Intellect Ltd is a UK-based company committed to serving the academic community by publishing authors and editors with original thinking.
The Howff Project
What’s Next?
Playwriting and Young Audiences
Picturing the Cosmos
World Film Locations: New York
World Film Locations: Hong Kong
World Film Locations: Helsinki
Signs of Change
Mindful Movement
Fan Phenomena: The Lord of the Rings
Fan Phenomena: Supernatural
Frames of Mind
Food Democracy
The Cultural Set Up of Comedy
Directory of World Cinema: Russia 2
Comparative Media Policy, Regulation and Governance in Europe
Integrative Alexander Technique Practice for Performing Artists
The Importance of Elsewhere
Englishness, Pop and Post-War Britain
Fan Phenomena: Star Trek
Art as Research
Clown Through Mask
Storying the Self
Directory of World Cinema: Japan
Uncommon Goods
Un-American Psycho
World Film Locations: Singapore
World Film Locations: Florence
World Film Locations: Athens
World Film Locations: Buenos Aires
World Film Locations: Shanghai
World Film Locations: Boston
World Film Locations: Havana
World Film Locations: Toronto
With Nature
Walking, Writing and Performance
Visual Research Methods in Architecture
Using Art as Research in Learning and Teaching
Using Media for Social Innovation
Unbecoming Cinema
World Film Locations: Cleveland
World Film Locations: Malta
Wuthering Heights on Film and Television
World Film Locations: Washington D.C.
Writing on Drawing
We Europeans?
Women in Contemporary Culture
Wye Plays
World Film Locations: Prague
World Film Locations: Liverpool
World Film Locations: Barcelona
World Film Locations: São Paulo
World Film Locations: Marseilles
World Film Locations: Vancouver
World Film Locations: Venice
World Film Locations: Glasgow
World Film Locations: Chicago
Who’s Who in Research: Media Studies
Who’s Who in Research: Visual Arts
Who’s Who in Research: Performing Arts
Who’s Who in Research: Film Studies
Why I Buy
World Film Locations: Beijing
World Film Locations: Reykjavík
World Film Locations: Melbourne
World Film Locations: Berlin
Watching Films
World Film Locations: Las Vegas
World Film Locations: New Orleans
World Film Locations: Vienna
World Film Locations: Madrid
World Film Locations: Istanbul
World Film Locations: Dublin
World Film Locations: London
World Film Locations: Tokyo
Why We Make Art
The Visceral Screen
Visual Cultures
Versions of Hollywood Crime Cinema
Virtuality and the Art of Exhibition
Videogames and Art
Shakespeare Valued
Sydney Street Style
The Student Actor Prepares
Sacred Theatre
Switching to Digital Television
Spaces in European Cinema
Staging Ageing
Shanghai Street Style
Sustainability, Participation and Culture in Communication
The Social Use of Media
Superman: The Movie
Sergei Paradjanov
The Swedish Porn Scene
Sam Peckinpah
Studies in French Cinema
Spectacular Death
Searching for Art’s New Publics
Serbian & Greek Art Music
Sensing the City through Television
Screen Education
Serious Play
Stephen King on the Big Screen
Sophia Loren
Sex on Stage
Sonic Multiplicities
Stanley Kubrick at Look Magazine
Selling War
Signifying Europe
South African Cinema 1896-2010
Stephen King on the Small Screen
Streets of Crocodiles
Saudade in Brazilian Cinema
The Sensible Stage
Zapolska’s Women
Zombies in the Academy
Writing Belonging at the Millennium
Sine Ni Lav Diaz
Somatic Movement Dance Therapy
The Poetics of Poetry Film
Berliner Chic
Wiener Chic
Imagining Antiquity in Islamic Societies
Photography from the Turin Shroud to the Turing Machine
Photography, Narrative, Time
Photography and Landscape
On Perfection
Robert Frank’s ’The Americans’
Unmapping the City
Kira O’Reilly
Giuseppe Pagano
Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art
The Blind
Anne Bean
Double Exposures
The Culture of Photography in Public Space
An Affect of an Experience
Beyond Text
Design and the Digital Humanities
Contingency in Madagascar
World Film Locations: Rome
Red Creative
Playwriting in Schools
Havana Street Style
Developing Dialogues
Beauty and the Beast
Kurt Kren
Immigration Cinema in the New Europe
The Imaginary Geography of Hollywood Cinema 1960-2000
On Repetition
Understanding Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey
Body and Mind in Motion
Visual Futures
Landscape and the Moving Image
Lessons from a Multispecies Studio
Joshua Sofaer
Islamic Architecture Today and Tomorrow
Storytellers of Art Histories
Swedish Cops
The Performing Observer
Performing Spanishness
Devising Theatre & Performance
Leaping into Dance Literacy through the Language of Dance®
Bergson and Durational Performance
The City is Me
Fan Phenomena: Sherlock Holmes
Insights in Applied Theatre
Contemporary Design Education in Australia
Disability Arts and Culture
(Re:) Claiming Ballet
Design for the New World
Reaching Audiences
Artist Scholar
The Drama Therapy Decision Tree, 2nd Edition
The Many Meanings of Mina
House of Cards
Architecture Filmmaking
Fedor Bondarchuk: Stalingrad
Fellini’s Films and Commercials
Cosmopolitics of the Camera
Andrei Tarkovsky: "Ivan’s Childhood"
Architecture and the Urban in Spanish Film
American Presidents and Oliver Stone
Women in Iberian Filmic Culture
Slow TV
Radioactive Documentary
Radical Mainstream
Paolo Sorrentino’s Cinema and Television
Fan Phenomena: Doctor Who
Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks
Dance and Ethics
A Cultural History of the Disneyland Theme Parks
Blank Canvas
Bombay Cinema’s Islamicate Histories
Nostalgia and Videogame Music
Radical Intimacies
Personal Style Blogs
Performing Exile
Plays in Time
Precarious Spaces
Passion of the Reel
Polish Media Art in an Expanded Field
The Philadelphia Connection
Performance Art in Ireland
Pleading in the Blood
Playing for Time Theatre Company
Performing Process
Performing Revolutionary
3D Cinema and Beyond
Postcards from the Road
The Philosophical Actor
Phenomenology’s Material Presence
Performing Violence
The Place of Artists’ Cinema
Public Spheres After Socialism
The Problem of Assessment in Art and Design
Point Blank
The Potentials of Spaces
The Posthuman Condition
Politics of Contemporary European Cinema
Performing Processes
The Professionalisation of Political Communication
Pride and Panic
Piercing Time
Performative Materials in Architecture and Design
Polanski and Perception
A Portrait of the Artist as a Political Dissident
Peter Weir
People’s Pornography
People and Places of Nature and Culture
Picturing Immigration
6+1 Proposals for Journalism
Invisible Presence
A Holocaust Cabaret
Issues in Curating Contemporary Art and Performance
International Dialogues about Visual Culture, Education and Art
Image Critique and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Images and Identity
The Independence of the Media and its Regulatory Agencies
Imaging the City
Into the Story 2
It’s All Allowed
Inclusion in New Danish Cinema
Inspiring Writing in Art and Design
Italian Women’s Theatre, 1930-1960
Iranian Cinema and Globalization
Italian TV Drama and Beyond
’I am an American’
Invisible Country
Islamic Architecture on the Move
International Horror Film Directors
The Idea of the Avant Garde
The Igor Moiseyev Dance Company
Israel as a Modern Architectural Experimental Lab, 1948-1978
Inside the TV Newsroom
New Irish Storytellers
New Flows in Global TV
One Hundred Years of Futurism
On Stage
The Only Way Home is Through the Show
National Conversations
Orphan Black
One for the Girls!
Open Roads, Closed Borders
Octave Mirbeau: Two Plays
Re-Choreographing Cortical & Cartographic Maps
A Reflective Practitioner’s Guide to (Mis)Adventures in Drama Education - or - What Was I Thinking?
(Re)viewing Creative, Critical and Commercial Practices in Contemporary Spanish Cinema
Rhetoric of Modern Death in American Living Dead Films
The Roots of Modern Hollywood
The Reflexive Teaching Artist
Representations of Working in Arts Education
Real Objects in Unreal Situations
Reverberations across Small-Scale British Theatre
Reinventing Public Service Television for the Digital Future
Readings in Primary Art Education
Research in Art and Design Education
Russia, Freaks and Foreigners
Roof Watching
Radical Initiatives in Interventionist & Community Drama
Reclaiming the Media
Research-based Theatre
Rosebud Sleds and Horses’ Heads
Re-Imagining the City
Reframing Reality
Refugee Performance
Raymond Williams
The Hollywood War Film
How Belfast Got the Blues
Habitus of the Hood
Holistic Shakespeare
Historical Comedy on Screen
Honolulu Street Style
Harm and Offence in Media Content
Hong Kong New Wave Cinema (1978-2000)
The Ned Kelly Films
Narrating the Catastrophe
New Zealand Film and Television
New Zealand Cinema
The Media-Democracy Paradox in Ghana
Making Sense of Medicine
The Music of Antonio Carlos Jobim
The Making of an Artist
Modern Melbourne
Morality by Design
Inclusive Dance
Journalism Re-examined
JARMAN (all this maddening beauty) and other plays
A Journey of Art and Conflict
Life and Death
Keepin’ It Real
Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era
Languages of Theatre Shaped by Women
Looking for Marshall McLuhan in Afghanistan
Locating the Audience
Lure of the Big Screen
Landscape and the Science Fiction Imaginary
Lexicon for an Affective Archive
The Lived Experience of Improvisation
Life at the End of Life
Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain
Kinesthetic Empathy in Creative and Cultural Practices
The Rehearsal
Resetting the Stage
Red Sun and Merlin Unchained
Radio Content in the Digital Age
Recording Memories from Political Violence
Philosophical Frameworks and Design Processes
Prototyping Across the Disciplines
Preston Sturges
Performance Generating Systems in Dance
Quantum Art & Uncertainty
Queer Cinema in Europe
Queer Visibility in Post-socialist Cultures
Performing Temporality in Contemporary European Dance
Punk Now!!
Performing Palimpsest Bodies
Performance / Media / Art / Culture
The Politics of Migration and Mobility in the Art World
The Performances of Sacred Spaces
Producing Children’s Television in the On-demand Age
Painting, History and Meaning
Performing Collaboration in Solo Performance
Manifesto Now!
Martha Graham
Mediation and Protest Movements
Music and Levels of Narration in Film
Memory Fragments
Media in Europe Today
Misreading Postmodern Antigone
Media, Monarchy and Power
Media and Values
Media and Identity in Contemporary Europe
Media Between Culture and Commerce
The Method of Metaphor
Modern Argentine Masculinities
Memory, Space and Sound
Magnet Theatre
Meyerhold and the Cubists
Language of Tomorrow
Money Talks
Media, Markets and Public Spheres
The Musical Comedy Films of Grigorii Aleksandrov
Modes of Spectating
Media in the Enlarged Europe
Media, Democracy and European Culture
The Lure of the Social
Field Notes on the Visual Arts
Faith Wilding’s Fearful Symmetries
The Global Road Movie
Gay Men at the Movies
Governing Visions of the Real
Global Fashion Brands
Gavin Bolton’s Contextual Drama
Greek Cinema
Girls! Girls! Girls! In Contemporary Art
Global Technological Change
Gendered Transformations
The Grey Zone of Health and Illness
Green Documentary
Building Community Choirs in the Twenty-First Century
Bernhard Lang
The Future of Humanity
Fat Activism (Second Edition)
Sonic Signatures
Scream for Me, Africa!
Popular Music in Leeds
In Search of Tito’s Punks
Heavy Metal and Disability
Heavy Metal Music in Argentina
Following the Score
Ethno Music Gatherings
Decolonial Metal Music in Latin America
The Music of Nobuo Uematsu in the "Final Fantasy" Series
Music by Numbers
Dance and Authoritarianism
Design and Digital Interaction
Design Discourse on Business and Industry
Design Discourse on Culture and Society
Design and Living Well
Design and the Creation of Social Value
Dancing with Parkinson’s
Engaging with Reality
Educating Film-Makers
European Journalism Education
European Media Governance
Educating Artists for the Future
European Identity in Cinema
European Culture and the Media
Engineering Nature
Expertise and Architecture in the Modern Islamic World
Dancing Bahia
Europe Faces Europe
The Emergence of Video Processing Tools
Europe and Love in Cinema
Europe in Black and White
Distillation of Sound
Entering Transmasculinity
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2019
Culture and Contestation in the New Century
Carnival Texts
Britpop Cinema
Black and White Bioscope
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2017
Cultural Quarters
The Composition of Herman Melville
Crossing the Street in Hanoi
Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty
ConFiguring America
Citizen Voices
Creativity in the Classroom
Cinemas of the Other
Cinemas of the Other
China’s Environment and China’s Environment Journalists
The Baroque Technotext
Artistic Research in the Future Academy
Acting and Its Refusal in Theatre and Film
András Visky’s Barrack Dramaturgy
Aleksandr Askoldov
Aleksandr Sokurov
Activist Film Festivals
Alternative Worlds in Hollywood Cinema
Art, Community and Environment
Allegorical Images
Art Education in a Postmodern World
Applied Theatre
Audiences and Publics
The Artist as Curator
Arts Integration in Education
The Art Rules
Aestheticizing Public Space
Atomic Postcards
Amateur Images and Global News
Art inSight
Architectural Dynamics in Pre-Revolutionary Iran
Applied Drama
Anthem Quality
Australian TV News
’Avant-garde’ Art Groups in China, 1979-1989
The Audience Experience
The Architecture of the Screen
Artist, Researcher, Teacher
The Art of Nick Cave
The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Arab Press
The Art of Defiance
Across the Art/Life Divide
Art, Technology, Consciousness
Architecture and the Virtual
Aesthetic Journalism
Art and Theory After Socialism
Black Swan Lake
Broadcasting Diversity
Bringing Down the House
Beyond Auteurism
Broadcasters and Citizens in Europe
Applied Arts and Health
Aleksei Balabanov: Brother
Berlin School Glossary
Beyond the Dance Floor
Brit Wits
Bangladesh’s Changing Mediascape
Broadcasting and National Imagination in Post-Communist Latvia
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook
Acts of Dramaturgy
By Accident or Design
Brian Ferneyhough
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2016
Building Successful and Sustainable Film and Television Businesses
Arnold Wesker
Cindy Sherman’s Office Killer
Cultural Quarters
Context Providers
Confronting Theory
Cinema and Landscape
Christoph Schlingensief
Computers and Art
Cultural Industries in Shanghai
Connecting People, Place and Design
Culture, Technology and the Image
Celebrity Culture and the Entertainment Industry in Asia
Culture War
Connecting Metal to Culture
Confronting Technopoly
Consumer Culture
Cartomancy and Tarot in Film
Crime Uncovered
Crime Uncovered: Anti-hero
Crime Uncovered: Detective
Creative Communities
Celebrity Philanthropy
Creativity, Culture and Commerce
Canadian Wetlands
Cross-Cultural Design for Healthy Ageing
The Cultural Meaning of Aleppo
The Critical Eye
Directory of World Cinema: American Independent 2
Directory of World Cinema: France
Directory of World Cinema: South Korea
Directory of World Cinema: China
Directory of World Cinema: Britain
Directory of World Cinema: Japan 2
Directory of World Cinema: Germany
Directory of World Cinema: East Europe
Directory of World Cinema: Spain
Disaster Capitalism
Dancing across the Page
Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood
A Divided World
Directory of World Cinema: Italy
Directory of World Cinema: Iran
Directory of World Cinema: Australia and New Zealand
Directory of World Cinema: Russia
Deleuze and Film Music
Directory of World Cinema: American Independent
Drawing -- The Process
Danish Directors
The Danish Directors 3
Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood 2
Directory of World Cinema: Brazil
Directory of World Cinema: Belgium
Doctor Who and Race
Directory of World Cinema: Argentina
Dysfunction and Decentralization in New Media Art and Education
Directory of World Cinema: Germany 2
Directory of World Cinema: Turkey
Directory of World Cinema: Latin America
Directory of World Cinema: Finland
Dance, Disability and Law
The Dynamics of News and Indigenous Policy in Australia
Directory of World Cinema: Iran 2
Drawing in the Design Process
Directory of World Cinema: Argentina 2
Directory of World Cinema: American Independent 3
Critical Studies in Art and Design Education
Digital Futures and the City of Today
Design for Business
Directory of World Cinema: India
Design for Business
Downtown Film and TV Culture 1975-2001
Dramaturging Personal Narratives
Directory of World Cinema: Japan 3
Directory of World Cinema: China 2
Directory of World Cinema: Britain 2
Design for Business
Don’t Look Now
The Danish Directors 2
Directors & Designers
Diasporas of Australian Cinema
Digital Visual Culture
Digital Experience Design
Drawing -- The Purpose
The Designer
Declarations of Independence
David Cronenberg
Freaks of History
Fan Phenomena: The Twilight Saga
Fashion Cities Africa
Filming the City
Fan Phenomena: Mermaids
Fan Phenomena: James Bond
Film on The Faultline
Fan Phenomena: Jane Austen
Frontiers of Screen History
From Theory to Practice
From Child Art to Visual Language of Youth
From NWICO to WSIS: 30 Years of Communication Geopolitics
Framing Film
Flesh Into Light
Far Field
Feminist Ethics in Film
The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age
Franklin Furnace and the Spirit of the Avant-Garde
Fashion as Masquerade
Fashion and Ethics
Fan Phenomena: The Hunger Games
Fan Phenomena: Marilyn Monroe
Finding the Right Place on the Map
Futures Past
Future of Art in a Digital Age
Film, Drama and the Break Up of Britain
Fan Phenomena: Batman
Fan Phenomena: Star Wars
French Costume Drama of the 1950s
Futures of Chinese Cinema
The Future of Humanity
Film Studies in China
The Hour of All Things and Other Plays
Human Factors and Interactive Computer Systems
Howard Barker Interviews 1980-2010
Irish Drama in Poland
Ivar Kreuger and Jeanne de la Motte
African Modernism and Its Afterlives
Actional Poetics – ASH SHE HE
The Anarchist Cinema
Advances in Spatial Reasoning, Volume One
African Theatre for Development
Architectures of Illusion
Alisa, Alice
Aristotle in Hollywood
The Impact of Touch in Dance Movement Psychotherapy
Iconoclastic Controversies
Karaoke Idols
Local Childhoods in Global Times
Living Metal
Dance Studies in China
Drama-based Pedagogy
Drive in Cinema
Directory of World Cinema: Scotland
Directory of World Cinema: Africa
Digital Magazine Design
Directory of World Cinema: Australia and New Zealand 2
Frames and Fictions on Television
The Face on the Screen
The Film Paintings of David Lynch
The Friday Mosque in the City
Epidemic Urbanism
Entanglements of Two
Experimental Dining
Film Studies in China, Volume 2
Exposing Vulnerability
From Melies to New Media
Genre Matters
The Cinema Makers
The British Media and Bloody Sunday
British TV and Film Culture in the 1950s
Brecht in L.A.
Animals and Artists
Creative Intelligences
Computers and Writing
Cultures and Settlements
Crash Cultures
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2018
Communication and Discourse Theory
The Cultural Practice of Immigrant Filmmaking
Consumer Identities
The Virtual Classroom
Who’s Who in Research: Cultural Studies
Urban Cinematics
New Patterns in Global Television Formats
The Net Effect
New Brutality Film
Media Poetry
The Multisensory Film Experience
The New Politics of Visibility
The Return of "Twin Peaks"
Strategic Advertising Mechanisms
Redefining Theatre Communities
(Re)Positioning Site Dance
Revolution in the Echo Chamber
Spanish Cinema of the New Millennium
Street Fashion Moscow
Shooting Women
Street Scenes
Responding to Site
Queer Mythologies
Performing Arts in Prisons
The Psychology of Menu Selection
Progress in Neural Networks, Volume Three
Practising the Real on the Contemporary Stage
Prison Cultures
The Otherness of the Everyday
PUNK! Las Américas Edition
Post-Specimen Encounters Between Art, Science and Curating
Professions in Contemporary Drama
A Reality Check 2003
Recoveries and Reclamations
RTE and the Globalisation of Irish Television
The Postdigital Membrane
Negotiating Spain and Catalonia
Media, Monarchy and Power
Understanding Virtual Universities
Trends in Functional Programming Volume 8
Transition & Development in Algeria
The Search for Mind
ICT for Curriculum Enhancement
Forget-Me-Not, Iran
European Heritage Planning and Management
The Eternal Soul
The Divine Springtime
Design through Digital Interaction
Contemporary Irish Drama and Cultural Identity
Children and Propaganda
Beijing Film Academy 2021
Becoming Designers
Advertising and Identity in Europe
Andre Malraux
Literacy and the Politics of Writing
Learning with Computers
Law, Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence
The Last Empire
Knowledge Acquisition from Databases
Human Factors in Information Systems
Going Modern and Being British
Forms of Representation
Francophone Voices
Consensus Politics in Spain
Connectionism and Meaning
National Identity
The New Russia
Matthew Arnold’s The Church of Brou
Medical Multimedia
European Media Governance
Being Human
Acquisition of a Second Writing System
Russia’s New Fin de Siècle
The Mobile Nation
The Intellect Handbook of Popular Music Methodologies
Dance, Somatics and Spiritualities
Spiritual Herstories
Hip-Hop Archives
Creative Infrastructures
Women in European Theatre
Women Voice Men
Writing as a Visual Art
Reframing Consciousness
A Tragic Farce
Theatre and Europe (1957 to 1995)
Trends in Functional Programming Volume 9
Socially Engaged Creative Practice
Punk Identities, Punk Utopias
The Poetics and Politics of the Veil in Iran
Planet Cosplay
The Music Diva Spectacle
L.A. Chic
Heavy Metal Armour
Fashion Education
Fashion, Women and Power
Fashion in Popular Culture
Why Would Anyone Wear That?
Shiny Things
Copenhagen Chic
Crafting Luxury
Canadian Critical Luxury Studies
Clothing Goes to War
Crossing Gender Boundaries
African Luxury
Fan Phenomena: Harry Potter
Encountering the Plague
The Cinema of Mika Kaurismäki
Phenomenology for Actors
Montréal Chic
The Morality of Mrs. Dulska
Marion Richardson
Fan Phenomena: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Fan Phenomena: Audrey Hepburn
Trends in Functional Programming Volume 5
Trends in Functional Programming 10
Trends in Functional Programming Volume 7
Planning, Geometry, and Complexity of Robot Motion
Perspectives on the Computer Revolution
Digital Radio in Europe
Flesh and Text
Mathias Spahlinger
A Practical Guide to Usability Testing
Performing with the Dead
Punk Pedagogies in Practice
Somatics in Dance, Ecology, and Ethics
Obsessions of a Showwoman
In Smithereens
Jess Dobkin’s Wetrospective
Fashion Knowledge
Dances with Sheep
Becoming a Visually Reflective Practitioner
Composed Theatre
The Social Object
Design Integrations
Art from Your Core
Fashion and War in Popular Culture
Handwriting of the Twentieth Century
Designing and Conducting Practice-Based Research Projects
Consent Practices in Performing Arts Education
Being Human Today
Art Education in Canadian Museums
Walking in Art Education
Reimagining the Art Classroom
Propositions for Museum Education
Performance Art in Practice
Performing Institutions
Off Book
Modelling International Collaborations in Art Education
Wild Renaissance
Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe
Australian Film Theory and Criticism
Australian Post-War Documentary Film
Australian Film Theory and Criticism
Australian Film Theory and Criticism
Cinemas of the Other
Make the Dream Real
Analyzing NES Music
Schechner Plays
Through the Prism of the Senses
Teachers and Teaching on Stage and on Screen
Taste and the TV Chef
Time, Duration and Change in Contemporary Art
Town Is the Garden Chapbooks
Theatre for Lifelong Learning
The Traumatic Screen
Teaching and Learning Design
A Trail of Fire for Political Cinema
Transglobal Fashion Narratives
Taiwan by Design
Transacting as Art, Design and Architecture
Throbbing Gristle
Truth or Dare
Television and Criticism
Traumatic Encounters in Italian Film
Tormented Minds
Theatre in Prison
Theatre and Consciousness
Theatre for Youth Third Space
Trends in Functional Programming Volume 2
Theater of War
TV Museum
TV Formats Worldwide
The Trustus Plays
Throwing the Body into the Fight
Temporary Stages II
Theatre in Passing 2
Transnational Ecocinema
Theatre and Performance in Small Nations
Television Courtroom Broadcasting
Transnational Film Culture in New Zealand
TV Format Mogul
TRANS(per)FORMING Nina Arsenault
Teaching Actors
Television Antiheroines
Towards a Praxis-based Media and Journalism Research
Traces of the Future
Theatre for Children in Hospital
Theatre, Time and Temporality
Taking Up McLuhan’s Cause
Twin Peaks
Theatrical Reality
Touring the Screen
Trends in Communication Policy Research
Technology and Desire
Tech-Noir Film
Transnational Celebrity Activism in Global Politics
Theatre in Passing
Activating Democracy
Urban Music Governance
The Urban Refugee
The Physical and the Digital City
Equality in the City
Dancing to Transform
Shock Factory
An Introduction to the Phenomenology of Performance Art
Photography as Critical Practice
Provoking the Field
Multimodal Comics
Urban Exile
Studio Seeing
Spectacle, Entertainment, and Recreation in Late Ottoman and Early Turkish Republican Cities
Some Wear Leather, Some Wear Lace
Queer Contemporary Art of Southwest Asia North Africa
Queer Communion
Product Design, Technology, and Social Change
Pattern and Chaos in Art, Science and Everyday Life
Punk Art History
Painting in the 1980s
Let’s Talk About Critique
Living Histories
Living and Sustaining a Creative Life
Global Culture after Gombrich
Fortunes of War
Art, Sustainability and Learning Communities
The Architect’s Dream
The Artist as Culture Producer
Entangled Histories of Art and Migration
Decolonizing Islamic Art in Africa
Dissens and Sensibility
Drawing, Well-being and the Exploration of Everyday Place
Drawing Processes of Life
Design in the Age of Change
Critical Digital Art History
Contemporary Absurdities, Existential Crises, and Visual Art
Community Arts Education
World Film Locations: Los Angeles
Artmaking as Embodied Enquiry
The Capitalist Imaginaries of Popular Music
World Film Locations: Mumbai
Youth, Power & Performance
Worlds Unbound
Leigh Bowery
Last Artist Standing
From Broadway to The Bronx
Drawing as a Way of Knowing in Art and Science
The Bitter Landscapes of Palestine
The Cultural Impact of RuPaul’s Drag Race
The Cinematic Sublime
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2020
Architecture, Film, and the In-between
Anarchitectural Experiments
Adapting Performance Between Stage and Screen
World Film Locations: Los Angeles
Women’s Work in Post-war Italy
Women and the Media in Capitalism and Socialism
World Film Locations: Sydney
World Film Locations: San Francisco
World Film Locations: Paris
Ulrike Ottinger
Under the Counter
Reframing Berlin
Remembering Paris in Text and Film
Pasta, Pizza and Propaganda
The Punk Reader
3-D Experimental VR and Art Practices
Digital Platforms and the Press
Data Dating
Call Me by Your Name
A Cultural History of The Punisher
Constructions of the Real
Contemporary British and Italian Sound Docudrama
New Queer Television
The Neoliberal Self in Bollywood
Narrating the City
Media Pluralism and Online News
Men, War and Film
Material Media-Making in the Digital Age
The Films of Aleksandr Rou
Fan Phenomena: Disney
Fan Phenomena: Game of Thrones
Fan Phenomena: The Big Lebowski
Fan Phenomena: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"
Lesbians on Television
The Intellect Handbook of Documentary
Infrastructure in Dystopian and Post-apocalyptic Film, 1968–2021
Interpreting and Experiencing Disney
Popular Music Ethnographies
Trans-Global Punk Scenes
Performing Maternities
Artists as Writers
Media Materialities
Watch this Space
Tribal and the Cultural Legacy of Streetwear
Sight Readings
Places and Purposes of Popular Music Education
Art Education and Contemporary Culture
Performing #MeToo
The Making of Modern Muslim Selves through Architecture
Gender, Race and Religion in Video Game Music
Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in Musical Theatre
Effective Journalism
Digital Embodiment and the Arts
Crafted With Pride
Applied Theatre, Third Edition
The Art and Science of Screenwriting
Fighting for the Soul of General Practice
Understanding Video Activism on Social Media
Music Making and Civic Imagination
Removing the Educational Silos
Dystopian and Utopian Impulses in Art Making
Philosophical Approaches to Communication
Perform, Repeat, Record
Vanishing Points
Fashion Projects
The Human Shutter
Music, Research, and Activism
On the Communicative Turn in Philosophy
Photo Obscura
DJing in New York
Entrepreneurial Arts and Cultural Leadership
Islamic and Islamicate Architecture in the Americas
Ken Gonzalez-Day
Reconstructing the American Dream
Still Moving
The Being of Relation
The Intellect Handbook of Dance Education Research
Essay Film and Narrative Techniques
If Colors Could be Heard
Narrative Interplay in the Digital Era
Nuclear Gaia
Dancing Place
Theatricality Beyond Disciplines
Well-Being and Creative Careers
Without Empathy
Shaping Global Culture through Screen Writing
Vernacular Theatre
Drama for Schools and Beyond
At the Movies, Film Reviewing, and Screenwriting
Beijing Film Academy 2022
Arts Education in Ireland
What’s Next?
Playwriting and Young Audiences
Picturing the Cosmos
World Film Locations: New York
World Film Locations: Hong Kong
World Film Locations: Helsinki
Signs of Change
Mindful Movement
Fan Phenomena: The Lord of the Rings
Fan Phenomena: Supernatural
Frames of Mind
Food Democracy
The Cultural Set Up of Comedy
Directory of World Cinema: Russia 2
Comparative Media Policy, Regulation and Governance in Europe
Integrative Alexander Technique Practice for Performing Artists
The Importance of Elsewhere
Englishness, Pop and Post-War Britain
Fan Phenomena: Star Trek
Art as Research
Clown Through Mask
Storying the Self
Directory of World Cinema: Japan
Uncommon Goods
Un-American Psycho
World Film Locations: Singapore
World Film Locations: Florence
World Film Locations: Athens
World Film Locations: Buenos Aires
World Film Locations: Shanghai
World Film Locations: Boston
World Film Locations: Havana
World Film Locations: Toronto
With Nature
Walking, Writing and Performance
Visual Research Methods in Architecture
Using Art as Research in Learning and Teaching
Using Media for Social Innovation
Unbecoming Cinema
World Film Locations: Cleveland
World Film Locations: Malta
Wuthering Heights on Film and Television
World Film Locations: Washington D.C.
Writing on Drawing
We Europeans?
Women in Contemporary Culture
Wye Plays
World Film Locations: Prague
World Film Locations: Liverpool
World Film Locations: Barcelona
World Film Locations: São Paulo
World Film Locations: Marseilles
World Film Locations: Vancouver
World Film Locations: Venice
World Film Locations: Glasgow
World Film Locations: Chicago
Who’s Who in Research: Media Studies
Who’s Who in Research: Visual Arts
Who’s Who in Research: Performing Arts
Who’s Who in Research: Film Studies
Why I Buy
World Film Locations: Beijing
World Film Locations: Reykjavík
World Film Locations: Melbourne
World Film Locations: Berlin
Watching Films
World Film Locations: Las Vegas
World Film Locations: New Orleans
World Film Locations: Vienna
World Film Locations: Madrid
World Film Locations: Istanbul
World Film Locations: Dublin
World Film Locations: London
World Film Locations: Tokyo
Why We Make Art
The Visceral Screen
Visual Cultures
Versions of Hollywood Crime Cinema
Virtuality and the Art of Exhibition
Videogames and Art
Shakespeare Valued
Sydney Street Style
The Student Actor Prepares
Sacred Theatre
Switching to Digital Television
Spaces in European Cinema
Staging Ageing
Shanghai Street Style
Sustainability, Participation and Culture in Communication
The Social Use of Media
Superman: The Movie
Sergei Paradjanov
The Swedish Porn Scene
Sam Peckinpah
Studies in French Cinema
Spectacular Death
Searching for Art’s New Publics
Serbian & Greek Art Music
Sensing the City through Television
Screen Education
Serious Play
Stephen King on the Big Screen
Sophia Loren
Sex on Stage
Sonic Multiplicities
Stanley Kubrick at Look Magazine
Selling War
Signifying Europe
South African Cinema 1896-2010
Stephen King on the Small Screen
Streets of Crocodiles
Saudade in Brazilian Cinema
The Sensible Stage
Zapolska’s Women
Zombies in the Academy
Writing Belonging at the Millennium
Sine Ni Lav Diaz
Somatic Movement Dance Therapy
The Poetics of Poetry Film
Berliner Chic
Wiener Chic
Imagining Antiquity in Islamic Societies
Photography from the Turin Shroud to the Turing Machine
Photography, Narrative, Time
Photography and Landscape
On Perfection
Robert Frank’s ’The Americans’
Unmapping the City
Kira O’Reilly
Giuseppe Pagano
Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art
The Blind
Anne Bean
Double Exposures
The Culture of Photography in Public Space
An Affect of an Experience
Beyond Text
Design and the Digital Humanities
Contingency in Madagascar
World Film Locations: Rome
Red Creative
Playwriting in Schools
Havana Street Style
Developing Dialogues
Beauty and the Beast
Kurt Kren
Immigration Cinema in the New Europe
The Imaginary Geography of Hollywood Cinema 1960-2000
On Repetition
Understanding Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey
Body and Mind in Motion
Visual Futures
Landscape and the Moving Image
Lessons from a Multispecies Studio
Joshua Sofaer
Islamic Architecture Today and Tomorrow
Storytellers of Art Histories
Swedish Cops
The Performing Observer
Performing Spanishness
Devising Theatre & Performance
Leaping into Dance Literacy through the Language of Dance®
Bergson and Durational Performance
The City is Me
Fan Phenomena: Sherlock Holmes
Insights in Applied Theatre
Contemporary Design Education in Australia
Disability Arts and Culture
(Re:) Claiming Ballet
Design for the New World
Reaching Audiences
Artist Scholar
The Drama Therapy Decision Tree, 2nd Edition
The Many Meanings of Mina
House of Cards
Architecture Filmmaking
Fedor Bondarchuk: Stalingrad
Fellini’s Films and Commercials
Cosmopolitics of the Camera
Andrei Tarkovsky: "Ivan’s Childhood"
Architecture and the Urban in Spanish Film
American Presidents and Oliver Stone
Women in Iberian Filmic Culture
Slow TV
Radioactive Documentary
Radical Mainstream
Paolo Sorrentino’s Cinema and Television
Fan Phenomena: Doctor Who
Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks
Dance and Ethics
A Cultural History of the Disneyland Theme Parks
Blank Canvas
Bombay Cinema’s Islamicate Histories
Nostalgia and Videogame Music
Radical Intimacies
Personal Style Blogs
Performing Exile
Plays in Time
Precarious Spaces
Passion of the Reel
Polish Media Art in an Expanded Field
The Philadelphia Connection
Performance Art in Ireland
Pleading in the Blood
Playing for Time Theatre Company
Performing Process
Performing Revolutionary
3D Cinema and Beyond
Postcards from the Road
The Philosophical Actor
Phenomenology’s Material Presence
Performing Violence
The Place of Artists’ Cinema
Public Spheres After Socialism
The Problem of Assessment in Art and Design
Point Blank
The Potentials of Spaces
The Posthuman Condition
Politics of Contemporary European Cinema
Performing Processes
The Professionalisation of Political Communication
Pride and Panic
Piercing Time
Performative Materials in Architecture and Design
Polanski and Perception
A Portrait of the Artist as a Political Dissident
Peter Weir
People’s Pornography
People and Places of Nature and Culture
Picturing Immigration
6+1 Proposals for Journalism
Invisible Presence
A Holocaust Cabaret
Issues in Curating Contemporary Art and Performance
International Dialogues about Visual Culture, Education and Art
Image Critique and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
Images and Identity
The Independence of the Media and its Regulatory Agencies
Imaging the City
Into the Story 2
It’s All Allowed
Inclusion in New Danish Cinema
Inspiring Writing in Art and Design
Italian Women’s Theatre, 1930-1960
Iranian Cinema and Globalization
Italian TV Drama and Beyond
’I am an American’
Invisible Country
Islamic Architecture on the Move
International Horror Film Directors
The Idea of the Avant Garde
The Igor Moiseyev Dance Company
Israel as a Modern Architectural Experimental Lab, 1948-1978
Inside the TV Newsroom
New Irish Storytellers
New Flows in Global TV
One Hundred Years of Futurism
On Stage
The Only Way Home is Through the Show
National Conversations
Orphan Black
One for the Girls!
Open Roads, Closed Borders
Octave Mirbeau: Two Plays
Re-Choreographing Cortical & Cartographic Maps
A Reflective Practitioner’s Guide to (Mis)Adventures in Drama Education - or - What Was I Thinking?
(Re)viewing Creative, Critical and Commercial Practices in Contemporary Spanish Cinema
Rhetoric of Modern Death in American Living Dead Films
The Roots of Modern Hollywood
The Reflexive Teaching Artist
Representations of Working in Arts Education
Real Objects in Unreal Situations
Reverberations across Small-Scale British Theatre
Reinventing Public Service Television for the Digital Future
Readings in Primary Art Education
Research in Art and Design Education
Russia, Freaks and Foreigners
Roof Watching
Radical Initiatives in Interventionist & Community Drama
Reclaiming the Media
Research-based Theatre
Rosebud Sleds and Horses’ Heads
Re-Imagining the City
Reframing Reality
Refugee Performance
Raymond Williams
The Hollywood War Film
How Belfast Got the Blues
Habitus of the Hood
Holistic Shakespeare
Historical Comedy on Screen
Honolulu Street Style
Harm and Offence in Media Content
Hong Kong New Wave Cinema (1978-2000)
The Ned Kelly Films
Narrating the Catastrophe
New Zealand Film and Television
New Zealand Cinema
The Media-Democracy Paradox in Ghana
Making Sense of Medicine
The Music of Antonio Carlos Jobim
The Making of an Artist
Modern Melbourne
Morality by Design
Inclusive Dance
Journalism Re-examined
JARMAN (all this maddening beauty) and other plays
A Journey of Art and Conflict
Life and Death
Keepin’ It Real
Journalism, Society and Politics in the Digital Media Era
Languages of Theatre Shaped by Women
Looking for Marshall McLuhan in Afghanistan
Locating the Audience
Lure of the Big Screen
Landscape and the Science Fiction Imaginary
Lexicon for an Affective Archive
The Lived Experience of Improvisation
Life at the End of Life
Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain
Kinesthetic Empathy in Creative and Cultural Practices
The Rehearsal
Resetting the Stage
Red Sun and Merlin Unchained
Radio Content in the Digital Age
Recording Memories from Political Violence
Philosophical Frameworks and Design Processes
Prototyping Across the Disciplines
Preston Sturges
Performance Generating Systems in Dance
Quantum Art & Uncertainty
Queer Cinema in Europe
Queer Visibility in Post-socialist Cultures
Performing Temporality in Contemporary European Dance
Punk Now!!
Performing Palimpsest Bodies
Performance / Media / Art / Culture
The Politics of Migration and Mobility in the Art World
The Performances of Sacred Spaces
Producing Children’s Television in the On-demand Age
Painting, History and Meaning
Performing Collaboration in Solo Performance
Manifesto Now!
Martha Graham
Mediation and Protest Movements
Music and Levels of Narration in Film
Memory Fragments
Media in Europe Today
Misreading Postmodern Antigone
Media, Monarchy and Power
Media and Values
Media and Identity in Contemporary Europe
Media Between Culture and Commerce
The Method of Metaphor
Modern Argentine Masculinities
Memory, Space and Sound
Magnet Theatre
Meyerhold and the Cubists
Language of Tomorrow
Money Talks
Media, Markets and Public Spheres
The Musical Comedy Films of Grigorii Aleksandrov
Modes of Spectating
Media in the Enlarged Europe
Media, Democracy and European Culture
The Lure of the Social
Field Notes on the Visual Arts
Faith Wilding’s Fearful Symmetries
The Global Road Movie
Gay Men at the Movies
Governing Visions of the Real
Global Fashion Brands
Gavin Bolton’s Contextual Drama
Greek Cinema
Girls! Girls! Girls! In Contemporary Art
Global Technological Change
Gendered Transformations
The Grey Zone of Health and Illness
Green Documentary
Building Community Choirs in the Twenty-First Century
Bernhard Lang
The Future of Humanity
Fat Activism (Second Edition)
Sonic Signatures
Scream for Me, Africa!
Popular Music in Leeds
In Search of Tito’s Punks
Heavy Metal and Disability
Heavy Metal Music in Argentina
Following the Score
Ethno Music Gatherings
Decolonial Metal Music in Latin America
The Music of Nobuo Uematsu in the "Final Fantasy" Series
Music by Numbers
Dance and Authoritarianism
Design and Digital Interaction
Design Discourse on Business and Industry
Design Discourse on Culture and Society
Design and Living Well
Design and the Creation of Social Value
Dancing with Parkinson’s
Engaging with Reality
Educating Film-Makers
European Journalism Education
European Media Governance
Educating Artists for the Future
European Identity in Cinema
European Culture and the Media
Engineering Nature
Expertise and Architecture in the Modern Islamic World
Dancing Bahia
Europe Faces Europe
The Emergence of Video Processing Tools
Europe and Love in Cinema
Europe in Black and White
Distillation of Sound
Entering Transmasculinity
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2019
Culture and Contestation in the New Century
Carnival Texts
Britpop Cinema
Black and White Bioscope
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2017
Cultural Quarters
The Composition of Herman Melville
Crossing the Street in Hanoi
Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty
ConFiguring America
Citizen Voices
Creativity in the Classroom
Cinemas of the Other
Cinemas of the Other
China’s Environment and China’s Environment Journalists
The Baroque Technotext
Artistic Research in the Future Academy
Acting and Its Refusal in Theatre and Film
András Visky’s Barrack Dramaturgy
Aleksandr Askoldov
Aleksandr Sokurov
Activist Film Festivals
Alternative Worlds in Hollywood Cinema
Art, Community and Environment
Allegorical Images
Art Education in a Postmodern World
Applied Theatre
Audiences and Publics
The Artist as Curator
Arts Integration in Education
The Art Rules
Aestheticizing Public Space
Atomic Postcards
Amateur Images and Global News
Art inSight
Architectural Dynamics in Pre-Revolutionary Iran
Applied Drama
Anthem Quality
Australian TV News
’Avant-garde’ Art Groups in China, 1979-1989
The Audience Experience
The Architecture of the Screen
Artist, Researcher, Teacher
The Art of Nick Cave
The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Arab Press
The Art of Defiance
Across the Art/Life Divide
Art, Technology, Consciousness
Architecture and the Virtual
Aesthetic Journalism
Art and Theory After Socialism
Black Swan Lake
Broadcasting Diversity
Bringing Down the House
Beyond Auteurism
Broadcasters and Citizens in Europe
Applied Arts and Health
Aleksei Balabanov: Brother
Berlin School Glossary
Beyond the Dance Floor
Brit Wits
Bangladesh’s Changing Mediascape
Broadcasting and National Imagination in Post-Communist Latvia
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook
Acts of Dramaturgy
By Accident or Design
Brian Ferneyhough
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2016
Building Successful and Sustainable Film and Television Businesses
Arnold Wesker
Cindy Sherman’s Office Killer
Cultural Quarters
Context Providers
Confronting Theory
Cinema and Landscape
Christoph Schlingensief
Computers and Art
Cultural Industries in Shanghai
Connecting People, Place and Design
Culture, Technology and the Image
Celebrity Culture and the Entertainment Industry in Asia
Culture War
Connecting Metal to Culture
Confronting Technopoly
Consumer Culture
Cartomancy and Tarot in Film
Crime Uncovered
Crime Uncovered: Anti-hero
Crime Uncovered: Detective
Creative Communities
Celebrity Philanthropy
Creativity, Culture and Commerce
Canadian Wetlands
Cross-Cultural Design for Healthy Ageing
The Cultural Meaning of Aleppo
The Critical Eye
Directory of World Cinema: American Independent 2
Directory of World Cinema: France
Directory of World Cinema: South Korea
Directory of World Cinema: China
Directory of World Cinema: Britain
Directory of World Cinema: Japan 2
Directory of World Cinema: Germany
Directory of World Cinema: East Europe
Directory of World Cinema: Spain
Disaster Capitalism
Dancing across the Page
Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood
A Divided World
Directory of World Cinema: Italy
Directory of World Cinema: Iran
Directory of World Cinema: Australia and New Zealand
Directory of World Cinema: Russia
Deleuze and Film Music
Directory of World Cinema: American Independent
Drawing -- The Process
Danish Directors
The Danish Directors 3
Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood 2
Directory of World Cinema: Brazil
Directory of World Cinema: Belgium
Doctor Who and Race
Directory of World Cinema: Argentina
Dysfunction and Decentralization in New Media Art and Education
Directory of World Cinema: Germany 2
Directory of World Cinema: Turkey
Directory of World Cinema: Latin America
Directory of World Cinema: Finland
Dance, Disability and Law
The Dynamics of News and Indigenous Policy in Australia
Directory of World Cinema: Iran 2
Drawing in the Design Process
Directory of World Cinema: Argentina 2
Directory of World Cinema: American Independent 3
Critical Studies in Art and Design Education
Digital Futures and the City of Today
Design for Business
Directory of World Cinema: India
Design for Business
Downtown Film and TV Culture 1975-2001
Dramaturging Personal Narratives
Directory of World Cinema: Japan 3
Directory of World Cinema: China 2
Directory of World Cinema: Britain 2
Design for Business
Don’t Look Now
The Danish Directors 2
Directors & Designers
Diasporas of Australian Cinema
Digital Visual Culture
Digital Experience Design
Drawing -- The Purpose
The Designer
Declarations of Independence
David Cronenberg
Freaks of History
Fan Phenomena: The Twilight Saga
Fashion Cities Africa
Filming the City
Fan Phenomena: Mermaids
Fan Phenomena: James Bond
Film on The Faultline
Fan Phenomena: Jane Austen
Frontiers of Screen History
From Theory to Practice
From Child Art to Visual Language of Youth
From NWICO to WSIS: 30 Years of Communication Geopolitics
Framing Film
Flesh Into Light
Far Field
Feminist Ethics in Film
The Future of Art in a Postdigital Age
Franklin Furnace and the Spirit of the Avant-Garde
Fashion as Masquerade
Fashion and Ethics
Fan Phenomena: The Hunger Games
Fan Phenomena: Marilyn Monroe
Finding the Right Place on the Map
Futures Past
Future of Art in a Digital Age
Film, Drama and the Break Up of Britain
Fan Phenomena: Batman
Fan Phenomena: Star Wars
French Costume Drama of the 1950s
Futures of Chinese Cinema
The Future of Humanity
Film Studies in China
The Hour of All Things and Other Plays
Human Factors and Interactive Computer Systems
Howard Barker Interviews 1980-2010
Irish Drama in Poland
Ivar Kreuger and Jeanne de la Motte
African Modernism and Its Afterlives
Actional Poetics – ASH SHE HE
The Anarchist Cinema
Advances in Spatial Reasoning, Volume One
African Theatre for Development
Architectures of Illusion
Alisa, Alice
Aristotle in Hollywood
The Impact of Touch in Dance Movement Psychotherapy
Iconoclastic Controversies
Karaoke Idols
Local Childhoods in Global Times
Living Metal
Dance Studies in China
Drama-based Pedagogy
Drive in Cinema
Directory of World Cinema: Scotland
Directory of World Cinema: Africa
Digital Magazine Design
Directory of World Cinema: Australia and New Zealand 2
Frames and Fictions on Television
The Face on the Screen
The Film Paintings of David Lynch
The Friday Mosque in the City
Epidemic Urbanism
Entanglements of Two
Experimental Dining
Film Studies in China, Volume 2
Exposing Vulnerability
From Melies to New Media
Genre Matters
The Cinema Makers
The British Media and Bloody Sunday
British TV and Film Culture in the 1950s
Brecht in L.A.
Animals and Artists
Creative Intelligences
Computers and Writing
Cultures and Settlements
Crash Cultures
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2018
Communication and Discourse Theory
The Cultural Practice of Immigrant Filmmaking
Consumer Identities
The Virtual Classroom
Who’s Who in Research: Cultural Studies
Urban Cinematics
New Patterns in Global Television Formats
The Net Effect
New Brutality Film
Media Poetry
The Multisensory Film Experience
The New Politics of Visibility
The Return of "Twin Peaks"
Strategic Advertising Mechanisms
Redefining Theatre Communities
(Re)Positioning Site Dance
Revolution in the Echo Chamber
Spanish Cinema of the New Millennium
Street Fashion Moscow
Shooting Women
Street Scenes
Responding to Site
Queer Mythologies
Performing Arts in Prisons
The Psychology of Menu Selection
Progress in Neural Networks, Volume Three
Practising the Real on the Contemporary Stage
Prison Cultures
The Otherness of the Everyday
PUNK! Las Américas Edition
Post-Specimen Encounters Between Art, Science and Curating
Professions in Contemporary Drama
A Reality Check 2003
Recoveries and Reclamations
RTE and the Globalisation of Irish Television
The Postdigital Membrane
Negotiating Spain and Catalonia
Media, Monarchy and Power
Understanding Virtual Universities
Trends in Functional Programming Volume 8
Transition & Development in Algeria
The Search for Mind
ICT for Curriculum Enhancement
Forget-Me-Not, Iran
European Heritage Planning and Management
The Eternal Soul
The Divine Springtime
Design through Digital Interaction
Contemporary Irish Drama and Cultural Identity
Children and Propaganda
Beijing Film Academy 2021
Becoming Designers
Advertising and Identity in Europe
Andre Malraux
Literacy and the Politics of Writing
Learning with Computers
Law, Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence
The Last Empire
Knowledge Acquisition from Databases
Human Factors in Information Systems
Going Modern and Being British
Forms of Representation
Francophone Voices
Consensus Politics in Spain
Connectionism and Meaning
National Identity
The New Russia
Matthew Arnold’s The Church of Brou
Medical Multimedia
European Media Governance
Being Human
Acquisition of a Second Writing System
Russia’s New Fin de Siècle
The Mobile Nation
The Intellect Handbook of Popular Music Methodologies
Dance, Somatics and Spiritualities
Spiritual Herstories
Hip-Hop Archives
Creative Infrastructures
Women in European Theatre
Women Voice Men
Writing as a Visual Art
Reframing Consciousness
A Tragic Farce
Theatre and Europe (1957 to 1995)
Trends in Functional Programming Volume 9
Socially Engaged Creative Practice
Punk Identities, Punk Utopias
The Poetics and Politics of the Veil in Iran
Planet Cosplay
The Music Diva Spectacle
L.A. Chic
Heavy Metal Armour
Fashion Education
Fashion, Women and Power
Fashion in Popular Culture
Why Would Anyone Wear That?
Shiny Things
Copenhagen Chic
Crafting Luxury
Canadian Critical Luxury Studies
Clothing Goes to War
Crossing Gender Boundaries
African Luxury
Fan Phenomena: Harry Potter
Encountering the Plague
The Cinema of Mika Kaurismäki
Phenomenology for Actors
Montréal Chic
The Morality of Mrs. Dulska
Marion Richardson
Fan Phenomena: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Fan Phenomena: Audrey Hepburn
Trends in Functional Programming Volume 5
Trends in Functional Programming 10
Trends in Functional Programming Volume 7
Planning, Geometry, and Complexity of Robot Motion
Perspectives on the Computer Revolution
Digital Radio in Europe
Flesh and Text
Mathias Spahlinger
A Practical Guide to Usability Testing
Performing with the Dead
Punk Pedagogies in Practice
Somatics in Dance, Ecology, and Ethics
Obsessions of a Showwoman
In Smithereens
Jess Dobkin’s Wetrospective
Fashion Knowledge
Dances with Sheep
Becoming a Visually Reflective Practitioner
Composed Theatre
The Social Object
Design Integrations
Art from Your Core
Fashion and War in Popular Culture
Handwriting of the Twentieth Century
Designing and Conducting Practice-Based Research Projects
Consent Practices in Performing Arts Education
Being Human Today
Art Education in Canadian Museums
Walking in Art Education
Reimagining the Art Classroom
Propositions for Museum Education
Performance Art in Practice
Performing Institutions
Off Book
Modelling International Collaborations in Art Education
Wild Renaissance
Press Freedom and Pluralism in Europe
Australian Film Theory and Criticism
Australian Post-War Documentary Film
Australian Film Theory and Criticism
Australian Film Theory and Criticism
Cinemas of the Other
Make the Dream Real
Analyzing NES Music
Schechner Plays
Through the Prism of the Senses
Teachers and Teaching on Stage and on Screen
Taste and the TV Chef
Time, Duration and Change in Contemporary Art
Town Is the Garden Chapbooks
Theatre for Lifelong Learning
The Traumatic Screen
Teaching and Learning Design
A Trail of Fire for Political Cinema
Transglobal Fashion Narratives
Taiwan by Design
Transacting as Art, Design and Architecture
Throbbing Gristle
Truth or Dare
Television and Criticism
Traumatic Encounters in Italian Film
Tormented Minds
Theatre in Prison
Theatre and Consciousness
Theatre for Youth Third Space
Trends in Functional Programming Volume 2
Theater of War
TV Museum
TV Formats Worldwide
The Trustus Plays
Throwing the Body into the Fight
Temporary Stages II
Theatre in Passing 2
Transnational Ecocinema
Theatre and Performance in Small Nations
Television Courtroom Broadcasting
Transnational Film Culture in New Zealand
TV Format Mogul
TRANS(per)FORMING Nina Arsenault
Teaching Actors
Television Antiheroines
Towards a Praxis-based Media and Journalism Research
Traces of the Future
Theatre for Children in Hospital
Theatre, Time and Temporality
Taking Up McLuhan’s Cause
Twin Peaks
Theatrical Reality
Touring the Screen
Trends in Communication Policy Research
Technology and Desire
Tech-Noir Film
Transnational Celebrity Activism in Global Politics
Theatre in Passing
Activating Democracy
Urban Music Governance
The Urban Refugee
The Physical and the Digital City
Equality in the City
Dancing to Transform
Shock Factory
An Introduction to the Phenomenology of Performance Art
Photography as Critical Practice
Provoking the Field
Multimodal Comics
Urban Exile
Studio Seeing
Spectacle, Entertainment, and Recreation in Late Ottoman and Early Turkish Republican Cities
Some Wear Leather, Some Wear Lace
Queer Contemporary Art of Southwest Asia North Africa
Queer Communion
Product Design, Technology, and Social Change
Pattern and Chaos in Art, Science and Everyday Life
Punk Art History
Painting in the 1980s
Let’s Talk About Critique
Living Histories
Living and Sustaining a Creative Life
Global Culture after Gombrich
Fortunes of War
Art, Sustainability and Learning Communities
The Architect’s Dream
The Artist as Culture Producer
Entangled Histories of Art and Migration
Decolonizing Islamic Art in Africa
Dissens and Sensibility
Drawing, Well-being and the Exploration of Everyday Place
Drawing Processes of Life
Design in the Age of Change
Critical Digital Art History
Contemporary Absurdities, Existential Crises, and Visual Art
Community Arts Education
World Film Locations: Los Angeles
Artmaking as Embodied Enquiry
The Capitalist Imaginaries of Popular Music
World Film Locations: Mumbai
Youth, Power & Performance
Worlds Unbound
Leigh Bowery
Last Artist Standing
From Broadway to The Bronx
Drawing as a Way of Knowing in Art and Science
The Bitter Landscapes of Palestine
The Cultural Impact of RuPaul’s Drag Race
The Cinematic Sublime
Beijing Film Academy Yearbook 2020
Architecture, Film, and the In-between
Anarchitectural Experiments
Adapting Performance Between Stage and Screen
World Film Locations: Los Angeles
Women’s Work in Post-war Italy
Women and the Media in Capitalism and Socialism
World Film Locations: Sydney
World Film Locations: San Francisco
World Film Locations: Paris
Ulrike Ottinger
Under the Counter
Reframing Berlin
Remembering Paris in Text and Film
Pasta, Pizza and Propaganda
The Punk Reader
3-D Experimental VR and Art Practices
Digital Platforms and the Press
Data Dating
Call Me by Your Name
A Cultural History of The Punisher
Constructions of the Real
Contemporary British and Italian Sound Docudrama
New Queer Television
The Neoliberal Self in Bollywood
Narrating the City
Media Pluralism and Online News
Men, War and Film
Material Media-Making in the Digital Age
The Films of Aleksandr Rou
Fan Phenomena: Disney
Fan Phenomena: Game of Thrones
Fan Phenomena: The Big Lebowski
Fan Phenomena: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"
Lesbians on Television
The Intellect Handbook of Documentary
Infrastructure in Dystopian and Post-apocalyptic Film, 1968–2021
Interpreting and Experiencing Disney
Popular Music Ethnographies
Trans-Global Punk Scenes
Performing Maternities
Artists as Writers
Media Materialities
Watch this Space
Tribal and the Cultural Legacy of Streetwear
Sight Readings
Places and Purposes of Popular Music Education
Art Education and Contemporary Culture
Performing #MeToo
The Making of Modern Muslim Selves through Architecture
Gender, Race and Religion in Video Game Music
Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in Musical Theatre
Effective Journalism
Digital Embodiment and the Arts
Crafted With Pride
Applied Theatre, Third Edition
The Art and Science of Screenwriting
Fighting for the Soul of General Practice
Understanding Video Activism on Social Media
Music Making and Civic Imagination
Removing the Educational Silos
Dystopian and Utopian Impulses in Art Making
Philosophical Approaches to Communication
Perform, Repeat, Record
Vanishing Points
Fashion Projects
The Human Shutter
Music, Research, and Activism
On the Communicative Turn in Philosophy
Photo Obscura
DJing in New York
Entrepreneurial Arts and Cultural Leadership
Islamic and Islamicate Architecture in the Americas
Ken Gonzalez-Day
Reconstructing the American Dream
Still Moving
The Being of Relation
The Intellect Handbook of Dance Education Research
Essay Film and Narrative Techniques
If Colors Could be Heard
Narrative Interplay in the Digital Era
Nuclear Gaia
Dancing Place
Theatricality Beyond Disciplines
Well-Being and Creative Careers
Without Empathy
Shaping Global Culture through Screen Writing
Vernacular Theatre
Drama for Schools and Beyond
At the Movies, Film Reviewing, and Screenwriting
Beijing Film Academy 2022
Arts Education in Ireland
Titles By Publisher
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