Ancient Studies
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1
Aeschylus I
Aeschylus II
The Oresteia
Talking to Strangers
The Sky Is Our Song
Cuneiform Texts in the National Museum of Denmark
Aristotle’s "Art of Rhetoric"
Aristotle’s "Politics"
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Marcus Aurelius in Love
Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s De anima
The Infinite Image
Death in Babylon
Sophistry and Political Philosophy
The Mirror of the Self
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State
The Argument of the Action
Plato’s "Laws"
The Rhetoric of Morality and Philosophy
Socrates’ Second Sailing
Socrates and the Fat Rabbis
Literary Imagination, Ancient and Modern
How Philosophers Saved Myths
Plato the Myth Maker
Aristotle’s Dialogue with Socrates
Savage Energies
Earthquakes and Gardens
A Corpus of Greek Graffiti from Dalmatia
Archaeology, History, and Formation of Identity in Ancient Israel
The Byzantines
Writing, Law, and Kingship in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia
Cicero on the Emotions
African American Writers and Classical Tradition
Plato’s World
The Phantom Image
Horror in Classical Literature
Courtesans and Fishcakes
The Soul of the Greeks
A Short History of Greek Literature
Fictions of Sappho, 1546-1937
The Cuisine of Sacrifice among the Greeks
Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia
The Bedtrick
Splitting the Difference
Inventing the Alphabet
Democratic Swarms
Sappho Is Burning
Slaves and Other Objects
The Renaissance Rediscovery of Intimacy
Edward Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Agon in Classical Literature
The Complete Works
The Complete Greek Tragedies, Volume 3
Euripides I
Euripides II
Euripides III
Euripides IV
Euripides V
Around the Roman Table
Communities of Style
Remembering and Forgetting in Ancient Mesopotamia
City and Soul in Plato’s Republic
Alcman and the Cosmos of Sparta
Figures of Speech
Speaking the Truth about Oneself
A Democracy of Distinction
Poetic Justice
Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
Menander "Misoumenos" or "The Hated Man"
Aristotle’s Politics
Aristotle’s Rhetoric
Confronting Aristotle’s Ethics
For the Sake of Argument
A Taste of Ancient Rome
The Romans
Power, Gender, and Mobility
Image and Myth
How to Stage Greek Tragedy Today
Love, Sex & Tragedy
Stoicism and Emotion
Ruling Culture
The Greek Tragedies
Of Farming and Classics
Botanical Icons
Greek Tragedies 1
Greek Tragedies 2
Greek Tragedies 3
The Secret History of Emotion
Plotinus or the Simplicity of Vision
Artifact and Artifice
Aristotle’s Poetics
How to Do the History of Homosexuality
Reflections on Aristotle’s Politics
Medieval Latin
Memories of Odysseus
Penelope’s Bones
Rhetoric in Tooth and Claw
The Conquest of Ruins
The History
Falling in Love with Statues
The Metopes of the Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassai
Works of Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns
A Commentary on The Complete Greek Tragedies. Aeschylus
The Iliad of Homer
The Odyssey
Odes and Epodes
Satires and Epistles
Darkness Visible
A History of Trust in Ancient Greece
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 2
Loving the World Appropriately
The Appian Way
Cicero, Catullus, and the Language of Social Performance
Fragmentary Osirian Papyri
The Trouble with Ancient DNA
Dangerous Counsel
Greek Lyrics, Second Edition
What Did the Romans Know?
Socrates and the Jews
A Latin Reader for Colleges
A Short Introduction to the Ancient Greek Theater
The Theatricality of Greek Tragedy
Gods and Demons, Priests and Scholars
Theorizing Myth
The Greeks and Us
The Guide of the Perplexed
Lives of the Great Languages
The Female in Aristotle’s Biology
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 3
Objects as Actors
The Emergence of the Classical Style in Greek Sculpture
Once Out of Nature
The Shock of the Ancient
The Sleep of Reason
Yearning for Immortality
History of the Persian Empire
Ptolemais Cyrenaica
Aristotle’s Teaching in the "Politics"
The Animal Part
The Soul of Tragedy
The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 1
Aesop’s Human Zoo
The Being of the Beautiful
The Laws of Plato
Plato’s Sophist
Plato’s Statesman
Plato’s Theaetetus
Cults, Territory, and the Origins of the Greek City-State
The Lost Bible
Seeming and Being in Plato’s Rhetorical Theory
Setting Plato Straight
Oedipus and the Sphinx
The Roman Stoics
Books of the Dead Belonging to Tshemmin and Neferirnub
Rome as a Guide to the Good Life
Fear of Diversity
Two Medical Manuscripts
Herodotus in the Anthropocene
The Stoic Idea of the City
Homer in Print
Vision and Stagecraft in Sophocles
The Pocket Epicurean
The Pocket Stoic
Anger, Mercy, Revenge
The Complete Tragedies, Volume 1
The Complete Tragedies, Volume 2
Hardship and Happiness
Letters on Ethics
Natural Questions
On Benefits
Oedipus the King, Second Edition
Oedipus the King
Sophocles I
Sophocles II
The Sarpedon Krater
Greek Gods in the East
When Egypt Ruled the East
The Argument and the Action of Plato’s Laws
Socrates and Aristophanes
Ancient Perspectives
The Mourner’s Song
The Iconography of Cylinder Seals
Aristophanes and the Cloak of Comedy
The Peloponnesian War
Greece in the Bronze Age
The Greeks
Did the Greeks Believe in Their Myths?
New Testament Greek Workbook
The Making of a King
The Lost Second Book of Aristotle’s "Poetics"
Tools and the Organism
The Socratic Paradox and Its Enemies
Old Sumerian and Old Akkadian Texts in Philadelphia, Vol. III
A Companion to The Iliad
The Library of Ancient Wisdom
Translation as Muse
Playing the Other
The Buried City
Aeschylus I
Aeschylus II
The Oresteia
Talking to Strangers
The Sky Is Our Song
Cuneiform Texts in the National Museum of Denmark
Aristotle’s "Art of Rhetoric"
Aristotle’s "Politics"
Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
Marcus Aurelius in Love
Middle Commentary on Aristotle’s De anima
The Infinite Image
Death in Babylon
Sophistry and Political Philosophy
The Mirror of the Self
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State
The Argument of the Action
Plato’s "Laws"
The Rhetoric of Morality and Philosophy
Socrates’ Second Sailing
Socrates and the Fat Rabbis
Literary Imagination, Ancient and Modern
How Philosophers Saved Myths
Plato the Myth Maker
Aristotle’s Dialogue with Socrates
Savage Energies
Earthquakes and Gardens
A Corpus of Greek Graffiti from Dalmatia
Archaeology, History, and Formation of Identity in Ancient Israel
The Byzantines
Writing, Law, and Kingship in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia
Cicero on the Emotions
African American Writers and Classical Tradition
Plato’s World
The Phantom Image
Horror in Classical Literature
Courtesans and Fishcakes
The Soul of the Greeks
A Short History of Greek Literature
Fictions of Sappho, 1546-1937
The Cuisine of Sacrifice among the Greeks
Colonial Encounters in Ancient Iberia
The Bedtrick
Splitting the Difference
Inventing the Alphabet
Democratic Swarms
Sappho Is Burning
Slaves and Other Objects
The Renaissance Rediscovery of Intimacy
Edward Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Agon in Classical Literature
The Complete Works
The Complete Greek Tragedies, Volume 3
Euripides I
Euripides II
Euripides III
Euripides IV
Euripides V
Around the Roman Table
Communities of Style
Remembering and Forgetting in Ancient Mesopotamia
City and Soul in Plato’s Republic
Alcman and the Cosmos of Sparta
Figures of Speech
Speaking the Truth about Oneself
A Democracy of Distinction
Poetic Justice
Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
Menander "Misoumenos" or "The Hated Man"
Aristotle’s Politics
Aristotle’s Rhetoric
Confronting Aristotle’s Ethics
For the Sake of Argument
A Taste of Ancient Rome
The Romans
Power, Gender, and Mobility
Image and Myth
How to Stage Greek Tragedy Today
Love, Sex & Tragedy
Stoicism and Emotion
Ruling Culture
The Greek Tragedies
Of Farming and Classics
Botanical Icons
Greek Tragedies 1
Greek Tragedies 2
Greek Tragedies 3
The Secret History of Emotion
Plotinus or the Simplicity of Vision
Artifact and Artifice
Aristotle’s Poetics
How to Do the History of Homosexuality
Reflections on Aristotle’s Politics
Medieval Latin
Memories of Odysseus
Penelope’s Bones
Rhetoric in Tooth and Claw
The Conquest of Ruins
The History
Falling in Love with Statues
The Metopes of the Temple of Apollo Epikourios at Bassai
Works of Hesiod and the Homeric Hymns
A Commentary on The Complete Greek Tragedies. Aeschylus
The Iliad of Homer
The Odyssey
Odes and Epodes
Satires and Epistles
Darkness Visible
A History of Trust in Ancient Greece
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 2
Loving the World Appropriately
The Appian Way
Cicero, Catullus, and the Language of Social Performance
Fragmentary Osirian Papyri
The Trouble with Ancient DNA
Dangerous Counsel
Greek Lyrics, Second Edition
What Did the Romans Know?
Socrates and the Jews
A Latin Reader for Colleges
A Short Introduction to the Ancient Greek Theater
The Theatricality of Greek Tragedy
Gods and Demons, Priests and Scholars
Theorizing Myth
The Greeks and Us
The Guide of the Perplexed
Lives of the Great Languages
The Female in Aristotle’s Biology
University of Chicago Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 3
Objects as Actors
The Emergence of the Classical Style in Greek Sculpture
Once Out of Nature
The Shock of the Ancient
The Sleep of Reason
Yearning for Immortality
History of the Persian Empire
Ptolemais Cyrenaica
Aristotle’s Teaching in the "Politics"
The Animal Part
The Soul of Tragedy
The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Volume 1
Aesop’s Human Zoo
The Being of the Beautiful
The Laws of Plato
Plato’s Sophist
Plato’s Statesman
Plato’s Theaetetus
Cults, Territory, and the Origins of the Greek City-State
The Lost Bible
Seeming and Being in Plato’s Rhetorical Theory
Setting Plato Straight
Oedipus and the Sphinx
The Roman Stoics
Books of the Dead Belonging to Tshemmin and Neferirnub
Rome as a Guide to the Good Life
Fear of Diversity
Two Medical Manuscripts
Herodotus in the Anthropocene
The Stoic Idea of the City
Homer in Print
Vision and Stagecraft in Sophocles
The Pocket Epicurean
The Pocket Stoic
Anger, Mercy, Revenge
The Complete Tragedies, Volume 1
The Complete Tragedies, Volume 2
Hardship and Happiness
Letters on Ethics
Natural Questions
On Benefits
Oedipus the King, Second Edition
Oedipus the King
Sophocles I
Sophocles II
The Sarpedon Krater
Greek Gods in the East
When Egypt Ruled the East
The Argument and the Action of Plato’s Laws
Socrates and Aristophanes
Ancient Perspectives
The Mourner’s Song
The Iconography of Cylinder Seals
Aristophanes and the Cloak of Comedy
The Peloponnesian War
Greece in the Bronze Age
The Greeks
Did the Greeks Believe in Their Myths?
New Testament Greek Workbook
The Making of a King
The Lost Second Book of Aristotle’s "Poetics"
Tools and the Organism
The Socratic Paradox and Its Enemies
Old Sumerian and Old Akkadian Texts in Philadelphia, Vol. III
A Companion to The Iliad
The Library of Ancient Wisdom
Translation as Muse
Playing the Other
The Buried City
Titles In Subject
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