General Criticism and Critical Theory
Related Subjects
- African Languages
- American and Canadian Literature
- Asian Languages
- British and Irish Literature
- Classical Languages
- Dramatic Works
- General Criticism and Critical Theory
- Germanic Languages
- Humor
- Romance Languages
- Slavic Languages
Writing the Body in Motion
The Shell and the Kernel
The Surrealism Reader
Hölderlin’s Madness
The Kingdom and the Garden
The Darkening Nation
Receiving the Komos. Ancient and modern receptions of the Victory Ode (BICS Supplement 112)
Star Warriors of the Modern Raj
Charlotte Dacre: "The Passions"
A Thousand Cranes for India
Stories under Occupation
Modernism and Music
Music’s Monisms
Untwisting the Serpent
Enchanted Wales
Folgore da San Gimignano and his Followers: The Complete Poems
The Poetry of Burchiello: Deep-fried Nouns, Hunchbacked Pumpkins, and Other Nonsense
What Is Pastoral?
Art in Mind
South Asian Gothic
Bleak Liberalism
Love in the Mirror
Mirtilla, A Pastoral
Way Makers
Radical Coherency
Aguecheek’s Beef, Belch’s Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections
Continental Drift
History of the Gothic: Twentieth-Century Gothic
Petrarch’s Famous Men in the Early Renaissance: The Illuminated Copies of Felice Feliciano’s Edition
The Grinnell Beowulf
Crash Cultures
The Christian Religion, as Professed by a Daughter of the Church of England
Books, Readers and Libraries in Fiction
J. M. Coetzee and the Ethics of Reading
Our Vampires, Ourselves
Book M
Fictions of the Cosmos
Spectral Spain
America Lost and Found
Dialogues With the Past: Classical reception theory and practice – Volume 1 & 2 (BICS Supplement 126 -16.2)
Electra, ancient and modern: aspects of the reception of the tragic heroine (BICS Supplement 113)
Loving Yusuf
A Mieke Bal Reader
Vise and Shadow
The Modern Myths
The Wealth of Wives
Beauty and the Beast
Under New England
To Love Is to Act
The Parasite
The Arthur of the English
Signs and Images
"Simply a Particular Contemporary": Interviews, 1970–79
"A Very Fine Gift" and Other Writings on Theory
"The ’Scandal’ of Marxism" and Other Writings on Politics
Object Lessons
Reading Together
Switching Codes
World-Changing Rage
Critical Essays
Critical Essays
Horror and Religion
Art from Start to Finish
Alice in Space
Camera Orientalis
Writings on Translation
The Abyss or Life Is Simple
Jacques Derrida
The Sight of Semiramis: Medieval and Early Modern Narratives of the Babylonian Queen
Attack of the Difficult Poems
The Kinds of Poetry I Want
My Way
Pitch of Poetry
Thoughts and Things
Creating the Premodern in the Postmodern Classroom
Women and Weasels
Gothic Literary Travel and Tourism
Theories of Translation
One Must Also Be Hungarian
La littérature est un voyage de découverte
Literature Is a Voyage of Discovery
The Literary Lacan
Palaeography, Manuscript Illumination and Humanism in Renaissance Italy: Studies in Memory of A. C. de la Mare
Court and Cloister: Studies in the Short Narrative
Shakespeare on Love and Friendship
The Book Lovers’ Anthology
The Food Lovers’ Anthology
Jane Austen, Ada Lovelace, Mary Shelley Handwriting Notebook Set
Postcolonialism Revisited
The Aesthetics of Visual Poetry, 1914-1928
Averrunci or The Skowrers
The Red Scarf
Libidinal Currents
How to Make It as a Woman
The Art of Growing Older
Critical Understanding
The Essential Wayne Booth
For the Love of It
The Rhetoric of Fiction
A Rhetoric of Irony
What Every Novelist Needs to Know about Narrators
Conversations, Volume 1
Conversations, Volume 2
A Bookman’s Catalogue Vol. 1 A-L
Science of Science and Reflexivity
Midwife to the Queen of France
New Technologies and Renaissance Studies
Thinking in Jewish
Digital texts, translations, lexicons in a multi-modular web application: methods and samples
Magical Criticism
Crossing Oceans
Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Henry Miller, Happy Rock
Hemispheric Imaginations
On the Future of History
Books Like Sapphires
Mood and Trope
Literary Imagination, Ancient and Modern
Financial Gothic
The Science of Character
Finance in America
In Praise of Antiheroes
Musings on Mortality
Skeptical Music
Troubling Confessions
Other Things
Where the Great River Rises
What the Poem Wants
Apocalyptic History and the Protestant Cause in Sir Philip Sidney’s Revised Arcadia
Literary Speech Acts of the Medieval North
Revealing Structure
Gothic Invasions
The Arthur of the French
A Story Larger than My Own
The Rise of the Vampire
Sir Paul Rycaut: The Present State of the Ottoman Empire, Sixth Edition (1686)
Beyond Decadence
The Teaching Archive
On The Conjugial Angel
Off-Screen Cinema
Fourteenth-Century Classicism: Petrarch and Bernat Metge
Transitional States: Change, Tradition, and Memory in Medieval Literature and Culture
The Bond of the Furthest Apart
Radical as Reality
The Complete Notebooks
Travels in the Americas
Life Breaks In
Marathon – 2,500 Years. Proceedings of The Marathon Conference 2010 (BICS Supplement 124)
History as a Kind of Writing
Queer Whispers
Novel Ecologies
Women, Memory and Dictatorship in Recent Chilean Fiction
Kafka, Angry Poet
Gothic Metaphysics
‘Far other worlds, and other seas’
Women’s Household Drama
Poems and Fancies with The Animal Parliament
Adventure, Mystery, and Romance
Varieties of Social Imagination
The Climate of History in a Planetary Age
Shrapnel Minima
A Horror and a Beauty
Horror and Comics
The Ship of Virtuous Ladies
Indian Women in the House of Fiction
Something Speaks to Me
Turning On the Mind
History Is Embarrassing
T. S. Eliot and the Cultural Divide
Vladislav Vancura
Drawing New Color Lines
Comics & Media
Islam and the West
Well-Kept Ruins
Civic Jazz
Love, Life, and Lust in Heinrich Kaufringer’s Verse Narratives
A Defense of Judgment
Wild Words
Giving Offense
The Birth of Theory
The Journey of a Caribbean Writer
Toward a Rhetoric of Insult
Enemies of Promise
Theatre and the Macabre
How to Read Like You Mean It
Evelyn Waugh’s Oxford
Gothic Metis
The Philosophy of Autobiography
Imaginative Horizons
Imagines Italicae (3 vols) (BICS Supplement 110)
The Pooh Perplex
The Dead Ladies Project
History of the Gothic
James Joyce Remembered, Edition 2022
The Poems and Letters of Tullia d’Aragona and Others
Sin and Salvation in Early Modern France
Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Brazilian Novel
Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Short Fiction
We Mark Your Memory: writings from the descendants of indenture
Challenges to the Dream
Letters to Francesco Datini
Uncivil Unions
Roald Dahl
Dylan Thomas’ Swansea, Gower and Laugharne
Edward Poeton: The Winnowing of White Witchcraft
History of the Gothic
Greek Drama III: Essays in Honour of Kevin Lee (BICS Supplement 87)
Show Me the Bone
Artful Truths
The Life and Writings of Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza
The Mystic Fable, Volume Two
Four Shakespearean Period Pieces
Les Enluminures
Mother Juana de la Cruz, 1481–1534
Portraits of the Queen Mother
The Book of the Mutability of Fortune
Writings of Resistance
Beyond Sexuality
Homosexuality and Psychoanalysis
Unlimited Intimacy
Seeing the Light
Ancients against Moderns
Journeys of a Mystic Soul in Poetry and Prose
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Crossing between Tradition and Modernity
Elizabeth Gunning: The Foresters
Archive Fever
The Gift of Death, Second Edition & Literature in Secret
Given Time
The Post Card
Signature Derrida
Thinking Out of Sight
The Work of Mourning
Writing and Difference
Tragic Workings in Euripides’ Drama
Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 4
Shakespearean Gothic
Mickey Rourke and the Bluebird of Happiness
Weak Planet
Penny Dreadfuls and the Gothic
Victorian Alchemy
Scenes of Instruction in Renaissance Romance
Senses of Style
Remaking Boethius: The English Language Translation Tradition of The Consolation of Philosophy
The Bedtrick
The Devonshire Manuscript
Genre Matters
Inventing the Alphabet
L’Honnête Femme
Chaucer’s Verse Art in its European Context
The Lost Princess
The Huguenot Experience of Persecution and Exile
Three European Poets
The Chastity Plot
Radium of the Word
Letters from the Queen of Navarre with an Ample Declaration
Selected Letters
The Crime of Jean Genet
Towards Reading Freud
Poetry in a World of Things
The Book of Sleep
New Queer Horror Film and Television
In Poe’s Wake
Shift Sleepers
Swedenborg: Introducing the Mystic
Murder by Accident
Women Playwrights of Early Modern Spain
Chaucer’s Gifts
Rereading the Machine in the Garden
Against Nature
The Past, Present, and Future of Early Modern Digital Studies
Globalising Welsh Studies
Lines of Thought
Patron to Painter: Elizabethan Programs for Five Allegorical Paintings
By Words Alone
Figuring Jerusalem
New Blood
Vanishing Acts on Ancient Greek Amulets
World Beats
Romantic Women Writers
Women’s Speaking Justified and Other Pamphlets
The Limits of Critique
Literature after Feminism
Discord and Consensus in the Low Countries, 1700-2000
Irony in Action
The Other Catalans
Witness, Warning, and Prophecy
The Romance of Thebes (Roman de Thèbes)
Alcman and the Cosmos of Sparta
Mu Shiying
Stanley Cavell and Literary Skepticism
Ancient Weeds
Borges and Europe Revisited
Troubling Vision
Maladies of the Will
Cultural Graphology
Shape of Things
A Library of Manuscripts from India
A Sanskrit Treasury
The Decameron: A Critical Lexicon (Lessico Critico Decameroniano)
Georges Perec’s Geographies
Crime Uncovered: Detective
A Test of Powers
Persuasive Language in Cicero’s Pro Milone: A close reading and commentary
Madness, Language, Literature
"What Is Critique?" and "The Culture of the Self"
Letting Stories Breathe
The Renewal of Generosity
Before the Closet
Threads of Life
The Ideas in Things
The Jewish Decadence
On Interpretive Conflict
Menander ’Perikeiromene’ or ’The Shorn Head’
Science Fiktion
Cartesian Poetics
The Insatiability of Human Wants
Ethics, Politics and Justice in Dante
Practicing New Historicism
Telling It Like It Wasn’t
The Common Cause
Signs of the Americas
In Nature’s Name
The Great Derangement
The Nutmeg’s Curse
Wild Fictions
How Poems Think
Smile of Discontent
Franz Kafka
What Editors Do
Samizdat Past+Present
Faulkner, Mississippi
Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Avant-Garde and Modernism
Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 5
Modern Luck
Hearing Things
Professing Literature
Gabriel Harvey and the History of Reading
Reading Vincent van Gogh
Five Words
Unrequited Conquests
The Difficulty of Being a Dog
Palace of Books
Regionalism and the Reading Class
The Pensive Image
The Modern Movement
Dangerous Children
Shakespeare’s Noise
Shylock Is Shakespeare
Middle Eastern Gothics
Contemporary French and Scandinavian Crime Fiction
Cultural Capital
On Close Reading
Professing Criticism
Aged by Culture
Beyond Solidarity
Vincent’s Books
Memoirs of the Count of Comminge and The Misfortunes of Love
Queer Others in Victorian Gothic
Aristotle’s Poetics
How to Do the History of Homosexuality
Eclipse of Action
Political Theology and Early Modernity
Sexuality and Form
Seeking Childhood
Novel Houses
The Scientific Literature
The Humanities and the Dream of America
What Do You Think, Mr. Ramirez?
Of Bridges
The Dark Gaze
Lands of Likeness
Memories of Odysseus
The Making of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein
Bacteria to AI
How We Became Posthuman
How We Think
My Mother Was a Computer
Theorising the Contemporary Zombie
Zombies in Contemporary Culture
The Re-creation of Landscape
The Virtues of Disillusionment
Imagining Extinction
Monstrous Textualities
Posthuman Gothic
Race and Romance: Coloring the Past
Beasts at Bedtime
The ’Hortus Deliciarum’ of Herrad of Hohenbourg (Landsberg)
25 Women
Perfect Wave
Seriality and Social Change
China Abroad
The Substance of Shadow
Genre in Popular Music
James M Cain Cookbook
The Cosmic Zoom
Virgil and Renaissance Culture
Things in Poems
Women’s Authorship and the Early Gothic
The Culture of Disaster
Madness and Irrationality in Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture
Gothic Britain
Migration and Identity in Nordic Literature
The Making of The Wind in the Willows
The Culture of Neural Networks
On War and Writing
At Stake
Modernism and Masculinity
Romantic Things
Experimental Games
Network Aesthetics
Mariners, Renegades and Castaways
Throw Yourself Away
Restless Nation
Gender in Modern Welsh History
The Writer as Migrant
The Unfinished
Horizons of Enchantment
Staging Contemplation
Unweaving The Odyssey
The Concept of the Book: The Production, Progression and Dissemination of Information
Gothic Machine
Invented Skins
Frames of Friction
Domestic Georgic
The Future of Illusion
The Division of Literature
Migrant Sites
The Collaborator
Dreaming in French
On Repetition
Animal Skins and the Reading Self in Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries
The Modernist Bestiary
Folk Horror
Forms of Expansion
Borrowed Knowledge
Neoliberalism and Contemporary American Literature
Love Writ Large
Forms of Attention
Passage to the Plaza
The Last Days of Mandelstam
Collections of Nothing
The Cure of Poetry in an Age of Prose
A Poet’s Guide to Poetry, Second Edition
The Rain-Maiden and the Bear-Man
Sovereign Fictions
Against Borges
The Labyrinth of Tender Force
Nature and Medieval Literature
The Order of Forms
House of Horrors
Criticism and Truth
Paper Minds
Minor Creatures
Lunar Voices
Romantic Medicine and the Gothic Imagination
No Good without Reward
Mutants and Mystics
Fascism and Modernist Literature in Norway
The God Behind the Window
Melancholia’s Dog
Culture and Liberation
Context in Literary and Cultural Studies
The Soul of the Stranger
Transatlantic Subjects
Where Does the Wild Goose Go?
The Economics of Attention
The Electronic Word
The Sexuality of History
A Power to Translate the World
Odin paa kristent pergament. En teksthistorisk studie
Grotowski’s Bridge Made of Memory
The Treadmill Affect
A Certain Justice
Sex in the World of Myth
Revolt of the Masscult
Leibniz and the Two Sophies
Wittgenstein and Modernism
After the New Criticism
Crimes of Art and Terror
Critical Terms for Literary Study, Second Edition
Children’s Literature
Prospero’s Son
Islands and Continents
Unsettling Opera
The Burden of Rhyme
The Rhetoric of Modernist Fiction
The Algerian War in French/Algerian Writing
The Writer’s Map
Lucian of Samosata Vivus Et Redivivus
Writing Singapore
Old Chains and New
Friending the Past
The Laws of Cool
The Freudian Robot
Arthur in the Celtic Languages
Book Clubs
The Lyric Now
Jesus of Nazareth in the Literature of Unamuno
The Force of Truth
I Was More American than the Americans
J’étais plus américain que les Américains
What Proust Heard
Shakespeare Dwelling
Thinking with Shakespeare
The Barthes Fantastic
The Economy of Character
Philosophy, Writing, and the Character of Thought
Writing Underground
The afterlife of Ovid
James M. Cain
Fractal Families in New Millennium Narrative by Afro-Puerto Rican Women
On Literature and Philosophy
Medieval Manuscripts from the Mainz Charterhouse in the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Making England Western
William Blake and the Impossible History of the 1790s
Educating English Daughters
Writings on the Sisters of San Luca and Their Miraculous Madonna
Uncanny Youth
Selves and Subjectivities
Exhortations to Women and to Others If They Please
Love Enamored and Driven Mad
New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, VI
Industrial Gothic
Queer Forster
Mediating Vulnerability
Writing and Muslim Identity: Representations of Islam in German and English Transcultural Literature, 1990-2006
Susan Sontag
The Forgotten Sense
The Mana of Mass Society
Sovereignty, Inc.
Recessional - Or, the Time of the Hammer
"Raw," "Weirdo," and Beyond
In the Skin of a Beast
A Social History of the Chinese Book
The Invention of the Oral
Are the Humanities Inconsequent?
Culture and Language at Crossed Purposes
The Scholar’s Art
Raymond Williams
War-Torn Exchanges
Novels and Arguments
My Poetics
The Legacy of Boethius in Medieval England: The Consolation and its Afterlives
Historical Knowledge, Historical Error
Maria Wickert: Studies in John Gower
Race and Affect in Early Modern English Literature
Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 6
Dark Lens
For Fear of the Fire
Hot Property
The Animal Claim
Climate and the Making of Worlds
The Rabbit Between Us
Reasons and Feelings
Proverbia Septentrionalia: Essays on Proverbs in Medieval Scandinavian and English Literature
The Beauty of a Social Problem
Republicanism and the American Gothic
Crises of the Sentence
Nationalists and Nomads
Theories of Africans
Hidden Hitchcock
The Conflagration of Community
New Perspectives on Welsh Industrial History
Against Theory
Cloning Terror
Critical Terms for Media Studies
Image Science
Landscape and Power, Second Edition
The Late Derrida
On Narrative
What Do Pictures Want?
Revolution of the Ordinary
The Bag Apron
Gender in the Premodern Mediterranean
The Outward Mind
The Haunted States of America
The Little Magazine in Contemporary America
Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 1
Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 2
Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 3
Writing for Justice
Wainewright the Poisoner
Dating the Sagas
Rhetoric in the Middle Ages (1974): A Bibliographic Supplement to 2016
Giambattista Marino: Adonis
Dwelling in American
The Elephants Teach
Shelley with Benjamin
The Fabulous Feminist
My Family and Other Saints
Seeing Race Before Race
Minerva’s Gothics
Franz Kafka and His Prague Contexts
Tough Enough
The Calamity Form
Keats’s Odes
Scandinavian Crime Fiction
A Century of Weird Fiction, 1832–1937
Intimating the Sacred
The Chronicle of Le Murate
Plotting with Eros
The Gothic at War
The Three Rimbauds
In the Face of Adversity
The Afterlife of Plutarch
The Matter of Language
Arbitrary Rule
Cead Isteach / Entry Permitted
An Underground Theatre
Ramsey Campbell
Women Writing War
The New Queer Gothic
Memory and Narrative
Tocharian and Indo-European Studies, Volume 15
The World Unmade
The Victorian Eye
Lady Chatterley’s Villa
Gothic Utterance
The Queer Uncanny
The 70’s Biweekly
Introducing Medieval Animal Names
Challenges to Traditional Authority
The Lucretian Renaissance
The Spell of Language
The Animal Part
New Perspectives on Gillian Clarke
Secularization and Cultural Criticism
Bohumil Hrabal
Edge of Irony
Frank O’Hara
The Futurist Moment
Radical Artifice
The Sound of Poetry / The Poetry of Sound
Unoriginal Genius
Wittgenstein’s Ladder
Amateur Sugar Maker
A Child’s Delight
A Reader’s Delight
Representing the Male
Crime Uncovered: Anti-hero
Improvising Improvisation
This Is Not a Grail Romance
Tolkien and Wales
Great Literary Friendships
From Arcadia to Revolution
Reason, Normativity and Law
Thinking Aloud
Book Was There
Philosophy by Other Means
Othea’s Letter to Hector
Isan Writers, Thai Literature
Blumhouse Productions
It Was Like a Fever
History, Historians, and Autobiography
Catastrophe and Meaning
Gothic Chapbooks, Bluebooks and Shilling Shockers, 1797–1830
From Shakespeare to Autofiction
The Gothic Condition
The Gothic and Catholicism
Paradise from behind the Iron Curtain
Dying of Thinking
Mysterious Solidarities
American Errancy
The Brontës as Gothic Writers
The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and Others
The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and Others
Music and the Racial Imagination
A Cry in the Snow
Selected Drama and Verse
The Hybrid Muse
Poetry and Its Others
Poetry in a Global Age
A Transnational Poetics
Epidemic Empire
Making Sense of Literature
Manon’s World
I Have No Regrets
Permanent Crisis
Body Gothic
The Decision Between Us
The Logic of the Lure
Wang Kuo-wei’s Jen-chien Tz’u-hua
Gothic Precarity
Rhetoric and the Digital Humanities
Altered Reading
Literary Cats
Remembering Paris in Text and Film
This America We Dream of
The Writer and the People
Journey of Five Capuchin Nuns
Making and Unmaking Literature in the Warsaw, Lodz, and Vilna Ghettos
What Happens in Literature
Postcolonial Gothic Fictions from the Caribbean, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Picturing Ourselves
Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret
The Science of Life and Death in "Frankenstein"
The Modern Spanish Sonnet
From Laughter to Forgetting
The True Medicine
Waiting for Foucault, Still
Erôs and the Polis: love in context
A Will for the Machine
I Am a Field Full of Rapeseed, Give Cover to Deer and Shine Like Thirteen Oil Paintings Laid One on Top of the Other
Seeking St. Louis
On Creaturely Life
On the Psychotheology of Everyday Life
Untying Things Together
The Family Idiot
The Fake Husband, A Comedy
The Poetry of Marcia Belisarda: A Bilingual Edition
The Curse of Cain
It’s So French!
Caribbean Literature After Independence
Reading Hegel
The Artistry of the Homeric Simile
Total Mobilization
The China Sketchbook
Faithful Renderings
Enchanted Eloquence
Bram Stoker
Duchess and Hostage in Renaissance Naples
The Accommodated Animal
Archaeologies of Vision
Darwinian Feminism and Early Science Fiction
Libraries and Books in Medieval England
Invisible Hands
Deconstructing Dignity
The Work and the Gift
American Studies as Transnational Practice
The Lyrics of the Henry VIII Manuscript
A Social Edition of the Devonshire Manuscript (BL MS Add 17,492)
Virginia Woolf Icon
Georg Simmel
The Academic Postmodern and the Rule of Literature
Romanticism and the Question of the Stranger
Romanticism, Nationalism, and the Revolt against Theory
States of Terror
Writing Places
The Key of Green
New Theoretical Perspectives on Dylan Thomas
Young Adult Gothic Fiction
Making Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
The Architecture of Aftermath
Slips of the Mind
Memoirs (1630-1680)
Literary Spinoffs
Utopia and Reality
Living Translation
The Female Autograph
The Creative Dialectic in Karen Blixen’s Essays
The Real Real Thing
The Scandal of Pleasure
What Is What Was
Between Film and Screen
Closed Circuits
Framed Time
Novel Violence
The Open Studio
Poetry and the Fate of the Senses
The Poet’s Freedom
The Ruins Lesson
Traveling in Place
Critical Terms for the Study of Gender
Ethel Wilson
The Pleasant Nights
Strindberg’s Letters, Volume 1
Strindberg’s Letters, Volume 2
The Letters of Malcolm Lowry and Gerald Noxon, 1940-1952
Letters to Her Sons, 1447–1470
Boys Will Be Boys
The Danger of Romance
Action versus Contemplation
The Space of Latin American Women Modernists
The Good Brexiteers Guide to English Lit
Snorri Sturluson and Reykholt
Words We Call Home
Best American Experimental Writing
A Critical Edition of Anthony Munday’s Palmerin d’Oliva
Gothic Remains
Apropos of Something
Madmen and Other Survivors
The Production of Local Knowledge
Convent Paradise
Letters Familiar and Formal
The Other Presences
The Mourner’s Song
I Swear I Saw This
Walter Benjamin’s Grave
Lovers, Clowns, and Fairies
The Moment of Complexity
After Life
Interacting with Print
The Opening of the American Mind
Selected Philosophical, Scientific, and Autobiographical Writings
Memory and Nation
Phenomenal Blackness
Archaeologists in Print
Reading Du Fu
Jorge Luís Borges: Borges on Shakespeare
Landscape and the Science Fiction Imaginary
The Literary Life of Things
The Hebrew Physiologus
The Country House Revisited
Crossing Ocean Parkway
Three Spanish Querelle Texts
Presenting Paradise
Checklist of Printed Material Relating to French-Canadian Literature
Matthew Gregory Lewis
Anna Trapnel’s Report and Plea; or, A Narrative of Her Journey from London into Cornwall
The Wilderness by Ts’ao Yu
The Wilderness by Ts’ao Yu
Charms, Charmers and Charming in Ireland
Jane Williams (Ysgafell)
Distant Horizons
The Tragedy of Pious Antigone (1580) by Robert Garner
Lost Times and Untold Tales from the Malay World
Gothic Music
Write Cut Rewrite
Spiritual Writings of Sister Margaret of the Mother of God (1635-1643)
Wenn ich dichten könnte
Autobiography and Letters of a Spanish Nun
Lyric Powers
Shaping Knowledge: The Transmission of the ’Liber Floridus’
The Language of Languages
Introducing the Medieval Fox
Out of Whiteness
Gothic Contemporaries
The Lost Second Book of Aristotle’s "Poetics"
Precarious Partners
On Borrowed Time
The Edge of Meaning
Soft Weapons
On Life, Death, and This and That of the Rest
Sound Writing
Art of Darkness
In Time
The Triumph of Human Empire
Science Fiction, New Space Opera, and Neoliberal Globalism
The Rhythm of Thought
Animal Rites
Before the Law
Ecological Poetics; or, Wallace Stevens’s Birds
Infinity Diary
The Book of Literary Design
The Nearest Thing to Life
Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Les Tragiques
Mary Shelley
"Pamphilia to Amphilanthus" in Manuscript and Print
Baptism by Yang Jiang
Baptism by Yang Jiang
Officialdom Unmasked
Officialdom Unmasked
Scribes of Gastronomy
Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain
Towards a History of the National-Popular in Bolivia
Marginal Scholarship and Textual Deviance (BICS Supplement 84)
Strange Likeness
Classicism of the Twenties
Modes of Faith
Patrick McGrath
Postmodern Platos
Motherhood and Childhood in Silvina Ocampo’s Works
A Different Order of Difficulty
The Neighbor
The Shell and the Kernel
The Surrealism Reader
Hölderlin’s Madness
The Kingdom and the Garden
The Darkening Nation
Receiving the Komos. Ancient and modern receptions of the Victory Ode (BICS Supplement 112)
Star Warriors of the Modern Raj
Charlotte Dacre: "The Passions"
A Thousand Cranes for India
Stories under Occupation
Modernism and Music
Music’s Monisms
Untwisting the Serpent
Enchanted Wales
Folgore da San Gimignano and his Followers: The Complete Poems
The Poetry of Burchiello: Deep-fried Nouns, Hunchbacked Pumpkins, and Other Nonsense
What Is Pastoral?
Art in Mind
South Asian Gothic
Bleak Liberalism
Love in the Mirror
Mirtilla, A Pastoral
Way Makers
Radical Coherency
Aguecheek’s Beef, Belch’s Hiccup, and Other Gastronomic Interjections
Continental Drift
History of the Gothic: Twentieth-Century Gothic
Petrarch’s Famous Men in the Early Renaissance: The Illuminated Copies of Felice Feliciano’s Edition
The Grinnell Beowulf
Crash Cultures
The Christian Religion, as Professed by a Daughter of the Church of England
Books, Readers and Libraries in Fiction
J. M. Coetzee and the Ethics of Reading
Our Vampires, Ourselves
Book M
Fictions of the Cosmos
Spectral Spain
America Lost and Found
Dialogues With the Past: Classical reception theory and practice – Volume 1 & 2 (BICS Supplement 126 -16.2)
Electra, ancient and modern: aspects of the reception of the tragic heroine (BICS Supplement 113)
Loving Yusuf
A Mieke Bal Reader
Vise and Shadow
The Modern Myths
The Wealth of Wives
Beauty and the Beast
Under New England
To Love Is to Act
The Parasite
The Arthur of the English
Signs and Images
"Simply a Particular Contemporary": Interviews, 1970–79
"A Very Fine Gift" and Other Writings on Theory
"The ’Scandal’ of Marxism" and Other Writings on Politics
Object Lessons
Reading Together
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World-Changing Rage
Critical Essays
Critical Essays
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Camera Orientalis
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The Abyss or Life Is Simple
Jacques Derrida
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The Kinds of Poetry I Want
My Way
Pitch of Poetry
Thoughts and Things
Creating the Premodern in the Postmodern Classroom
Women and Weasels
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Theories of Translation
One Must Also Be Hungarian
La littérature est un voyage de découverte
Literature Is a Voyage of Discovery
The Literary Lacan
Palaeography, Manuscript Illumination and Humanism in Renaissance Italy: Studies in Memory of A. C. de la Mare
Court and Cloister: Studies in the Short Narrative
Shakespeare on Love and Friendship
The Book Lovers’ Anthology
The Food Lovers’ Anthology
Jane Austen, Ada Lovelace, Mary Shelley Handwriting Notebook Set
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Averrunci or The Skowrers
The Red Scarf
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The Art of Growing Older
Critical Understanding
The Essential Wayne Booth
For the Love of It
The Rhetoric of Fiction
A Rhetoric of Irony
What Every Novelist Needs to Know about Narrators
Conversations, Volume 1
Conversations, Volume 2
A Bookman’s Catalogue Vol. 1 A-L
Science of Science and Reflexivity
Midwife to the Queen of France
New Technologies and Renaissance Studies
Thinking in Jewish
Digital texts, translations, lexicons in a multi-modular web application: methods and samples
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Crossing Oceans
Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Henry Miller, Happy Rock
Hemispheric Imaginations
On the Future of History
Books Like Sapphires
Mood and Trope
Literary Imagination, Ancient and Modern
Financial Gothic
The Science of Character
Finance in America
In Praise of Antiheroes
Musings on Mortality
Skeptical Music
Troubling Confessions
Other Things
Where the Great River Rises
What the Poem Wants
Apocalyptic History and the Protestant Cause in Sir Philip Sidney’s Revised Arcadia
Literary Speech Acts of the Medieval North
Revealing Structure
Gothic Invasions
The Arthur of the French
A Story Larger than My Own
The Rise of the Vampire
Sir Paul Rycaut: The Present State of the Ottoman Empire, Sixth Edition (1686)
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On The Conjugial Angel
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The Bond of the Furthest Apart
Radical as Reality
The Complete Notebooks
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Life Breaks In
Marathon – 2,500 Years. Proceedings of The Marathon Conference 2010 (BICS Supplement 124)
History as a Kind of Writing
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Something Speaks to Me
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Vladislav Vancura
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Well-Kept Ruins
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Enemies of Promise
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Imagines Italicae (3 vols) (BICS Supplement 110)
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History of the Gothic
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Sin and Salvation in Early Modern France
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Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Short Fiction
We Mark Your Memory: writings from the descendants of indenture
Challenges to the Dream
Letters to Francesco Datini
Uncivil Unions
Roald Dahl
Dylan Thomas’ Swansea, Gower and Laugharne
Edward Poeton: The Winnowing of White Witchcraft
History of the Gothic
Greek Drama III: Essays in Honour of Kevin Lee (BICS Supplement 87)
Show Me the Bone
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The Life and Writings of Luisa de Carvajal y Mendoza
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Four Shakespearean Period Pieces
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Mother Juana de la Cruz, 1481–1534
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Given Time
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Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 4
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Mickey Rourke and the Bluebird of Happiness
Weak Planet
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Senses of Style
Remaking Boethius: The English Language Translation Tradition of The Consolation of Philosophy
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L’Honnête Femme
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The Chastity Plot
Radium of the Word
Letters from the Queen of Navarre with an Ample Declaration
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Poetry in a World of Things
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Shift Sleepers
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Murder by Accident
Women Playwrights of Early Modern Spain
Chaucer’s Gifts
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Against Nature
The Past, Present, and Future of Early Modern Digital Studies
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Lines of Thought
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New Blood
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Mu Shiying
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Troubling Vision
Maladies of the Will
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Shape of Things
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A Sanskrit Treasury
The Decameron: A Critical Lexicon (Lessico Critico Decameroniano)
Georges Perec’s Geographies
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A Test of Powers
Persuasive Language in Cicero’s Pro Milone: A close reading and commentary
Madness, Language, Literature
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Before the Closet
Threads of Life
The Ideas in Things
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On Interpretive Conflict
Menander ’Perikeiromene’ or ’The Shorn Head’
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How Poems Think
Smile of Discontent
Franz Kafka
What Editors Do
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Faulkner, Mississippi
Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Avant-Garde and Modernism
Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 5
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Hearing Things
Professing Literature
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Reading Vincent van Gogh
Five Words
Unrequited Conquests
The Difficulty of Being a Dog
Palace of Books
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Shylock Is Shakespeare
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Professing Criticism
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Eclipse of Action
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What Do You Think, Mr. Ramirez?
Of Bridges
The Dark Gaze
Lands of Likeness
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Bacteria to AI
How We Became Posthuman
How We Think
My Mother Was a Computer
Theorising the Contemporary Zombie
Zombies in Contemporary Culture
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The Virtues of Disillusionment
Imagining Extinction
Monstrous Textualities
Posthuman Gothic
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25 Women
Perfect Wave
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James M Cain Cookbook
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At Stake
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Throw Yourself Away
Restless Nation
Gender in Modern Welsh History
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Staging Contemplation
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Frames of Friction
Domestic Georgic
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A Power to Translate the World
Odin paa kristent pergament. En teksthistorisk studie
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I Was More American than the Americans
J’étais plus américain que les Américains
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James M. Cain
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Exhortations to Women and to Others If They Please
Love Enamored and Driven Mad
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Mediating Vulnerability
Writing and Muslim Identity: Representations of Islam in German and English Transcultural Literature, 1990-2006
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The Mana of Mass Society
Sovereignty, Inc.
Recessional - Or, the Time of the Hammer
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Are the Humanities Inconsequent?
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Raymond Williams
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My Poetics
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Historical Knowledge, Historical Error
Maria Wickert: Studies in John Gower
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Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 6
Dark Lens
For Fear of the Fire
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The Rabbit Between Us
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Proverbia Septentrionalia: Essays on Proverbs in Medieval Scandinavian and English Literature
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Hidden Hitchcock
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Cloning Terror
Critical Terms for Media Studies
Image Science
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On Narrative
What Do Pictures Want?
Revolution of the Ordinary
The Bag Apron
Gender in the Premodern Mediterranean
The Outward Mind
The Haunted States of America
The Little Magazine in Contemporary America
Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 1
Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 2
Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, No. 3
Writing for Justice
Wainewright the Poisoner
Dating the Sagas
Rhetoric in the Middle Ages (1974): A Bibliographic Supplement to 2016
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Arbitrary Rule
Cead Isteach / Entry Permitted
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Ramsey Campbell
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American Errancy
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The Whole Book of Psalms Collected into English Metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and Others
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I Am a Field Full of Rapeseed, Give Cover to Deer and Shine Like Thirteen Oil Paintings Laid One on Top of the Other
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Ethel Wilson
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Strindberg’s Letters, Volume 2
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Letters to Her Sons, 1447–1470
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Crossing Ocean Parkway
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Presenting Paradise
Checklist of Printed Material Relating to French-Canadian Literature
Matthew Gregory Lewis
Anna Trapnel’s Report and Plea; or, A Narrative of Her Journey from London into Cornwall
The Wilderness by Ts’ao Yu
The Wilderness by Ts’ao Yu
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Jane Williams (Ysgafell)
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The Tragedy of Pious Antigone (1580) by Robert Garner
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Write Cut Rewrite
Spiritual Writings of Sister Margaret of the Mother of God (1635-1643)
Wenn ich dichten könnte
Autobiography and Letters of a Spanish Nun
Lyric Powers
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The Language of Languages
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Out of Whiteness
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Precarious Partners
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Infinity Diary
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The Nearest Thing to Life
Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Les Tragiques
Mary Shelley
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Baptism by Yang Jiang
Baptism by Yang Jiang
Officialdom Unmasked
Officialdom Unmasked
Scribes of Gastronomy
Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain
Towards a History of the National-Popular in Bolivia
Marginal Scholarship and Textual Deviance (BICS Supplement 84)
Strange Likeness
Classicism of the Twenties
Modes of Faith
Patrick McGrath
Postmodern Platos
Motherhood and Childhood in Silvina Ocampo’s Works
A Different Order of Difficulty
The Neighbor
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