Generous Betrayal
Liberalism and the Problem of Knowledge
Francis Fukuyama and the End of History
The Impact of Devolution in Wales
Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism
In Search of Canadian Political Culture
The Myth of Democratic Failure
Marginalized in the Middle
Liberalism without Illusions
Nationalism and the Moral Psychology of Community
Liberalism’s Last Man
Sovereignty and the Sacred
Advocacy Groups
Feminists and Party Politics
Money, Politics, and Democracy
China’s Energy Security in the Twenty-First Century
A Democratic Theory of Judgment
A Democratic Theory of Truth
Feminism and the Abyss of Freedom
The Power of Tiananmen
Judicial Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
The Truth about Leo Strauss
Leo Strauss and the Problem of Political Philosophy
The Spirit of Religion and the Spirit of Liberty
In Protest: 150 Poems for Human Rights
Foucault and the Iranian Revolution
State of Exception
Emlyn Hooson and the Welsh Liberal Party, 1962–1979
The Civil Sphere in Canada
The Idea of Communism
Difference without Domination
Education and Equality
Education, Justice, and Democracy
From Voice to Influence
Justice by Means of Democracy
A Political Economy of Justice
Talking to Strangers
Terrorism, Ticking Time-Bombs, and Torture
Responsibility of Intellectuals
Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy
Disarming Intervention
Voting Behaviour in Canada
Pragmatic Liberalism
Canadian Liberalism and the Politics of Border Control, 1867-1967
Marx at the Margins
Electing a Diverse Canada
Democracy After Pinochet
The Human Condition
Re-Centring the City
Towards a Romanian Silicon Valley?
Subaltern Studies 2.0
The Paradoxes of Peacebuilding Post-9/11
Canada’s Labour Market Training System
Prometheus Wired
Foucault and Political Reason
Sociologists, Economists, and Democracy
Regionalism, Multilateralism, and the Politics of Global Trade
Opening Doors Wider
Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 1: Comparative Analyses: Policies and Trends in 15 European Countries
Defining Harm
Planning Matter
The Normality of Civil War
The Necessity of Politics
Leo Strauss, Max Weber, and the Scientific Study of Politics
Liberalism, Nationalism, Citizenship
The Freedom of Security
What Future for Human Rights in a Non-Western World?
Social Theory Now
The Moral Economies of Ethnic and Nationalist Claims
Digital Technology and Democratic Theory
Torture and Dignity
Unsettled Legitimacy
Brazil: Essays on History and Politics
Reimagining Indian Secularism
Artificial Democracy
The Stability Imperative
Assessing Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government
Parties, Elections, and the Future of Canadian Politics
Debating the East Asian Peace
The Motivation to Vote
Grassroots Politicians
Indigenous Peoples and Autonomy
Opera and the Political Imaginary in Old Regime France
Thomas Hobbes and the Natural Law Tradition
Non-Sovereign Futures
Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life
Paradoxes of Migration in Tajikistan
Philosophy in a Time of Terror
Time and Human Language Now
Another Freedom
Nationalism and the State
Confronting Totalitarian Minds
No. 10
A Poetic for Sociology
Social Science as Civic Discourse
Society as Text
Reinventing Khomeini
From World Order to Global Disorder
Blessings from Beijing
Entangled Histories of Art and Migration
The Prison Manuscripts
Romancing the Revolution
Marxist Inquiries
The Foucault Effect
The Labour of Spirit
Hayek’s Challenge
Cycling into Saigon
Street Protests and Fantasy Parks
End of Equality
Risk Aspects of Investment-Based Social Security Reform
Rebuilding Canadian Party Politics
Creating Political Presence
Shaped by the State
Improvising Theory
Culture Troubles
Sing the Rage
Countering Terrorism
Gendering Government
Locating Global Order
Contesting Nation
Malaysian "Bail Outs"?
Through the Prism of the Senses
Chinese Indonesians in Post-Suharto Indonesia
Land and the Liberal Project
Islam and the West
Civic Jazz
Making Kin not Population
The Big Red Machine
A Perilous Imbalance
Liberalism and the Postcolony
The Birth of Theory
Property, Territory, Globalization
Renegotiating Community
Profaning Paul
The Limits of Rationality
Secular Powers
The Fair Society
Fractured Politics
Fujimori’s Peru
The Political Mapping of Cyberspace
The Noble Savage
An Extraordinary Scandal
In Defense of Politics
Canadian Democratic Audit
Fighting for Votes
Political Parties
Manifesto Now!
Glorify the Empire
Comparative Media Policy, Regulation and Governance in Europe
A Preface to Democratic Theory, Expanded Edition
God’s Economy
Václav Havel’s Meanings
A Documentary History of Communism in Russia
This is My Truth
Black Visions
The Government of Desire
Revisiting the Falklands-Malvinas Question
The New Politics of Science
Reputation Analytics
The Lost Soul of American Politics
Compatriots or Competitors?
Political Activist Ethnography
Activism, Inclusion, and the Challenges of Deliberative Democracy
Unthinkable Thoughts
Tocqueville Between East and West
Contesting Clio’s Craft
Socialism, Capitalism and Alternatives
Studies in the Formation of the Nation-state in Latin America
Prime Ministerial Power in Canada
Constructing the Political Spectacle
From Art to Politics
Beyond Tocqueville
Dafydd Elis-Thomas
Recognition versus Self-Determination
The Birth of Territory
City and Regime in the American Republic
A New Constitutionalism
Reconstructing the Commercial Republic
Democracy for Busy People
The Racial Order
Brussels, the Gentle Monster
The Rights Revolution
Skepticism and Freedom
Two Mediterranean Worlds
Law and Public Choice
Archives of the Insensible
Formations of Violence
Pornography, the Theory
Canada and Ballistic Missile Defence, 1954-2009
Chile and the Inter-American Human Rights System
The Challenges of a Secular Quebec
The New Ecological Order
Political Philosophy 2
Political Philosophy 3
Working People in Alberta
Borges and Europe Revisited
Metatheory in Social Science
Rationality and Power
Health and Safety in Canadian Workplaces
The Power of Journalists
Wrong-Doing, Truth-Telling
The Liberalism of Care
Rousseau, Nietzsche, and the Image of the Human
Provincial Solidarities
Solidarités Provinciales
A Democracy of Distinction
Capitalism and Freedom
Probable Justice
To Live Is to Resist
The Struggle for an Enlightened Republic
Tribal Boundaries in the Nass Watershed
The Common Cause
Creative Spaces: Urban Culture and Marginality in Latin America
Civil War and State Formation
Machiavelli to Marx
The Community of Rights
The Great Derangement
The Nutmeg’s Curse
The Price of Prestige
Hegel, Heidegger, and the Ground of History
Nietzsche’s Final Teaching
Nietzsche’s New Seas
The Theological Origins of Modernity
Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law, Second Edition
Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law, Second Edition
Sovereignty and the Responsibility to Protect
The Cynical Society
The Politics of Small Things
Organizing the Transnational
Coming to Mind
Justice by Lottery
Passionate Politics
Gendered News
Collision of Wills
Anarchy—In a Manner of Speaking
On Kings
Lived Fictions
In Search of Goodness
Naming Evil, Judging Evil
The European Identity
Politics and the Order of Love
Proclaiming Revolution: Bolivia in Comparative Perspective
Conventional Realism and Political Inquiry
The Descent of Political Theory
Living Liberalism
Amazonia at the Crossroads
Value, Conflict, and Order
The Lost Promise of Patriotism
Reflections on Aristotle’s Politics
Patriation and Its Consequences
Morality within the Limits of Reason
Objectivity and Diversity
Democratization and Islamic Law
Obama’s Washington
Cultural Dilemmas of Progressive Politics
A Horizon of (Im)possibilities
The Fatal Conceit
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 1
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 2
Law, Legislation and Liberty, Volume 3
New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and the History of Ideas
Socialism and War
Rights and Goods
The Conquest of Ruins
Globalization and Well-Being
Indigenous Diplomacy and the Rights of Peoples
Could it Happen Here?
Made in Nunavut
Seriality and Social Change
From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities
Wrong Turnings
Landscapes of Fear
Violence in Modern Philosophy
Al Qaeda Declares War
Passions and Constraint
Neomedievalism, Neoconservatism, and the War on Terror
Thinking Like a Political Scientist
State of Exchange
Satan and His Daughter, the Angel Liberty
Heaven Has a Wall
Critique of Freedom
African Luxury
Ethics and Security in Canadian Foreign Policy
Pacification and its Discontents
The Political Power of the Word
Misrecognized Materialists
Revolutionizing Repertoires
Nuclear Gaia
Oil, Islam, and Conflict
Machiavelli on Liberty and Conflict
Defending Rights in Russia
From the Nation-Building Debate to the Bolsa Família Program
Back in the USSR
Nationalism in Architecture of Modern Iran
The Canadian Election Studies
The Rhetoric of Plato’s Republic
Gender and Governance
"Truth Behind Bars"
Multicultural Nationalism
Class Warrior
Bringing the Passions Back In
Brazil Since 1985
Nemesis of Power
The Critique of Pure Modernity
Postmodern Sophistications
Protest and Opportunities
Speculative Communities
Grassroots Liberals
Representation in Action
Data Equals
How We Became Our Data
Kant’s Doctrine of Right in the 21st Century
Freedom Beyond Sovereignty
Votes Without Power
Rooted Cosmopolitanism
Voluntary Sector Organizations and the State
Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao
Gaming, Governance and Public Policy in Macao
Dangerous Counsel
Catastrophe in Indonesia
Defining Rights and Wrongs
Representation and Democratic Theory
Reviving Social Democracy
Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, Volume 3
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Talk Radio, the Mainstream Press, and Public Opinion in Hong Kong
Imperfect Democracies
Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in The Commonwealth
The Rise of Common-Sense Conservatism
Naïve Readings
The Flight from Ambiguity
The Future of Democracy
Minoritarian Liberalism
Underground Front
Intercultural Deliberation and the Politics of Minority Rights
Poverty, Ethics and Justice
Francisco De Miranda
The Responsibilities of Democracy
Leo Strauss’s Defense of the Philosophic Life
The Financing of Politics
Multiculturalism and its Discontents
Lorenzo the Magnificent: Culture and Politics
Mobilizing the Faithful
Beyond Adversary Democracy
Beyond Self-Interest
Shaping Migration between Europe and Latin America: New Perspectives and Challenges
Permanent Campaigning in Canada
Political Elites in Canada
Democracy in Mexico
Thinking Through Methods
Thinking Through Statistics
Fundamentalisms Observed
Islam in Liberalism
Strategic Nonviolent Power
The Socially Responsive Self
Artificial Africas
Negotiated Reform
Sovereignty, Inc.
Bourgeois Equality
The Philosophy Scare
Dog Whistles, Walk-Backs, and Washington Handshakes
A Socialist Peace?
Treaty Talks in British Columbia, Third Edition
On Knowing--The Social Sciences
Liberalism and Empire
The Lesson of Carl Schmitt
Justice Is an Option
Reconciling Rwanda
The Natural Goodness of Man
The North American Arctic
Civic War and the Corruption of the Citizen
Dilemmas of Political Change in Mexico
Postcolonial Spain
Casuistry and Modern Ethics
Interpretations of Conflict
Not by Reason Alone
Broken Government?
Quebec and the Heritage of Franco-America
The Pluralist Paradigm
The Politics of Corporate Social Responsibility
Rabbinic Political Theory
Realizing Educational Rights
Holding the Line
Envisioning Global LGBT Human Rights: (Neo)colonialism, Neoliberalism, Resistance and Hope
The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness
Republic of Signs
The Punishment of Pirates
Arbitrary Rule
Out of Many, One
Media, Monarchy and Power
The Iconoclastic Imagination
Politics for Everybody
Religion and the Demise of Liberal Rationalism
Paraguay in the 1970s
Montesquieu’s Philosophy of Liberalism
The Theological Basis of Liberal Modernity in Montesquieu’s "Spirit of the Laws"
Game Changer
Addiction Becomes Normal
Living in Problematicity
Global Ordering
Courting the Abyss
Fortune Is a Woman
Politics, Language, and Time
Freedom Is an Endless Meeting
It Was Like a Fever
Deleuze and Guattari
Wars, Parties and Nationalism
Independence and Revolution in Spanish America: Perspectives and Problems
Public Policy
Environmental Challenges in the MENA Region
Cicero’s Republic (BICS Supplement 76)
Securing Borders
Parity Democracy
Engagement Organizing
Pepper in Our Eyes
Reinterpreting Property
Intersectional Inequality
Redesigning Social Inquiry
Protest and Politics
Music, Research, and Activism
Transition Scenarios
Kindly Inquisitors
Power in Modernity
Bridging Liberalism and Multiculturalism in American Education
Philanthropy in Democratic Societies
Ethics and the Orator
The Politics of Resentment
Impermissible Punishments
Cultural Autonomy
The Just
The State of Europe
Max Weber
Freedom as Marronage
Multiculturalism and the Foundations of Meaningful Life
Marx’s Dream
Welcome to Resisterville
African American Political Thought
Politics, Personality, and Social Science in the Twentieth Century
This America We Dream of
Everyone’s Business
The Culture of Islam
Varieties of Muslim Experience
These Oppressions Won’t Cease
Europe’s Old States and the New World Order: The Politics of Transition in Britain,France and Spain
The Fallacy of Campaign Finance Reform
A Systemic Theory of Democracy
Union Jack
A Vindication of Political Virtue
Bengal in Global Concept History
On Revolution
The Social Life of Democracy
Private Virtues, Public Vices
Demos Assembled
Parties, Candidates, and Constituency Campaigns in Canadian Elections
The Second Birth
Political Ethnography
The Chicago Companion to Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes
Political Theology
Shifting Boundaries
Core Europe and Greater Eurasia
The Sexual Politics of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Blue Guitar
The Foundations of Natural Morality
Republic of Drivers
Nuevos Desplazados
Governing Mexico
Capitalism and the Emergence of Civic Equality in Eighteenth-Century France
Logics of History
Nietzsche’s Earth
Spinoza and the Politics of Renaturalization
Rule Breaking and Political Imagination
The Work and the Gift
Political Thought and Political Thinkers
Civil Society, Philanthropy, and the Fate of the Commons
The Rhetorical Turn
The Last Half Century of Chinese Overseas
Becoming Political
An Ethics of Interrogation
Moral Responsibility and the Boundaries of Community
Nietzsche, Heidegger, and the Transition to Postmodernity
Punishment and Culture
Political Peoplehood
Reading Leo Strauss
Birth of Hegemony
Winning Marriage
Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada
Encountering the Plague
Limits of Citizenship
Boundaries of the State in US History
Hobbes’s Kingdom of Light
Going Public
The Concept of Political Judgment
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Conventional Choices?
Roasting Chestnuts
International Ecopolitical Theory
Modern Isonomy
The Argument and the Action of Plato’s Laws
Leo Strauss on Hegel
Leo Strauss on Nietzsche’s "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
Leo Strauss on Political Philosophy
Natural Right and History
Persecution and the Art of Writing
Socrates and Aristophanes
Thoughts on Machiavelli
Toward "Natural Right and History"
Empires and Autonomy
Contesting Sacrifice
The Wages of Relief
The Vitality of Democracy
Montesquieu and the Despotic Ideas of Europe
Politics of Religious Freedom
Symbolic Power, Politics, and Intellectuals
The Production of Local Knowledge
How Canadians Communicate IV
Remapping Sovereignty
Aboriginal Peoples and Politics
The Opening of the American Mind
Mothers and Others
The Derrida-Habermas Reader
On the Side of the Angels
Just Elections
Consensus Politics in Spain
Multiculturalism and the Canadian Constitution
Regimes and Repertoires
Democracy in America
The Old Regime and the Revolution, Volume I
The Old Regime and the Revolution, Volume II
The Totalitarian Experience
Valuing Health for Policy
Modern Sovereign
European Socialists Across Borders
Terms of Disorder
The Terrific Engine
Quebec Women and Legislative Representation
Queer Mobilizations
The Twilight of Politics
A Tight Grip
Legacies of Losing in American Politics
Resisting Rights
The Corporate Commonwealth
American Exceptionalism
Can a Liberal be a Chief? Can a Chief be a Liberal?
Explaining the East Asian Peace
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Representative Democracy
Communication and Discourse Theory
Being after Rousseau
Heidegger, Strauss, and the Premises of Philosophy
Teachers of the People
Solar Guerrilla
Smoke-Filled Rooms
The New Science of Politics
Contours of the Illiberal State
Cultures of Anti-Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Limits of Choice
Prosperity without Greed
Gendered Mediation
The Disordered Police State
Unsettled Balance
The Emergence of Dialectical Theory
Ideas Have Consequences
Memory, migration and (de)colonisation in the Caribbean and beyond
Ambiguities of Domination
Authoritarian Apprehensions
History and Theory after the Fall
Public and Private in Thought and Practice
The Socratic Paradox and Its Enemies
Code Politics
Secrets, Sex, and Spectacle
Navigators of the Contemporary
Impact of Migration on Poland
Integrity in Public Life
Generous Betrayal
Liberalism and the Problem of Knowledge
Francis Fukuyama and the End of History
The Impact of Devolution in Wales
Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism
In Search of Canadian Political Culture
The Myth of Democratic Failure
Marginalized in the Middle
Liberalism without Illusions
Nationalism and the Moral Psychology of Community
Liberalism’s Last Man
Sovereignty and the Sacred
Advocacy Groups
Feminists and Party Politics
Money, Politics, and Democracy
China’s Energy Security in the Twenty-First Century
A Democratic Theory of Judgment
A Democratic Theory of Truth
Feminism and the Abyss of Freedom
The Power of Tiananmen
Judicial Institutions in Nineteenth-Century Latin America
The Truth about Leo Strauss
Leo Strauss and the Problem of Political Philosophy
The Spirit of Religion and the Spirit of Liberty
Titles In Subject
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