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A firm grounding in economics is integral to sound forestry policies and practices. This book, a major revision and expansion of Peter H. Pearse’s 1990 classic, is an essential textbook for forestry students. Updated and enhanced with advanced empirical presentation of materials, it covers the basic economic principles and concepts and their application to modern forest management and policy issues. Forest Economics reflects the authors’ more than fifty years of combined experience in teaching forest economics in the United States and Canada. Its comprehensive and systematic analysis of forest issues makes it an indispensable resource for students and practitioners of forest management, natural resource conservation, and environmental studies.

412 pages | © 2011

Table of Contents



Part 1: Market, Government, and Forest Investment Analysis

1 Forestry’s Economic Perspective

2 Market Economy and the Role of Government

3 Forest Investment Analysis

Part 2: The Forest Sector – Timber, Land, and Beyond

4 Timber Supply, Demand, and Pricing

5 Unpriced Forest Values

6 Land Allocation and Multiple Use

Part 3: Economics of Forest Management

7 The Optimal Forest Rotation

8 Regulating Harvests over Time

9 Long-Term Trends in the Forest Sector and Silvicultural Investment

Part 4: Economics of Forest Policy

10 Property Rights

11 Forest Taxes and Other Charges

Part 5: Forest Economics in a Global Perspective

12 Forest Products Trade

13 Global Forest Resources and the Environment


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