The University of British Columbia Press (UBC Press) is Canada’s leading social sciences publisher, with an international reputation for publishing high-quality works of original scholarship. Our authors' books reflect cutting-edge research, pushing the boundaries of academic discourse in new and engaging directions. Each year UBC Press publishes sixty titles in a number of fields, including Indigenous studies, Asian studies, environmental studies, gender and women’s studies, security studies, as well as planning and urban studies.
Able to Lead
Protecting the Coast and Ocean
The Laws and the Land
The West and the Birth of Bangladesh
White Space
Screening Out
Scandalous Conduct
So Much More Than Art
The Social Life of Standards
Historicizing Canadian Anthropology
Sexual Assault in Canadian Sport
Cripping Intersex
Small Bites
Decolonizing Education
Captain Cook Rediscovered
Adjusting the Lens
The Aging–Disability Nexus
Writing the Hamat’sa
Am I Safe Here?
Reconciling Truths
Liquor and the Liberal State
Constitutionalizing Criminal Law
Reckoning with Racism
Religious Diversity in Canadian Public Schools
Pleasure and Panic
Mobilizing Metaphor
Heavy Traffic
Global Biopiracy
Governing Ourselves?
Governing with the Charter
Families, Labour and Love
First Nations Education in Canada
First Do No Harm
Second Growth
Selling British Columbia
Street Protests and Fantasy Parks
The Soldiers’ General
Scars of War
Roasting Chestnuts
Rebuilding Canadian Party Politics
Racing to the Bottom?
Reviving Social Democracy
The Resettlement of British Columbia
Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision
Robert Brown and the Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition
Planning Canadian Regions
Colonizing Bodies
Brute Souls, Happy Beasts, and Evolution
Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb
Women and the White Man’s God
What Is a Crime?
The Vancouver Achievement
Unnatural Law
The Politics of Resentment
Painting the Maple
Personal Relationships of Dependence and Interdependence in Law
People and Place
Political Parties
Potlatch at Gitsegukla
Professional Child and Youth Care, Second Edition
Pepper in Our Eyes
A Pioneer Gentlewoman in British Columbia
The Oriental Question
Mr. Smith Goes to Ottawa
Making Vancouver
Modern Women Modernizing Men
Law and Citizenship
Law and Risk
Laws and Societies in the Canadian Prairie West, 1670-1940
Intercultural Dispute Resolution in Aboriginal Contexts
The International Politics of Whaling
Injury and the New World of Work
Indian Education in Canada, Volume 2
Indian Education in Canada, Volume 1
Eagle Down Is Our Law
Diversity and Equality
A Dynamic Balance
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 42, 2004
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 41, 2003
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 40, 2002
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 37, 1999
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 36, 1998
The Canadian Department of Justice and the Completion of Confederation 1867-78
From Victoria to Vladivostok
The Notorious Georges
House Rules
The Heart of Toronto
Women, Film, and Law
Rare Merit
A People and a Nation
Religion at the Edge
Portraits of Battle
Nursing Shifts in Sichuan
No Legal Way Out
Neighbourhood Houses
Rising Up
Globalization, Poverty, and Income Inequality
Quietly Shrinking Cities
A Liberal-Labour Lady
The Frontiers of Feminism
Feeling Feminism
From Dismal Swamp to Smiling Farms
Demanding Equality
Behind Closed Doors
Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds
Bead by Bead
Activism, Inclusion, and the Challenges of Deliberative Democracy
Against the Tides
Assisted Suicide in Canada
Exporting Virtue?
The Government of Natural Resources
Getting Wise about Getting Old
A Great Revolutionary Wave
Geography of British Columbia
Grassroots Liberals
Gathering Places
Gendering the Nation-State
Guarding the Gates
Good Intentions Gone Awry
Genetically Modified Diplomacy
Growth and Governance of Canadian Universities
Gendering Government
Game in the Garden
Global Goes Local
Gamblers and Dreamers
Geographic Variation in Forest Trees
The Grand Experiment
Good Government? Good Citizens?
Gay Male Pornography
Global Ordering
Gutenberg in Shanghai
Gender and Change in Hong Kong
Globalization and Local Adaptation in International Trade Law
Game Changer
Gendered News
Glorify the Empire
Governing from the Bench
Give Me Shelter
Grassroots Politicians
Governing the Social in Neoliberal Times
Governing Irregular Migration
Gendered Mediation
Grey Zones in International Economic Law and Global Governance
Guiding Modern Girls
Globalization and Well-Being
Give and Take
Globalizing Citizenship
Ghost Dancing with Colonialism
Gender in the Legal Profession
Health and Sustainability in the Canadian Food System
Hunger, Horses, and Government Men
Hymns and the Christian Myth
Health Care and the Charter
Health Advocacy, Inc.
Human Rights
Hollywood North
A Heart at Leisure from Itself
Hidden Dimensions
Humanitarianism, Identity, and Nation
Hunting the Northern Character
A Healthy Society
The High North
The Hero and the Historians
A History of Early Childhood Education in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
Hiroshima Immigrants in Canada, 1891-1941
Healing Henan
Hidden Agendas
Hometown Horizons
Holding the Line
The Halifax Explosion and the Royal Canadian Navy
Hobnobbing with a Countess and Other Okanagan Adventures
Home Is the Hunter
Hunting for Empire
Hunters at the Margin
The Harper Era in Canadian Foreign Policy
Hearts and Mines
Glacial Environments
Gandharan Buddhism
Identity/Difference Politics
Invested Indifference
Inuit Education and Schools in the Eastern Arctic
In Mixed Company
In Search of Canadian Political Culture
International Ecopolitical Theory
In Defence of Multinational Citizenship
If I Had a Hammer
Imagining Difference
International Environmental Law and Asian Values
The Integrity Gap
In the Long Run We’re All Dead
The Indian Association of Alberta
In Search of Sustainability
Independence and Economic Security in Old Age
Invisible and Inaudible in Washington
The Industrial Transformation of Subarctic Canada
Indigenous Legal Traditions
In Defence of Principles
Indigenous Peoples and Autonomy
Identity Politics in the Public Realm
Infidels and the Damn Churches
Immigration Canada
Inequality and the Fading of Redistributive Politics
The Industrial Diet
Imperfect Democracies
Investing in Place
Islam in the Hinterlands
Indigenous Encounters with Neoliberalism
In Peace Prepared
In Search of the Ethical Lawyer
Inventing Stanley Park
Incorporating Culture
Indigenous Peoples and Dementia
Intercultural Deliberation and the Politics of Minority Rights
Invisible Scars
In Defence of Home Places
The Intellectual Property–Regulatory Complex
The Inner Bird
Indigenous in the City
Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada
Anatomy of a Conflict
Asia-Pacific Legal Development
Attitudinal Decision Making in the Supreme Court of Canada
American Missionaries, Christian Oyatoi, and Japan, 1859-73
Ancient People of the Arctic
Animal Sensibility and Inclusive Justice in the Age of Bernard Shaw
Against Orthodoxy
Age, Gender, and Work
Architecture and the Canadian Fabric
Acts of Occupation
At Home and Abroad
Alliance and Illusion
Aboriginal Autonomy and Development in Northern Quebec and Labrador
Academic Freedom and the Inclusive University
Animals and Nature
Another Kind of Justice
Awfully Devoted Women
Avoiding Armageddon
The Archive of Place
Aboriginal Title and Indigenous Peoples
Asia-Pacific Diplomacy
Auditing Canadian Democracy
Administering the Colonizer
Art in Turmoil
Asian Religions in British Columbia
Acquired Tastes
Aboriginal Student Engagement and Achievement
Action and Reaction in the World System
Aboriginal Peoples and Sport in Canada
Academic Careers and the Gender Gap
Alternative Media in Canada
According to Baba
Aboriginal Justice and the Charter
Assessing Treaty Performance in China
Achieving Sustainable Development
Alex Lord’s British Columbia
Advocacy Groups
Assembling Unity
After Morgentaler
After ’08
Aboriginal Conditions
Aboriginal Education
Aboriginal Peoples and Politics
Arming the Chinese
Liberalism, Nationalism, Citizenship
Life Lived Like a Story
Law and Neurodiversity
Labour at the Lakehead
A Life in Balance?
Locating Global Order
Lost Kids
Leviathan Undone?
Language Matters
Longitude and Empire
Limiting Arbitrary Power
The Limits of Labour
Legends of Our Times
Linking Industry and Ecology
Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada
Lament for a First Nation
Let Right Be Done
Landing Native Fisheries
Last Word
Leaky Governance
Learning and Teaching Together
Land Politics and Livelihoods on the Margins of Hanoi, 1920-2010
Living Dead in the Pacific
Labour Goes to War
Live at The Cellar
The Last Suffragist Standing
Lived Fictions
Levelling the Lake
Lawyers’ Empire
Land Resource Economics and Sustainable Development
The Justice Crisis
Jewels of the Qila
Judicial Decision Making in Child Sexual Abuse Cases
Japan at the Millennium
Judging Homosexuals
Justice Bertha Wilson
Journey to the Ice Age
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
The Juggling Mother
Japanese Historians and the National Myths, 1600-1945
Inside the Local Campaign
Islands of Truth
Kwakwa_ka_’wakw Settlements, 1775-1920
King Alpha’s Song in a Strange Land
Keeping the Nation’s House
Kiss the kids for dad, Don’t forget to write
Kiumajut (Talking Back)
Keeping Canada British
Knowing the Past, Facing the Future
The Klondike Stampede
A Long Way to Paradise
The Lillooet Language
The Letters of Malcolm Lowry and Gerald Noxon, 1940-1952
Insiders and Outsiders
Changing of the Guards
A Consolidated Index to the Canadian Yearbook of International Law
Canadian Democratic Audit
A Complex Culture of the British Columbia Plateau
Chinese Democracy after Tiananmen
Cabinets and First Ministers
Contemporary Slavery
Corporate Power and Canadian Capitalism
Canadian Oceans Policy
Chiefs of the Sea and Sky
A Complex Exile
Canadian Foreign Policy
Debt and Federalism
Corps Commanders
Constructing Crime
Colonial Proximities
Constitutional Politics in Canada after the Charter
Criminal Artefacts
Courts and Federalism
Collective Insecurity
Compulsory Compassion
Cultural Autonomy
The Chinese State at the Borders
The Chinese in Vancouver, 1945-80
Contesting Elder Abuse and Neglect
Community Forestry in Canada
Conflicting Visions
Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up
Co-operative Canada
Comparing Canada
The Changing Nature of Eco/Feminism
Canada’s Global Villagers
Consuming Modernity
Canadian Liberalism and the Politics of Border Control, 1867-1967
Canoe Nation
Creating Canada’s Peacekeeping Past
Cleaner, Greener, Healthier
Cultivating Connections
Chieftains into Ancestors
Constituency Influence in Parliament
The Canadian Election Studies
Communication Technology
The Courts
Caring for Children
The Constant Liberal
Crossing Law’s Border
Class Actions in Canada
China Gadabouts
Couture and Commerce
Critical Disability Theory
The Call of the World
CCF Colonialism in Northern Saskatchewan
China in the 1990s, 2nd Edition
Challenge and Opportunity
Communities, Development, and Sustainability across Canada
Canadian Foreign Policy and International Economic Regimes
Canadians Behind Enemy Lines, 1939-1945
Checklist of Printed Material Relating to French-Canadian Literature
Canadian Reference Sources
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 51
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 50, 2012
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 48, 2010
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 47, 2009
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 46, 2008
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 45, 2007
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 44, 2006
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 43, 2005
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 39, 2001
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 38, 2000
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 35, 1997
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 34, 1996
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 33, 1995
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 32, 1994
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 31, 1993
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 30, 1992
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 29, 1991
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 18, 1980
Child and Youth Care
Code Politics
Corporate Social Responsibility and the State
Creative Subversions
Contesting White Supremacy
Citizens Adrift
Canada’s Voice
Canada’s Rights Revolution
Contributing Citizens
Captain Alex MacLean
Contradictory Impulses
The Comparative Turn in Canadian Political Science
Creating Postwar Canada
Cinematic Howling
Conventional Choices?
Capital and Labour in the British Columbia Forest Industry, 1934-74
Canada and the British World
The Culture of Hunting in Canada
Cross-Cultural Caring, 2nd ed.
Canadian Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, 2nd ed.
Contact Zones
Corporate Governance in Global Capital Markets
The Co-Workplace
Canada and the Beijing Conference on Women
Cycling into Saigon
Cis dideen kat - When the Plumes Rise
Creating Historical Memory
The Cost of Climate Policy
The Canadian War on Queers
Canada’s Road to the Pacific War
Crisis of Conscience
Commanding Canadians
Creating a Modern Countryside
The Culture of Flushing
Critical Criminology in Canada
Deliberative Democracy in Practice
Democratizing Pension Funds
Discourses of Denial
Dominion and the Rising Sun
Driven Apart
Demography in Canada in the Twentieth Century
Dear Nan
Defence and Discovery
Defining Harm
Defining Rights and Wrongs
Domestic Reforms
Defending Rights in Russia
Despotic Dominion
Dimensions of Inequality in Canada
Diplomatic Departures
Disability Politics and Care
Demarginalizing Voices
Dispersed but Not Destroyed
Disrupting Queer Inclusion
Death or Deliverance
Diasporic Chineseness after the Rise of China
Disarming Intervention
Disabling Barriers
Duty to Dissent
Dominion of Race
The Deindustrialized World
Diasporic Media beyond the Diaspora
Decision at Midnight
Demographic Projection Techniques for Regions and Smaller Areas
First Person Plural
Forging Diasporic Citizenship
Four Centuries of Special Geography
Field and Theory
Frontier People
Fixing Niagara Falls
From Wardship to Rights
Forest Economics
Feminist Ethics and Social Policy
Feminist Community Research
Faith, Politics, and Sexual Diversity in Canada and the United States
Fire and the Full Moon
Fort Chipewyan and the Shaping of Canadian History, 1788-1920s
Finding Dahshaa
From Pride to Influence
From Rights to Needs
First Nations, First Thoughts
From World Order to Global Disorder
Ethel Wilson
Engagement Organizing
The Early Years of Native American Art History
Ethics and Aging
Feminists and Party Politics
The Frontier World of Edgar Dewdney
Fatal Consumption
Fighting from Home
Frigates and Foremasts
Fort Langley Journals, 1827-30
The Freedom of Security
Feminized Justice
First Nations Cultural Heritage and Law
From UI to EI
First Nations Sacred Sites in Canada’s Courts
Feminist Activism in the Supreme Court
From Left to Right
From Slave Girls to Salvation
Fighting for Votes
Far Off Metal River
Food Will Win the War
First Nations, Museums, Narrations
Feminist History in Canada
Father Involvement in Canada
Fractured Homeland
Fraught Intimacies
The First Green Wave
Fragile Settlements
A Family Matter
Fighting with the Empire
Forestry and Biodiversity
The First Nations of British Columbia, Third Edition
From Where I Stand
The End of Children?
Environmental Conflict and Democracy in Canada
The Exchange University
Electing a Diverse Canada
The Ermatingers
Ethics and Security in Canadian Foreign Policy
Early Childhood Care and Education in Canada
Ecology of a Managed Terrestrial Landscape
Every Inch a Woman
Emerging from the Mist
Empires and Autonomy
Eating Bitterness
Exhibiting Nation
An Ethic of Mutual Respect
Epidemic Encounters
Empowering Electricity
Engaging the Line
Equality Deferred
Enforcing Exclusion
The Equity Myth
An Environmental History of Canada
Early Human Occupation in British Columbia
Ethnic Groups and Marital Choices
Elusive Destiny
Butterflies of British Columbia
Birds of British Columbia, Volume 3
Between Consenting Peoples
British Columbia’s Inland Rainforest
The Business of Women
Becoming British Columbia
Braiding Histories
Becoming Native in a Foreign Land
Bringing the Passions Back In
Be of Good Mind
The Big Red Machine
Biotechnology Unglued
Between Justice and Certainty
Being a Tourist
Battle Grounds
Being Relational
Bar Codes
Beyond Suffering
Building a Collaborative Advantage
Beyond Afghanistan
Building Sanctuary
Brewed in Japan
Brokering Access
Boundless Optimism
Becoming Multicultural
Beyond Testimony and Trauma
Behind the Walls
Banished to the Great Northern Wilderness
Blue-Green Province
By Law or In Justice
Before and After the State
Buying Happiness
Breaking News?
The British Columbia Court of Appeal
Brand Command
Balancing Act
Britain and the Origins of Canadian Confederation, 1837-67
Bitter Feast
Beyond the Amur
Bootstraps Need Boots
Breaching the Peace
Banning Transgender Conversion Practices
Birds of the World
The Behavior and Ecology of Pacific Salmon and Trout
Beyond the City Limits
The Burden of History
Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors, and Status
Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence
A Bounded Land
Unions, Equity, and the Path to Renewal
The (Un)Making of the Modern Family
Unwilling Mothers, Unwanted Babies
Unsettled Legitimacy
Unsettled Balance
Unthinkable Thoughts
Unwanted Warriors
Unlikely Diplomats
Unbuilt Environments
Unjust by Design
Uncertain Accommodation
Unmooring the Komagata Maru
Unions in Court
Unsettling the Settler Within
Urbanizing Frontiers
Voices Raised in Protest
Vancouver Short Stories
Voluntary Sector Organizations and the State
Voting Behaviour in Canada
Village China at War
Voices Rising
Veterans with a Vision
The Vancouver Island Letters of Edmund Hope Verney
Vanishing British Columbia
The Voyage of the Komagata Maru
Mischief Making
Murdering Holiness
Militia Myths
Masters of the Ocean Realm
Making Native Space
Mixed Blessings
North of El Norte
Native Art of the Northwest Coast
New Possibilities for the Past
Nooksack Place Names
No need of a chief for this band
Nuclear Waste Management in Canada
No Place to Go
New Histories for Old
Navigating Neoliberalism
Nutrition Policy in Canada, 1870-1939
Negotiating Buck Naked
National Visions, National Blindness
Negotiating Identities in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Montreal
Negotiated Memory
Northern Exposures
No Place to Learn
The Nurture of Nature
New Perspectives on the Public-Private Divide
Negotiating Responsibility
The New Silk Road Diplomacy
North to Bondage
New Treaty, New Tradition
A National Force
The New Lawyer, Second Edition
New Challenges for ASEAN
Nothing to Write Home About
National Manhood and the Creation of Modern Quebec
The Nature of Masculinity
Not the Slightest Chance
Natural Women, Cultured Men
The Nature of Canada
Métis Politics and Governance in Canada
Making the Best of It
The Motivation to Vote
The Media Gaze
Money, Politics, and Democracy
Moving Mountains
Media Divides
Multicultural Education Policies in Canada and the United States
Multiculturalism and the Foundations of Meaningful Life
Misrecognized Materialists
Misplaced Distrust
The Manly Modern
Masculinities without Men?
Manufacturing National Park Nature
Managed Annihilation
Multi-Party Litigation
Multiculturalism and the Canadian Constitution
Mapping Marriage Law in Spanish Gitano Communities
Making Wawa
Made in Nunavut
Museums and the Past
Mixed Race Amnesia
The Muslim Question in Canada
Mission Invisible
Modern Warfare
Making a Scene
Maritime Command Pacific
The Moral Economies of Ethnic and Nationalist Claims
The Making of Modern Chinese Medicine, 1850-1960
Milestones on a Golden Road
Mike’s World
Mothers and Others
Merry Laughter and Angry Curses
Medicine and Morality
Moments of Crisis
Military Education and the British Empire, 1815–1949
Made Modern
Men, Masculinity, and the Indian Act
Mega Urban Regions of Southeast Asia
Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment
Zombie Army
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals
Words We Call Home
When the Caribou Do Not Come
War Junk
Witsuwit’en Grammar
When I Was Small – I Wan Kwikws
Written as I Remember It
A Wilder West
Wife to Widow
Women and Property in Urban India
Writing British Columbia History, 1784-1958
Working Girls in the West
White Gold
The Wealth of Forests
Walking in Indian Moccasins
Wet Prairie
Westward Bound
War-Torn Exchanges
White Settler Reserve
When Wheat Was King
What We Learned
Working Mothers and the Child Care Dilemma
When Good Drugs Go Bad
Webs of Empire
Where Happiness Dwells
With Friends Like These
We Still Demand!
Where the Rivers Meet
Wildlife, Conservation, and Conflict in Quebec, 1840-1914
Who Is Bob_34?
Who Controls the Hunt?
We Interrupt This Program
West Ham and the River Lea
Whose North?
A War of Patrols
The Way Home
When Coal Was King
Student Affairs
Shifting Boundaries
Sex and Borders
Sustainable Production
Sexing the Teacher
Saints, Sinners, and Soldiers
Sensing Changes
Shaped by the West Wind
Sanctuary, Sovereignty, Sacrifice
Securing Borders
Social Capital, Diversity, and the Welfare State
Smokeless Sugar
Shelter in a Storm
The Secular Northwest
So They Want Us to Learn French
Strong, Beautiful and Modern
The Struggle for Canadian Copyright
Social Transformation in Rural Canada
A Sisterhood of Suffering and Service
So Near Yet So Far
Striving for Environmental Sustainability in a Complex World
Selling Sex
A Small Price to Pay
The Strategic Constitution
Still Dying for a Living
Segmented Cities?
Secular States and Religious Diversity
Staging Corruption
Sporting Gender
The Stability Imperative
Science of the Seance
Sex Work
A School in Every Village
A Stake in the Future
Shaping the Future on Haida Gwaii
State of Exchange
Settler Anxiety at the Outposts of Empire
Saving the Nation through Culture
Speaking for Ourselves
The Subarctic Fur Trade
Since the Time of the Transformers
Ships and Memories
Rethinking Federalism
Retail Nation
Rediscovering Thomas Adams
The Reluctant Land
Race and the City
Reclaiming Adat
The Red Man’s on the Warpath
Representation and Democratic Theory
Redrawing Local Government Boundaries
Regionalism, Multilateralism, and the Politics of Global Trade
Reaction and Resistance
Regulating Lives
Resisting Manchukuo
Reforming Japan
Resource Communities in a Globalizing Region
Rebel Youth
Reimagining Intervention in Young Lives
Resettling the Range
Recognition versus Self-Determination
Remembering the Samsui Women
Rooted Cosmopolitanism
The Right to a Healthy Environment
Red Light Labour
Rethinking the Spectacle
Resisting Rights
Representation in Action
Reluctant Warriors
Rethinking Domestic Violence
Roaring Days
Relocating Middle Powers
The Railway King of Canada
Robes of Power
The Rare Vascular Plants of Alberta
Stepping Stones to Nowhere
Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism
Sinews of Survival
The Struggle for Social Justice in British Columbia
The Shoe Boy
Sex and the Revitalized City
Solidarities Beyond Borders
Speaking for a Long Time
Suburb, Slum, Urban Village
Sins of the Flesh
Settlers on the Edge
Solidarity First
Setting the Standard
Sex Workers in the Maritimes Talk Back
Supporting Indigenous Children’s Development
Queer Youth in the Province of the "Severely Normal"
Queer Mobilizations
Qualities of Mercy
Principles of Tsawalk
The Perils of Identity
Parity Democracy
Panoptic Dreams
Placing Memory and Remembering Place in Canada
The Practice of Execution in Canada
The Politics of Linkage
The Provinces and Canadian Foreign Trade Policy
Pearson’s Peacekeepers
The Paradoxes of Peacebuilding Post-9/11
People, Politics, and Child Welfare in British Columbia
Protecting Aboriginal Children
Parties Long Estranged
A Passion for Wildlife
Paddling to Where I Stand
Planning the New Suburbia
Pacific Empires
Parties, Candidates, and Constituency Campaigns in Canadian Elections
Positioning the Missionary
Policies for Sustainably Managing Canada’s Forests
Prisoners of the Home Front
The Politics of Acknowledgement
A Perilous Imbalance
Property, Territory, Globalization
The Power of Words
Points of Entry
Public Interest, Private Property
Patriation and Its Consequences
The Proposal Economy
Polygamy’s Rights and Wrongs
Public Engagement and Emerging Technologies
Photography, Memory, and Refugee Identity
Parties, Elections, and the Future of Canadian Politics
People of the Middle Fraser Canyon
The People and the Bay
Power from the North
Parole in Canada
Putting the State on Trial
Paths to the Bench
Political Communication in Canada
The Pragmatic Dragon
The Political Economy of Resource Regulation
Prophetic Identities
Private Women and the Public Good
Passing the Buck
Putting Family First
Postsecondary Education in British Columbia
Political Elites in Canada
Prime Ministerial Power in Canada
The Price of Alliance
Privacy in Peril
Permanent Campaigning in Canada
Power through Testimony
Planning Canadian Regions, Second Edition
Paul Kane’s Great Nor-West
Planning Toronto
Protest and Politics
Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage
Preserving What Is Valued
A People’s Dream
Protection of First Nations Cultural Heritage
Politics, Policy, and Government in British Columbia
Objects of Concern
Ours by Every Law of Right and Justice
Our Hearts Are as One Fire
Offshore Petroleum Politics
Orienting Canada
One of the Family
Opening Doors Wider
Organizing the Transnational
Obstructed Labour
The Other Quiet Revolution
Our Box Was Full
Once Upon an Oldman
An Officer and a Lady
Obedient Autonomy
On the Art of Being Canadian
Oral History at the Crossroads
Otter’s Journey through Indigenous Language and Law
On the Side of the Angels
Overland from Canada to British Columbia
“Here Is Hell”
The 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty
“I Was the Only Woman”
“Don’t Be So Gay!”
On the Outside
Our Chemical Selves
Opening the Government of Canada
Physiological Ecology of Pacific Salmon
Prometheus Wired
Policy and Practices for Biodiversity in Managed Forests
Pondweeds, Bur-reeds and Their Relatives of British Columbia
Plants of British Columbia
Pacific Salmon Life Histories
Queen of the Maple Leaf
Quebec Women and Legislative Representation
Silent Partners
We Shall Persist
What Nudism Exposes
Making Muskoka
A Legacy of Exploitation
Canada and the Korean War
Boosters and Barkers
A History of Migration from Germany to Canada, 1850-1939
Gender, Power, and Representations of Cree Law
Making and Breaking Settler Space
Follow the Leader, Lose the Region
Montreal, City of Water
Farming in a Changing Climate
Resistance and Recognition at Kitigan Zibi
Not Fit to Stay
No Home in a Homeland
Wired to the World, Chained to the Home
Tournament of Appeals
Sustaining the Forests of the Pacific Coast
Red Capitalism in South China
Renegotiating Community
Resistance Is Fertile
Queering Social Work Education
Haida Gwaii
Feminism’s Fight
Flexible Crossroads
Fight or Pay
Eau Canada
Ecology and Management of Sitka Spruce
Development’s Displacements
Captured Heritage
Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes
Canada and Ballistic Missile Defence, 1954-2009
The Courts and the Colonies
Canada and Quebec
British Columbia Place Names
Big Steel
Building Health Promotion Capacity
Biodiversity and Democracy
The Aquaculture Controversy in Canada
Against the Grain
Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada
The Politics of Procurement
Place and Practice in Canadian Nursing History
Life in Stone
Life in 2030
Indigenous Empowerment through Co-management
Intensive Agriculture and Sustainability
The Information Front
Cold War Fighters
Disability Injustice
The Way of the Bachelor
The Slow Rush of Colonization
Social Policy and the Ethic of Care
Pro-Family Politics and Fringe Parties in Canada
Chasing the Dragon in Shanghai
The Many Voyages of Arthur Wellington Clah
The New Lawyer
A Bookman’s Catalogue Vol. 1 A-L
Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors, and Status
Multicultural Nationalism
China’s Asymmetric Statecraft
Frontier Fieldwork
Green Gold
Dreaming in Canadian
Japan’s Motorcycle Wars
States of Nature
Signs of the Time
Coping with Calamity
Inside the Campaign
Environmental Governance in the Gulf of St Lawrence
Awful Splendour
French Canadians, Furs, and Indigenous Women in the Making of the Pacific Northwest
Drumming Our Way Home
Cataloguing Culture
Caring for Eeyou Istchee
Brock Chisholm, the World Health Organization, and the Cold War
To Share, Not Surrender
Tibet and Nationalist China’s Frontier
Red Stamps and Gold Stars
Political Marketing in Canada
Lessons in Legitimacy
Intoxicating Manchuria
Images in Asian Religions
At the Far Reaches of Empire
Defending Battered Women on Trial
Building the Army’s Backbone
Messy Ethics in Human Rights Work
Canadian Labour Policy and Politics
Sustainable Energy Transitions in Canada
Canada and the End of Empire
Clio’s Warriors
With Good Intentions
Transformative Media
Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced
Translating the Occupation
The Theatre of Regret
Tellings from Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub
Terrain of Memory
Transnational Yearnings
The Technological Imperative in Canada
Thinking Planning and Urbanism
The Triumph of Citizenship
Taking the Air
Tales of Two Cities
This Elusive Land
Taking Stands
Training the Excluded for Work
Tales of Ghosts
Telling Tales
Talk and Log
Taking Medicine
This Blessed Wilderness
Troubling Sex
Transforming Law’s Family
Taxing Choices
A Trading Nation
Teachers’ Schools and the Making of the Modern Chinese Nation-State, 1897-1937
Time Travel
This Small Army of Women
A Timeless Place
Targeted Transnationals
Tracking the Great Bear
To Right Historical Wrongs
Two Mediterranean Worlds
Territorial Pluralism
Try to Control Yourself
Temagami’s Tangled Wild
Thinking Differently about HIV/AIDS
Thumbing a Ride
The Terrific Engine
Trans-Pacific Mobilities
Thomas Crosby and the Tsimshian
Treaty Talks in British Columbia, Second Edition
Taking Control
Truth and Conviction
Treaty Talks in British Columbia, Third Edition
They Call Me Father
Totem Poles
Transforming the Canadian History Classroom
Tellings From Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub
A Tsilhqút’ín Grammar
Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada
Trading Beyond the Mountains
A Town Called Asbestos
Tribal Boundaries in the Nass Watershed
Reshaping the University
Nature-First Cities
Local Governance in Transition
Life against States of Emergency
Dispatches from Disabled Country
Canada’s Prime Ministers and the Shaping of a National Identity
City of Order
Yuan Shikai
Emerging Technologies
Sex in Canada
The Solidarity Encounter
Critical Suicidology
Being Again of One Mind
Pinay on the Prairies
One Hundred Years of Struggle
The Man Who Invented Gender
Living Indigenous Leadership
The Iconic North
Inside Killjoy’s Kastle
Forestry and the Forest Industry in Japan
From Treaty Peoples to Treaty Nation
What Is Water?
Constructing Empire
At the Bridge
Discovering Nothing
Born with a Copper Spoon
Xavier’s Legacies
Welcome to Resisterville
Statesmen, Strategists & Diplomats
Reasonable Accommodation
Transforming the Prairies
Indigenous Women and Feminism
Negotiating a River
A Cooperative Disagreement
Building a Special Relationship
North of America
Lexicon of Reconstructed Pronunciation
Pilgrims, Patrons, and Place
Myth and Memory
The Independence of the Prosecutor
Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar
Land and the Liberal Project
Judging Sex Work
Heenan Blaikie
Hunters and Bureaucrats
Global Health Security in China, Japan, and India
Family Law in Action
Everyday Exposure
The Environmental Rights Revolution
Deciding on Death
Do Glaciers Listen?
Chiang Kai-shek’s Critical Years, 1935–50
Constraining the Court
Canada’s Surprising Constitution
The Challenges of a Secular Quebec
A Culture of Justification
Constitutional Crossroads
The Creator’s Game
Broken City
Beyond Rights
Ancillary Police Powers in Canada
An Army of Never-Ending Strength
Unstable Properties
Teaching Each Other
Sufism in Canada
Sea Change
Suing for Silence
Sex, Sexuality, and the Constitution
The Rise of Tzu Chi
Refugees Are (Not) Welcome Here
A Political Economy of Canadian Broadcasting
Power Played
People, Politics, and Purpose
Wages for Housework
Shifting Gears
The YWCA in China
Unmothering Autism
Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships
The Civil Sphere in Canada
Blue Skies over Wuhan
Indigenous Storywork
Fighting Feelings
Pentecostal Preacher Woman
Handing Over the Keys
The Enduring Riddle of Mackenzie King
After Redress
After Ice
Chétien and the World
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out
This Is Our Life
The Public Sociology Debate
Islands’ Spirit Rising
Storied Communities
Under the White Gaze
Autism and the Culture of Therapy
Artificial Democracy
The Debt of a Nation
Counting Matters
Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers
Feathered Entanglements
Faith or Fraud
Research with Refugee Children and Families
Planting Thistles
The Working Class and Politics in Canada
Trading on Art
A Tight Grip
Tender Labour
The Thin Edge of Innovation
The Political Party in Canada
Our Voices Must Be Heard
The New Politics of Western Canada
Sites of Conscience
Managing Natural Resources in British Columbia
Revival and Change
Pivot or Pirouette?
Not Just a Man’s War
Times of Transformation
Ballots and Brawls
King and Chaos
Foreign Affairs in the Canadian Constitution
Greyscale Legality
Watching the Bear
The Unexpected Louis St-Laurent
Renegotiating the Bargain
Protecting the Coast and Ocean
The Laws and the Land
The West and the Birth of Bangladesh
White Space
Screening Out
Scandalous Conduct
So Much More Than Art
The Social Life of Standards
Historicizing Canadian Anthropology
Sexual Assault in Canadian Sport
Cripping Intersex
Small Bites
Decolonizing Education
Captain Cook Rediscovered
Adjusting the Lens
The Aging–Disability Nexus
Writing the Hamat’sa
Am I Safe Here?
Reconciling Truths
Liquor and the Liberal State
Constitutionalizing Criminal Law
Reckoning with Racism
Religious Diversity in Canadian Public Schools
Pleasure and Panic
Mobilizing Metaphor
Heavy Traffic
Global Biopiracy
Governing Ourselves?
Governing with the Charter
Families, Labour and Love
First Nations Education in Canada
First Do No Harm
Second Growth
Selling British Columbia
Street Protests and Fantasy Parks
The Soldiers’ General
Scars of War
Roasting Chestnuts
Rebuilding Canadian Party Politics
Racing to the Bottom?
Reviving Social Democracy
The Resettlement of British Columbia
Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision
Robert Brown and the Vancouver Island Exploring Expedition
Planning Canadian Regions
Colonizing Bodies
Brute Souls, Happy Beasts, and Evolution
Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb
Women and the White Man’s God
What Is a Crime?
The Vancouver Achievement
Unnatural Law
The Politics of Resentment
Painting the Maple
Personal Relationships of Dependence and Interdependence in Law
People and Place
Political Parties
Potlatch at Gitsegukla
Professional Child and Youth Care, Second Edition
Pepper in Our Eyes
A Pioneer Gentlewoman in British Columbia
The Oriental Question
Mr. Smith Goes to Ottawa
Making Vancouver
Modern Women Modernizing Men
Law and Citizenship
Law and Risk
Laws and Societies in the Canadian Prairie West, 1670-1940
Intercultural Dispute Resolution in Aboriginal Contexts
The International Politics of Whaling
Injury and the New World of Work
Indian Education in Canada, Volume 2
Indian Education in Canada, Volume 1
Eagle Down Is Our Law
Diversity and Equality
A Dynamic Balance
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 42, 2004
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 41, 2003
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 40, 2002
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 37, 1999
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 36, 1998
The Canadian Department of Justice and the Completion of Confederation 1867-78
From Victoria to Vladivostok
The Notorious Georges
House Rules
The Heart of Toronto
Women, Film, and Law
Rare Merit
A People and a Nation
Religion at the Edge
Portraits of Battle
Nursing Shifts in Sichuan
No Legal Way Out
Neighbourhood Houses
Rising Up
Globalization, Poverty, and Income Inequality
Quietly Shrinking Cities
A Liberal-Labour Lady
The Frontiers of Feminism
Feeling Feminism
From Dismal Swamp to Smiling Farms
Demanding Equality
Behind Closed Doors
Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds
Bead by Bead
Activism, Inclusion, and the Challenges of Deliberative Democracy
Against the Tides
Assisted Suicide in Canada
Exporting Virtue?
The Government of Natural Resources
Getting Wise about Getting Old
A Great Revolutionary Wave
Geography of British Columbia
Grassroots Liberals
Gathering Places
Gendering the Nation-State
Guarding the Gates
Good Intentions Gone Awry
Genetically Modified Diplomacy
Growth and Governance of Canadian Universities
Gendering Government
Game in the Garden
Global Goes Local
Gamblers and Dreamers
Geographic Variation in Forest Trees
The Grand Experiment
Good Government? Good Citizens?
Gay Male Pornography
Global Ordering
Gutenberg in Shanghai
Gender and Change in Hong Kong
Globalization and Local Adaptation in International Trade Law
Game Changer
Gendered News
Glorify the Empire
Governing from the Bench
Give Me Shelter
Grassroots Politicians
Governing the Social in Neoliberal Times
Governing Irregular Migration
Gendered Mediation
Grey Zones in International Economic Law and Global Governance
Guiding Modern Girls
Globalization and Well-Being
Give and Take
Globalizing Citizenship
Ghost Dancing with Colonialism
Gender in the Legal Profession
Health and Sustainability in the Canadian Food System
Hunger, Horses, and Government Men
Hymns and the Christian Myth
Health Care and the Charter
Health Advocacy, Inc.
Human Rights
Hollywood North
A Heart at Leisure from Itself
Hidden Dimensions
Humanitarianism, Identity, and Nation
Hunting the Northern Character
A Healthy Society
The High North
The Hero and the Historians
A History of Early Childhood Education in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
Hiroshima Immigrants in Canada, 1891-1941
Healing Henan
Hidden Agendas
Hometown Horizons
Holding the Line
The Halifax Explosion and the Royal Canadian Navy
Hobnobbing with a Countess and Other Okanagan Adventures
Home Is the Hunter
Hunting for Empire
Hunters at the Margin
The Harper Era in Canadian Foreign Policy
Hearts and Mines
Glacial Environments
Gandharan Buddhism
Identity/Difference Politics
Invested Indifference
Inuit Education and Schools in the Eastern Arctic
In Mixed Company
In Search of Canadian Political Culture
International Ecopolitical Theory
In Defence of Multinational Citizenship
If I Had a Hammer
Imagining Difference
International Environmental Law and Asian Values
The Integrity Gap
In the Long Run We’re All Dead
The Indian Association of Alberta
In Search of Sustainability
Independence and Economic Security in Old Age
Invisible and Inaudible in Washington
The Industrial Transformation of Subarctic Canada
Indigenous Legal Traditions
In Defence of Principles
Indigenous Peoples and Autonomy
Identity Politics in the Public Realm
Infidels and the Damn Churches
Immigration Canada
Inequality and the Fading of Redistributive Politics
The Industrial Diet
Imperfect Democracies
Investing in Place
Islam in the Hinterlands
Indigenous Encounters with Neoliberalism
In Peace Prepared
In Search of the Ethical Lawyer
Inventing Stanley Park
Incorporating Culture
Indigenous Peoples and Dementia
Intercultural Deliberation and the Politics of Minority Rights
Invisible Scars
In Defence of Home Places
The Intellectual Property–Regulatory Complex
The Inner Bird
Indigenous in the City
Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada
Anatomy of a Conflict
Asia-Pacific Legal Development
Attitudinal Decision Making in the Supreme Court of Canada
American Missionaries, Christian Oyatoi, and Japan, 1859-73
Ancient People of the Arctic
Animal Sensibility and Inclusive Justice in the Age of Bernard Shaw
Against Orthodoxy
Age, Gender, and Work
Architecture and the Canadian Fabric
Acts of Occupation
At Home and Abroad
Alliance and Illusion
Aboriginal Autonomy and Development in Northern Quebec and Labrador
Academic Freedom and the Inclusive University
Animals and Nature
Another Kind of Justice
Awfully Devoted Women
Avoiding Armageddon
The Archive of Place
Aboriginal Title and Indigenous Peoples
Asia-Pacific Diplomacy
Auditing Canadian Democracy
Administering the Colonizer
Art in Turmoil
Asian Religions in British Columbia
Acquired Tastes
Aboriginal Student Engagement and Achievement
Action and Reaction in the World System
Aboriginal Peoples and Sport in Canada
Academic Careers and the Gender Gap
Alternative Media in Canada
According to Baba
Aboriginal Justice and the Charter
Assessing Treaty Performance in China
Achieving Sustainable Development
Alex Lord’s British Columbia
Advocacy Groups
Assembling Unity
After Morgentaler
After ’08
Aboriginal Conditions
Aboriginal Education
Aboriginal Peoples and Politics
Arming the Chinese
Liberalism, Nationalism, Citizenship
Life Lived Like a Story
Law and Neurodiversity
Labour at the Lakehead
A Life in Balance?
Locating Global Order
Lost Kids
Leviathan Undone?
Language Matters
Longitude and Empire
Limiting Arbitrary Power
The Limits of Labour
Legends of Our Times
Linking Industry and Ecology
Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada
Lament for a First Nation
Let Right Be Done
Landing Native Fisheries
Last Word
Leaky Governance
Learning and Teaching Together
Land Politics and Livelihoods on the Margins of Hanoi, 1920-2010
Living Dead in the Pacific
Labour Goes to War
Live at The Cellar
The Last Suffragist Standing
Lived Fictions
Levelling the Lake
Lawyers’ Empire
Land Resource Economics and Sustainable Development
The Justice Crisis
Jewels of the Qila
Judicial Decision Making in Child Sexual Abuse Cases
Japan at the Millennium
Judging Homosexuals
Justice Bertha Wilson
Journey to the Ice Age
Jack Shadbolt and the Coastal Indian Image
The Juggling Mother
Japanese Historians and the National Myths, 1600-1945
Inside the Local Campaign
Islands of Truth
Kwakwa_ka_’wakw Settlements, 1775-1920
King Alpha’s Song in a Strange Land
Keeping the Nation’s House
Kiss the kids for dad, Don’t forget to write
Kiumajut (Talking Back)
Keeping Canada British
Knowing the Past, Facing the Future
The Klondike Stampede
A Long Way to Paradise
The Lillooet Language
The Letters of Malcolm Lowry and Gerald Noxon, 1940-1952
Insiders and Outsiders
Changing of the Guards
A Consolidated Index to the Canadian Yearbook of International Law
Canadian Democratic Audit
A Complex Culture of the British Columbia Plateau
Chinese Democracy after Tiananmen
Cabinets and First Ministers
Contemporary Slavery
Corporate Power and Canadian Capitalism
Canadian Oceans Policy
Chiefs of the Sea and Sky
A Complex Exile
Canadian Foreign Policy
Debt and Federalism
Corps Commanders
Constructing Crime
Colonial Proximities
Constitutional Politics in Canada after the Charter
Criminal Artefacts
Courts and Federalism
Collective Insecurity
Compulsory Compassion
Cultural Autonomy
The Chinese State at the Borders
The Chinese in Vancouver, 1945-80
Contesting Elder Abuse and Neglect
Community Forestry in Canada
Conflicting Visions
Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up
Co-operative Canada
Comparing Canada
The Changing Nature of Eco/Feminism
Canada’s Global Villagers
Consuming Modernity
Canadian Liberalism and the Politics of Border Control, 1867-1967
Canoe Nation
Creating Canada’s Peacekeeping Past
Cleaner, Greener, Healthier
Cultivating Connections
Chieftains into Ancestors
Constituency Influence in Parliament
The Canadian Election Studies
Communication Technology
The Courts
Caring for Children
The Constant Liberal
Crossing Law’s Border
Class Actions in Canada
China Gadabouts
Couture and Commerce
Critical Disability Theory
The Call of the World
CCF Colonialism in Northern Saskatchewan
China in the 1990s, 2nd Edition
Challenge and Opportunity
Communities, Development, and Sustainability across Canada
Canadian Foreign Policy and International Economic Regimes
Canadians Behind Enemy Lines, 1939-1945
Checklist of Printed Material Relating to French-Canadian Literature
Canadian Reference Sources
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 51
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 50, 2012
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 48, 2010
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 47, 2009
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 46, 2008
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 45, 2007
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 44, 2006
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 43, 2005
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 39, 2001
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 38, 2000
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 35, 1997
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 34, 1996
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 33, 1995
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 32, 1994
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 31, 1993
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 30, 1992
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 29, 1991
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 18, 1980
Child and Youth Care
Code Politics
Corporate Social Responsibility and the State
Creative Subversions
Contesting White Supremacy
Citizens Adrift
Canada’s Voice
Canada’s Rights Revolution
Contributing Citizens
Captain Alex MacLean
Contradictory Impulses
The Comparative Turn in Canadian Political Science
Creating Postwar Canada
Cinematic Howling
Conventional Choices?
Capital and Labour in the British Columbia Forest Industry, 1934-74
Canada and the British World
The Culture of Hunting in Canada
Cross-Cultural Caring, 2nd ed.
Canadian Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, 2nd ed.
Contact Zones
Corporate Governance in Global Capital Markets
The Co-Workplace
Canada and the Beijing Conference on Women
Cycling into Saigon
Cis dideen kat - When the Plumes Rise
Creating Historical Memory
The Cost of Climate Policy
The Canadian War on Queers
Canada’s Road to the Pacific War
Crisis of Conscience
Commanding Canadians
Creating a Modern Countryside
The Culture of Flushing
Critical Criminology in Canada
Deliberative Democracy in Practice
Democratizing Pension Funds
Discourses of Denial
Dominion and the Rising Sun
Driven Apart
Demography in Canada in the Twentieth Century
Dear Nan
Defence and Discovery
Defining Harm
Defining Rights and Wrongs
Domestic Reforms
Defending Rights in Russia
Despotic Dominion
Dimensions of Inequality in Canada
Diplomatic Departures
Disability Politics and Care
Demarginalizing Voices
Dispersed but Not Destroyed
Disrupting Queer Inclusion
Death or Deliverance
Diasporic Chineseness after the Rise of China
Disarming Intervention
Disabling Barriers
Duty to Dissent
Dominion of Race
The Deindustrialized World
Diasporic Media beyond the Diaspora
Decision at Midnight
Demographic Projection Techniques for Regions and Smaller Areas
First Person Plural
Forging Diasporic Citizenship
Four Centuries of Special Geography
Field and Theory
Frontier People
Fixing Niagara Falls
From Wardship to Rights
Forest Economics
Feminist Ethics and Social Policy
Feminist Community Research
Faith, Politics, and Sexual Diversity in Canada and the United States
Fire and the Full Moon
Fort Chipewyan and the Shaping of Canadian History, 1788-1920s
Finding Dahshaa
From Pride to Influence
From Rights to Needs
First Nations, First Thoughts
From World Order to Global Disorder
Ethel Wilson
Engagement Organizing
The Early Years of Native American Art History
Ethics and Aging
Feminists and Party Politics
The Frontier World of Edgar Dewdney
Fatal Consumption
Fighting from Home
Frigates and Foremasts
Fort Langley Journals, 1827-30
The Freedom of Security
Feminized Justice
First Nations Cultural Heritage and Law
From UI to EI
First Nations Sacred Sites in Canada’s Courts
Feminist Activism in the Supreme Court
From Left to Right
From Slave Girls to Salvation
Fighting for Votes
Far Off Metal River
Food Will Win the War
First Nations, Museums, Narrations
Feminist History in Canada
Father Involvement in Canada
Fractured Homeland
Fraught Intimacies
The First Green Wave
Fragile Settlements
A Family Matter
Fighting with the Empire
Forestry and Biodiversity
The First Nations of British Columbia, Third Edition
From Where I Stand
The End of Children?
Environmental Conflict and Democracy in Canada
The Exchange University
Electing a Diverse Canada
The Ermatingers
Ethics and Security in Canadian Foreign Policy
Early Childhood Care and Education in Canada
Ecology of a Managed Terrestrial Landscape
Every Inch a Woman
Emerging from the Mist
Empires and Autonomy
Eating Bitterness
Exhibiting Nation
An Ethic of Mutual Respect
Epidemic Encounters
Empowering Electricity
Engaging the Line
Equality Deferred
Enforcing Exclusion
The Equity Myth
An Environmental History of Canada
Early Human Occupation in British Columbia
Ethnic Groups and Marital Choices
Elusive Destiny
Butterflies of British Columbia
Birds of British Columbia, Volume 3
Between Consenting Peoples
British Columbia’s Inland Rainforest
The Business of Women
Becoming British Columbia
Braiding Histories
Becoming Native in a Foreign Land
Bringing the Passions Back In
Be of Good Mind
The Big Red Machine
Biotechnology Unglued
Between Justice and Certainty
Being a Tourist
Battle Grounds
Being Relational
Bar Codes
Beyond Suffering
Building a Collaborative Advantage
Beyond Afghanistan
Building Sanctuary
Brewed in Japan
Brokering Access
Boundless Optimism
Becoming Multicultural
Beyond Testimony and Trauma
Behind the Walls
Banished to the Great Northern Wilderness
Blue-Green Province
By Law or In Justice
Before and After the State
Buying Happiness
Breaking News?
The British Columbia Court of Appeal
Brand Command
Balancing Act
Britain and the Origins of Canadian Confederation, 1837-67
Bitter Feast
Beyond the Amur
Bootstraps Need Boots
Breaching the Peace
Banning Transgender Conversion Practices
Birds of the World
The Behavior and Ecology of Pacific Salmon and Trout
Beyond the City Limits
The Burden of History
Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors, and Status
Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence
A Bounded Land
Unions, Equity, and the Path to Renewal
The (Un)Making of the Modern Family
Unwilling Mothers, Unwanted Babies
Unsettled Legitimacy
Unsettled Balance
Unthinkable Thoughts
Unwanted Warriors
Unlikely Diplomats
Unbuilt Environments
Unjust by Design
Uncertain Accommodation
Unmooring the Komagata Maru
Unions in Court
Unsettling the Settler Within
Urbanizing Frontiers
Voices Raised in Protest
Vancouver Short Stories
Voluntary Sector Organizations and the State
Voting Behaviour in Canada
Village China at War
Voices Rising
Veterans with a Vision
The Vancouver Island Letters of Edmund Hope Verney
Vanishing British Columbia
The Voyage of the Komagata Maru
Mischief Making
Murdering Holiness
Militia Myths
Masters of the Ocean Realm
Making Native Space
Mixed Blessings
North of El Norte
Native Art of the Northwest Coast
New Possibilities for the Past
Nooksack Place Names
No need of a chief for this band
Nuclear Waste Management in Canada
No Place to Go
New Histories for Old
Navigating Neoliberalism
Nutrition Policy in Canada, 1870-1939
Negotiating Buck Naked
National Visions, National Blindness
Negotiating Identities in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Montreal
Negotiated Memory
Northern Exposures
No Place to Learn
The Nurture of Nature
New Perspectives on the Public-Private Divide
Negotiating Responsibility
The New Silk Road Diplomacy
North to Bondage
New Treaty, New Tradition
A National Force
The New Lawyer, Second Edition
New Challenges for ASEAN
Nothing to Write Home About
National Manhood and the Creation of Modern Quebec
The Nature of Masculinity
Not the Slightest Chance
Natural Women, Cultured Men
The Nature of Canada
Métis Politics and Governance in Canada
Making the Best of It
The Motivation to Vote
The Media Gaze
Money, Politics, and Democracy
Moving Mountains
Media Divides
Multicultural Education Policies in Canada and the United States
Multiculturalism and the Foundations of Meaningful Life
Misrecognized Materialists
Misplaced Distrust
The Manly Modern
Masculinities without Men?
Manufacturing National Park Nature
Managed Annihilation
Multi-Party Litigation
Multiculturalism and the Canadian Constitution
Mapping Marriage Law in Spanish Gitano Communities
Making Wawa
Made in Nunavut
Museums and the Past
Mixed Race Amnesia
The Muslim Question in Canada
Mission Invisible
Modern Warfare
Making a Scene
Maritime Command Pacific
The Moral Economies of Ethnic and Nationalist Claims
The Making of Modern Chinese Medicine, 1850-1960
Milestones on a Golden Road
Mike’s World
Mothers and Others
Merry Laughter and Angry Curses
Medicine and Morality
Moments of Crisis
Military Education and the British Empire, 1815–1949
Made Modern
Men, Masculinity, and the Indian Act
Mega Urban Regions of Southeast Asia
Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment
Zombie Army
Witness to the Human Rights Tribunals
Words We Call Home
When the Caribou Do Not Come
War Junk
Witsuwit’en Grammar
When I Was Small – I Wan Kwikws
Written as I Remember It
A Wilder West
Wife to Widow
Women and Property in Urban India
Writing British Columbia History, 1784-1958
Working Girls in the West
White Gold
The Wealth of Forests
Walking in Indian Moccasins
Wet Prairie
Westward Bound
War-Torn Exchanges
White Settler Reserve
When Wheat Was King
What We Learned
Working Mothers and the Child Care Dilemma
When Good Drugs Go Bad
Webs of Empire
Where Happiness Dwells
With Friends Like These
We Still Demand!
Where the Rivers Meet
Wildlife, Conservation, and Conflict in Quebec, 1840-1914
Who Is Bob_34?
Who Controls the Hunt?
We Interrupt This Program
West Ham and the River Lea
Whose North?
A War of Patrols
The Way Home
When Coal Was King
Student Affairs
Shifting Boundaries
Sex and Borders
Sustainable Production
Sexing the Teacher
Saints, Sinners, and Soldiers
Sensing Changes
Shaped by the West Wind
Sanctuary, Sovereignty, Sacrifice
Securing Borders
Social Capital, Diversity, and the Welfare State
Smokeless Sugar
Shelter in a Storm
The Secular Northwest
So They Want Us to Learn French
Strong, Beautiful and Modern
The Struggle for Canadian Copyright
Social Transformation in Rural Canada
A Sisterhood of Suffering and Service
So Near Yet So Far
Striving for Environmental Sustainability in a Complex World
Selling Sex
A Small Price to Pay
The Strategic Constitution
Still Dying for a Living
Segmented Cities?
Secular States and Religious Diversity
Staging Corruption
Sporting Gender
The Stability Imperative
Science of the Seance
Sex Work
A School in Every Village
A Stake in the Future
Shaping the Future on Haida Gwaii
State of Exchange
Settler Anxiety at the Outposts of Empire
Saving the Nation through Culture
Speaking for Ourselves
The Subarctic Fur Trade
Since the Time of the Transformers
Ships and Memories
Rethinking Federalism
Retail Nation
Rediscovering Thomas Adams
The Reluctant Land
Race and the City
Reclaiming Adat
The Red Man’s on the Warpath
Representation and Democratic Theory
Redrawing Local Government Boundaries
Regionalism, Multilateralism, and the Politics of Global Trade
Reaction and Resistance
Regulating Lives
Resisting Manchukuo
Reforming Japan
Resource Communities in a Globalizing Region
Rebel Youth
Reimagining Intervention in Young Lives
Resettling the Range
Recognition versus Self-Determination
Remembering the Samsui Women
Rooted Cosmopolitanism
The Right to a Healthy Environment
Red Light Labour
Rethinking the Spectacle
Resisting Rights
Representation in Action
Reluctant Warriors
Rethinking Domestic Violence
Roaring Days
Relocating Middle Powers
The Railway King of Canada
Robes of Power
The Rare Vascular Plants of Alberta
Stepping Stones to Nowhere
Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism
Sinews of Survival
The Struggle for Social Justice in British Columbia
The Shoe Boy
Sex and the Revitalized City
Solidarities Beyond Borders
Speaking for a Long Time
Suburb, Slum, Urban Village
Sins of the Flesh
Settlers on the Edge
Solidarity First
Setting the Standard
Sex Workers in the Maritimes Talk Back
Supporting Indigenous Children’s Development
Queer Youth in the Province of the "Severely Normal"
Queer Mobilizations
Qualities of Mercy
Principles of Tsawalk
The Perils of Identity
Parity Democracy
Panoptic Dreams
Placing Memory and Remembering Place in Canada
The Practice of Execution in Canada
The Politics of Linkage
The Provinces and Canadian Foreign Trade Policy
Pearson’s Peacekeepers
The Paradoxes of Peacebuilding Post-9/11
People, Politics, and Child Welfare in British Columbia
Protecting Aboriginal Children
Parties Long Estranged
A Passion for Wildlife
Paddling to Where I Stand
Planning the New Suburbia
Pacific Empires
Parties, Candidates, and Constituency Campaigns in Canadian Elections
Positioning the Missionary
Policies for Sustainably Managing Canada’s Forests
Prisoners of the Home Front
The Politics of Acknowledgement
A Perilous Imbalance
Property, Territory, Globalization
The Power of Words
Points of Entry
Public Interest, Private Property
Patriation and Its Consequences
The Proposal Economy
Polygamy’s Rights and Wrongs
Public Engagement and Emerging Technologies
Photography, Memory, and Refugee Identity
Parties, Elections, and the Future of Canadian Politics
People of the Middle Fraser Canyon
The People and the Bay
Power from the North
Parole in Canada
Putting the State on Trial
Paths to the Bench
Political Communication in Canada
The Pragmatic Dragon
The Political Economy of Resource Regulation
Prophetic Identities
Private Women and the Public Good
Passing the Buck
Putting Family First
Postsecondary Education in British Columbia
Political Elites in Canada
Prime Ministerial Power in Canada
The Price of Alliance
Privacy in Peril
Permanent Campaigning in Canada
Power through Testimony
Planning Canadian Regions, Second Edition
Paul Kane’s Great Nor-West
Planning Toronto
Protest and Politics
Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage
Preserving What Is Valued
A People’s Dream
Protection of First Nations Cultural Heritage
Politics, Policy, and Government in British Columbia
Objects of Concern
Ours by Every Law of Right and Justice
Our Hearts Are as One Fire
Offshore Petroleum Politics
Orienting Canada
One of the Family
Opening Doors Wider
Organizing the Transnational
Obstructed Labour
The Other Quiet Revolution
Our Box Was Full
Once Upon an Oldman
An Officer and a Lady
Obedient Autonomy
On the Art of Being Canadian
Oral History at the Crossroads
Otter’s Journey through Indigenous Language and Law
On the Side of the Angels
Overland from Canada to British Columbia
“Here Is Hell”
The 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty
“I Was the Only Woman”
“Don’t Be So Gay!”
On the Outside
Our Chemical Selves
Opening the Government of Canada
Physiological Ecology of Pacific Salmon
Prometheus Wired
Policy and Practices for Biodiversity in Managed Forests
Pondweeds, Bur-reeds and Their Relatives of British Columbia
Plants of British Columbia
Pacific Salmon Life Histories
Queen of the Maple Leaf
Quebec Women and Legislative Representation
Silent Partners
We Shall Persist
What Nudism Exposes
Making Muskoka
A Legacy of Exploitation
Canada and the Korean War
Boosters and Barkers
A History of Migration from Germany to Canada, 1850-1939
Gender, Power, and Representations of Cree Law
Making and Breaking Settler Space
Follow the Leader, Lose the Region
Montreal, City of Water
Farming in a Changing Climate
Resistance and Recognition at Kitigan Zibi
Not Fit to Stay
No Home in a Homeland
Wired to the World, Chained to the Home
Tournament of Appeals
Sustaining the Forests of the Pacific Coast
Red Capitalism in South China
Renegotiating Community
Resistance Is Fertile
Queering Social Work Education
Haida Gwaii
Feminism’s Fight
Flexible Crossroads
Fight or Pay
Eau Canada
Ecology and Management of Sitka Spruce
Development’s Displacements
Captured Heritage
Cannibal Tours and Glass Boxes
Canada and Ballistic Missile Defence, 1954-2009
The Courts and the Colonies
Canada and Quebec
British Columbia Place Names
Big Steel
Building Health Promotion Capacity
Biodiversity and Democracy
The Aquaculture Controversy in Canada
Against the Grain
Aboriginal Peoples and Forest Lands in Canada
The Politics of Procurement
Place and Practice in Canadian Nursing History
Life in Stone
Life in 2030
Indigenous Empowerment through Co-management
Intensive Agriculture and Sustainability
The Information Front
Cold War Fighters
Disability Injustice
The Way of the Bachelor
The Slow Rush of Colonization
Social Policy and the Ethic of Care
Pro-Family Politics and Fringe Parties in Canada
Chasing the Dragon in Shanghai
The Many Voyages of Arthur Wellington Clah
The New Lawyer
A Bookman’s Catalogue Vol. 1 A-L
Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors, and Status
Multicultural Nationalism
China’s Asymmetric Statecraft
Frontier Fieldwork
Green Gold
Dreaming in Canadian
Japan’s Motorcycle Wars
States of Nature
Signs of the Time
Coping with Calamity
Inside the Campaign
Environmental Governance in the Gulf of St Lawrence
Awful Splendour
French Canadians, Furs, and Indigenous Women in the Making of the Pacific Northwest
Drumming Our Way Home
Cataloguing Culture
Caring for Eeyou Istchee
Brock Chisholm, the World Health Organization, and the Cold War
To Share, Not Surrender
Tibet and Nationalist China’s Frontier
Red Stamps and Gold Stars
Political Marketing in Canada
Lessons in Legitimacy
Intoxicating Manchuria
Images in Asian Religions
At the Far Reaches of Empire
Defending Battered Women on Trial
Building the Army’s Backbone
Messy Ethics in Human Rights Work
Canadian Labour Policy and Politics
Sustainable Energy Transitions in Canada
Canada and the End of Empire
Clio’s Warriors
With Good Intentions
Transformative Media
Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced
Translating the Occupation
The Theatre of Regret
Tellings from Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub
Terrain of Memory
Transnational Yearnings
The Technological Imperative in Canada
Thinking Planning and Urbanism
The Triumph of Citizenship
Taking the Air
Tales of Two Cities
This Elusive Land
Taking Stands
Training the Excluded for Work
Tales of Ghosts
Telling Tales
Talk and Log
Taking Medicine
This Blessed Wilderness
Troubling Sex
Transforming Law’s Family
Taxing Choices
A Trading Nation
Teachers’ Schools and the Making of the Modern Chinese Nation-State, 1897-1937
Time Travel
This Small Army of Women
A Timeless Place
Targeted Transnationals
Tracking the Great Bear
To Right Historical Wrongs
Two Mediterranean Worlds
Territorial Pluralism
Try to Control Yourself
Temagami’s Tangled Wild
Thinking Differently about HIV/AIDS
Thumbing a Ride
The Terrific Engine
Trans-Pacific Mobilities
Thomas Crosby and the Tsimshian
Treaty Talks in British Columbia, Second Edition
Taking Control
Truth and Conviction
Treaty Talks in British Columbia, Third Edition
They Call Me Father
Totem Poles
Transforming the Canadian History Classroom
Tellings From Our Elders: Lushootseed syeyehub
A Tsilhqút’ín Grammar
Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada
Trading Beyond the Mountains
A Town Called Asbestos
Tribal Boundaries in the Nass Watershed
Reshaping the University
Nature-First Cities
Local Governance in Transition
Life against States of Emergency
Dispatches from Disabled Country
Canada’s Prime Ministers and the Shaping of a National Identity
City of Order
Yuan Shikai
Emerging Technologies
Sex in Canada
The Solidarity Encounter
Critical Suicidology
Being Again of One Mind
Pinay on the Prairies
One Hundred Years of Struggle
The Man Who Invented Gender
Living Indigenous Leadership
The Iconic North
Inside Killjoy’s Kastle
Forestry and the Forest Industry in Japan
From Treaty Peoples to Treaty Nation
What Is Water?
Constructing Empire
At the Bridge
Discovering Nothing
Born with a Copper Spoon
Xavier’s Legacies
Welcome to Resisterville
Statesmen, Strategists & Diplomats
Reasonable Accommodation
Transforming the Prairies
Indigenous Women and Feminism
Negotiating a River
A Cooperative Disagreement
Building a Special Relationship
North of America
Lexicon of Reconstructed Pronunciation
Pilgrims, Patrons, and Place
Myth and Memory
The Independence of the Prosecutor
Outline of Classical Chinese Grammar
Land and the Liberal Project
Judging Sex Work
Heenan Blaikie
Hunters and Bureaucrats
Global Health Security in China, Japan, and India
Family Law in Action
Everyday Exposure
The Environmental Rights Revolution
Deciding on Death
Do Glaciers Listen?
Chiang Kai-shek’s Critical Years, 1935–50
Constraining the Court
Canada’s Surprising Constitution
The Challenges of a Secular Quebec
A Culture of Justification
Constitutional Crossroads
The Creator’s Game
Broken City
Beyond Rights
Ancillary Police Powers in Canada
An Army of Never-Ending Strength
Unstable Properties
Teaching Each Other
Sufism in Canada
Sea Change
Suing for Silence
Sex, Sexuality, and the Constitution
The Rise of Tzu Chi
Refugees Are (Not) Welcome Here
A Political Economy of Canadian Broadcasting
Power Played
People, Politics, and Purpose
Wages for Housework
Shifting Gears
The YWCA in China
Unmothering Autism
Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships
The Civil Sphere in Canada
Blue Skies over Wuhan
Indigenous Storywork
Fighting Feelings
Pentecostal Preacher Woman
Handing Over the Keys
The Enduring Riddle of Mackenzie King
After Redress
After Ice
Chétien and the World
The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out
This Is Our Life
The Public Sociology Debate
Islands’ Spirit Rising
Storied Communities
Under the White Gaze
Autism and the Culture of Therapy
Artificial Democracy
The Debt of a Nation
Counting Matters
Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers
Feathered Entanglements
Faith or Fraud
Research with Refugee Children and Families
Planting Thistles
The Working Class and Politics in Canada
Trading on Art
A Tight Grip
Tender Labour
The Thin Edge of Innovation
The Political Party in Canada
Our Voices Must Be Heard
The New Politics of Western Canada
Sites of Conscience
Managing Natural Resources in British Columbia
Revival and Change
Pivot or Pirouette?
Not Just a Man’s War
Times of Transformation
Ballots and Brawls
King and Chaos
Foreign Affairs in the Canadian Constitution
Greyscale Legality
Watching the Bear
The Unexpected Louis St-Laurent
Renegotiating the Bargain
Titles By Publisher
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