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Distributed for University of British Columbia Press

Canada and the Beijing Conference on Women

Governmental Politics and NGO Participation

This book examines the process by which Canada’s policies for the Fourth World Conference on Women were formulated: a process that involved federal government officials from some twenty departments, provincial representatives, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from across Canada.

264 pages | © 2001

Women's Studies

Table of Contents



1. Introduction

2. The Road to Beijing

3. Governmental Politics

4. Nongovernmental Organizations

5. Canadian Delegation

6. Canadian NGOs at the International

7. Canada and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action

8. Building on the Past, Looking to the Future


i. Membership on the Canadian Beijing Facilitating Committee

ii. Membership on the Canadian Preparatory Committee

iii. Areas of Responsibility for Individual Members of Canada’s Negotiating Team at the Fourth World Conference on Women

iv. Canadian NGOs Accredited to the Fourth World Conference on Women

v. Those Receiving Government Funding to Attend the 1995 New York Preparatory Meetings

vi. Those Receiving Government Funding to Attend the NGO Forum on Women ’95

List of Interviewees




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